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Everything posted by spiderwell

  1. no hurry, im moving house this weekend! lol
  2. if you are happy to let me look at it, you could pm the login to phpmyadmin, but of course I would understand if you didnt!!
  3. not everyone has blinding fast internet, and jpeg compression is the best way to optimize the images. you would want to get them down to 20% of the size they are now, at 1.5meg per image as a web graphic is far too large.
  4. i think my last post got lost during the site maintenace, look in nuke_stories?
  5. I would imagine that the articles are more likely in nuke_articles than in nuke_topics. That table should have names that make sense, an ID column for identifer, perhaps some other linking ID column to topics, and at least one thats might be story or article. it will likely be a TEXT,TINYTEXT,MEDIUMTEXT,LONGTEXT type, if you find it you should be able to increase its length. the data type shown in your example is varchar and has a (255) character limit, the 3600 is actually the value stored in the database. what you are looking at is 2 column table with config_name and config value as the 2 cols, and this is 1 row, with values session_length and 3600 (its safe to assume this is 1 of many pairs of values that set up the config of the site). it is possible that config table has an entry for article length and it is set there instead, but i just dont know Nuke
  6. so it looks like you have the login and out script working and a page to admin to go to when logged in. using an if statement you could direct ordinary users to a different page. the forum you speak of, is that one you have to make yourself or are you using a 3rd party one? it would be a lot of code to make a forum like this one for example. you can set permissions on them for message approval a simple message system shouldn't be too hard to devise, you would have to make a table to store messages in, then you could generate a list of users to send to from the login table. user management can be done with listing users and having a delete link passing an id , but of course that would need to be done in a secure fashion to prevent abuse, POST data might be preferable. messages could be approved via a similar list with an approve button that triggers an update on the message stored in the db to have its 'approved' column checked/true or however you choose to declare the difference between approved or not, you might want 3 options for: to be approved, approved, disapproved i hope that helps, I cant really give you any code more an idea of how i might do some parts of it if it was me.
  7. yes sorry it kind of looks out of place now! it was aimed at someone who has now been put on the naughty step, permanently.
  8. theres no need to react like that.
  9. there is nothing to stop you using the same variable for stuff, but it can lead to the problem you had if you dont keep tabs on it. I would suggest its not the prefered/recommended way, but it isn't 'illegal' for want of a better phrase
  10. well this is a very vague question asking for a lot of content, what have you got so far?
  11. it looks like you are using the same variable $result for both recordsets, and when you pass the second dataset to that variable it over writes the original. I havent studied it that closely but that was my first impression
  12. in PHP i would do it like this: $variable = "blue" while (looping) { $variable = ($variable == "blue") ? "red" : "blue"; echo "<div class=\"$variable\">"; } this uses a ternary(spelling) operator that says if colour is blue return red otherwise return blue. Should be able to work out the rest, the code clearly wont work as is
  13. we would need to know what the set up is on your system, you need to really investigate the database and find out what the details are on the column that contains the articles, its likely to be text but it will have a character limit set on it, and that is mostly likely what you need to change (increase). I dont have any personal experience of Nuke 8, so cannot do anymore than to suggest a possible scenario. google character counter, there is a few online that you can dump text into.
  14. you will need to use force download, which involves usually a bit of php: you can read up here: http://www.ryboe.com/tutorials/php-headers-force-download that link was just the top of the list when i googled forcedownload, but it will at least give you the insight of what you need to do.
  15. whats ridiculous is that you can go to jail for longer for pirating micheal jackson's music than if you killed him.
  16. to many contrasting colours, the green, purple, pink and blue with grey fills and yellow/purple buttons? not that pleasing on the eyes.
  17. if its the first key array shift should do it
  18. so where do you want the info to be? in a new tab or an overlayed div? also i dont think you has posted the relevant jquery code you have so far? or is that it, you have none?
  19. well its not to hard if you apply yourself and think what do i need registration to do. you will need a form where a user fills in details for registration, those details will need to be validated, then on success insert to database. thats it in its simplest form.
  20. the warning you are getting is just switched off on the live server, use this instead isset($_POST['submit_form'])
  21. just integrate the code give to you by kicken into your original function, but its a useful function, why not keep it seperate? if you tie it into another function it will be less resuseable
  22. would not a email server be better designed to do this kind of storage? (sorry if that sounds too obvious and is infact incorrect, my knowledge on email servers/software is next to nothing
  23. the . is used to concatenate strings together, so its expecting something like a string or variable, not a )
  24. the extra . after mysql error
  25. the mail function returns true or false depending on success or failure, you can capture that with the $sent = bit, you dont Have to do it. you could also do this way: if($email && $message ){ if (mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) { echo "Thank you for the feedback. We will be in touch with you very soon."; } else { echo 'unable to send email'; } }else{ echo "Please enter your feedback or insert your email"; } }
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