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Posts posted by steelmanronald06

  1. For example, Eclipse.  You make a breakpoint at line 3, and click the bug.  It shows an alternate window in which there is another button called Step Over. Click it and it will execute just line three. Click again and it will execute line 4.  Keep clickign and you'll work down as far as you want...plus it shows what was executed at each line.

  2. well, after using Safari, i must say it is fairly nice to have. I'm sure I could accomplish the same features with Firefox, but I would have to mod them...Some of the features are just plain nice, though.  And I probably should check my websites for proper viewing in safari anyways...

  3. Well, it appears that the Apple Update Console not only updates iTunes and installs QuickTimes, but it now automatically installs Safari! WTF is up with that???  I'm using Safari now, I'm going to give it the benefit of the doubt since anything is better than IE, but it still kinda bugs me that they instantly assume I would like to have Safari on my laptop/desktop!

  4. No offense, but I'm making close to $1200 per month in U.S. dollars and I'm just a Geek Squad agent in retail working about 28-34 hours per week.  Apart from the horrible customer it is normally pop in thumb drive, load cd, change ram, reinstall OS, or ship to service store.  Pretty easy work.  I can only imagine how much I would make at a programming job...oh how I wish I was out of college!  I can say that no matter what my new job is, tech support or programming, if they don't pay at least as much as my Geek Squad job I won't take it.  If I'm 20 and already making figures like that, and was a manager of a video store before that, I think my experience should opt for at least that when I decide to take my Undergrad degree and move on!

  5. I'm hoping that our development team will be able to make a few changes to the tutorial section. I haven't had ample time to write them up and present to them, but here is what I'm considering:


    (1) Allowing members to upload plain text (.txt) documents.  The mods/admins get an email and they approve/deny it.  If it is approved then have code parse that out and insert it into the database, delete the .txt file, and have a new entry that way...elimantes copy and paste and lets users submit tutorials without using a webbased interface/email.


    (2)  Allow users to export tutorials. Basicially see a printer friendly version, a pdf version, or a .txt verion.  Both the pdf and .txt would be downloadable.


    (3)  Better commenting system


    Like I said, everything we decide on is pretty much put to a vote for fairness...I've yet to run all this by the dev team, but mainly cause I'm out of town and don't have time to do so.  I will be doing so, though, because I've been thinking for a while of ways to improve the tutorial section.

  6. Okay everyone. this is your one and only chance.  I've had many a members bitching about the phpfreaks site, but there were so many things needing done that it was hard to get them all completed. However, due to recent events we have been forced to remove the PHPFreaks site and start anew.  Pretty much we're making it more secure, rebuilding it, and adding new features. So, like I said earlier, this is your one and only chance.  Suggest features that you would like to see in the new site.



    BE WARNED!  This is not a chance for you to bitch about the problems you had with the site. It is also not a chance for you to argue with us.  It is merely the chance for you to say what you think would benefit the community.  Like what would you like to see tutorial wise...news wise....content wise.  If you post here jut ot bitch about how bad the old site was, or to cut others ideas down, your post WILL be deleted without future regard or notification.

  7. int limit = 10000;
    	// Declare variables
    	int n, factor, sum;
    	// Loop through for perfect numbers
    	for (n = 2; n <= limit; n++) {
    		sum = 0;
    		for (factor = 1; factor <= n/2; factor++) {
    			if (n % factor == 0) {
    				sum += factor;
    				if (n == sum) {


    Okay, that is what i've got so far.  Now here is the output:










    Now according to this wikipedia article on perfect numbers, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_number, there are numbers in my return result that are not perfct.  Pretty much 24 and 2016 don't belong...there might be others. So, I need to know what i'm doing wrong. I can't seem to find why it is also including 24 and 2016 as a perfect number, considering the fact that it is NOT a perfect number.  :-/

  8. Any use of our information on your site, without permission, is copyright infringement.  Also, if you start downloading the site using automated scripts, it will slow our servers down, and Eric will just block you using a firewall and all your hard work will be shot.  So in essence, no you do not have our permission.  End of discussion.

  9. Your best bet is to go to a University and take a Computer Science major with a minor in Graphic Designing. That should put you in the College of Engineering or the college of science, and the minor will be under the college of art.  The only reason that they teach yo a programming language is to use as a reference for the theory that they teach you. Everything you learn in Java or C#, depending on what the language is, will help you to relate to the theories that you study in your other courses.  Take a look at this:  http://checksheets.ou.edu/compsci.pdf  That is a degree checklist for my degree, and it is pretty standard with most universities...that is why all universities have a transfer matrix. That matrix says, "This class at this university is the same as this class at this university." It is an attempt to make sure that all universities teach basically the same thing, and hopefully you will be able to transfer all your classes from one place to the next until you get your degree.


    Take a look at, for example, the math.  Almost everything is math based. All programming has math, so they just load the math on you. Be prepared for a lot of math. I went ahead and declared a minor in math, because by the time i graduate i'll be able to qualify for that minor.  Then there is Principles of Programing Languages.  This is a primer on ALL programming languages. Learn one and you pretty much learn them all, with the exception of minor syntax differences and some languages offer more/less than others.  also, at the bottom of that page is a list of all the classes again, but with a description of what you'll learn in each of those classes.  Hope this helps.

  10. that site is shit. links are broken, there is no dynamic content loading, when you go into the payment plans there are no actual fees. they just expect a credit card?!  also, when you go into the beginner plan, every link is like refreshing the page because it points to the beginner package url.  every link! i honestly don't see how this is a secure or safe site...plus, they want others to redesign it for them as part of their contest? Sounds like their trying to get free work, their going to declare a winner that doesn't exist, and tell everyone else they lose so they won't be out any money.

  11. Firstly, no college is going to really teach PHP unless they have a web programming major...in that case, it would probably be a community college. Universities normally only offer computer science and computer engineering.  Computer science is normally taught Java or C#, and if your not a computer science major you can normally take programming for non-cs majors (c++ usually or VB .NET)  College doesn't really teach you a language, it teaches you the mechanics behind programming and the theory.  With that theory you can, essentially, pick up any programming language with ease.

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