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Posts posted by steelmanronald06

  1. yes.  the administrative team is looking into that now.  the account was, for all intents and purposes, deleted by some unknown action. Now the account has re-appeared, but the post count does not match up correctly.  So, firstly we are working on getting hold of an smf developer who is a member of our forums to see if he knows of any bugs in the system. Also, I don't know how the other mods/admins feel about you now having two accounts.  We won't be taking any action against any of your accoutns for the time being, mainly because it seems that your account might vanish at random again.  My suggestion is to change your password on both accounts, and on your email just in canse they know your email password and can get your pass reset.  Anyways, it appears that the database has deleted you, then added you back, then banned you, then unbanned you, and then edited your post count.

  2. I think the entire thing is just a waste of time, database space, and shows a lack of maturity.  I refuse to answer/reply to peoples questions in the forums when they speak excessively like that, or use IM styled typing.  The same goes for when friends send me IM's.  I won't answer them till they re-word the sentence properly, or at least close enough, and now most of my AIM/MSN/YIM/ICQ buddies have picked up the hint.

  3. even if someone logged in and deleted it, the admins still have to approve it.  That makes ober, eric, and myself. eric doesn't mess with the site much, that is why he signed on ober and myself.  neither i nor ober deleted it because it would be in the logs.  no mods deleted it, because we would see that in the logs to.. as for the database itself, ober and myself have not deleted any users from it.  it is quite possible that there is a glitch in the smf version, in which case i'll see if i can get hold of one of the smf developers that are a part of this community.

  4. yeah,  but sometimes it is (A) easier just to put in .htaccess and not worry about screwing up something in php.ini or httpd.conf, and (B) if you have a host then most of the time, unless it is a server, they won't let you do anything but add .htaccess (which is rare).


    Since it is the first time he has heard of it, I just gave him the easiest, and most likely, option.

  5. Try BestBuy.com. We also have a best buy in china/hong kong now.  So, something you might want to consider. we also ship to countries overseas and our Mangolia store ships within canada.  :) oh the joys of working for best buy during the holidays....just so you guys know,  us retail sales people hate you during the holidays. LOL!

  6. Unfortunatly, college doesn't really teach programming languages. they teach the math and logic so that you can easily pick up any language you choose. the one exception is that you capstone is normally a programming project so most colleges will offer a single 2 semester class that covers the language your capstone will be in.  The downside is that most colleges only teach C++, Java, or Visual Basic .NET.  Like the above people suggest, pick up a good book.  If you want to pay money, find some programmers in your area and contact them about mentoring.  It shouldn't be to hard for you to meet once or twice a week and go over some things that you need to learn PHP.

  7. Well, here is what you got.  I'm a computer science major and we get to learn ONE programming language....Java.  Guess what....I already taught myself Java. Everything else is Algorithms, Data Structures and Mining, Calc. 1-4, and a Capstone.  Pretty much pointless, but i get to go for free, and I don't mind the homework/school work because I balance it out with all the college parties. 

  8. http://www.windowsecurity.com/articles/Customizing-Windows-Firewall.html


    there! that wasn't to fucking hard. took 2 minutes on google, and only because my internet is running slow.


    Also, a word of caution. Both of those ports are open because of windows.  Closing them COULD stop some core windows services.  You will really just need to block them and see what happens.  Personally, I don't see what the big deal is about them being open.  Also, if you had a router you could restrict the ports that way. but don't ask us to explain that here. We don't know what router you have, and don't want to learn about it just to help.  Google is great or the manual.

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