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Everything posted by ryanfilard

  1. I use this: <?php $form_message = true; if ($form_message) echo ' <h1> Need to contact me? </h1> <p> Please fill out your details and press the submit button to email me. <span class="bold">All fields are required</span>, thank you.</p><br /> '; ?>
  2. ORDER BY ID DESC "id" is uppercase it should be like this ORDER BY id DESC I had this issue once
  3. How would I make a script to Create Temporary TXT file on load
  4. Everything is great but the logo could be easier to read.
  5. Try This: <?PHP $t = echo '<a href=\"../'.($r['accounttyperaw'] == '') ? 'c' : 'u'.'/'.($r['accounttyperaw'] == '') ? $r['companytag'] : $r['feedusername'].'\">'.ucwords($r['feedfirstname'].' '.$r['feedlastname']).' has updated</a>'; ?>
  6. What is the maximum amount of records in mysql if there is one?
  7. How is the style of my website? Do you like it? I had someone from this forum touch it up a little. http://www.ryanweekly.com
  8. I fixed everything but the Verify Script I don't think there are any more issues beside SQL Injection
  9. How do I make a verify script for my website. After a user registers they have to verify via email link https://www.ryanweekly.com/register.php
  10. mysql_query("SELECT * FROM yourtable ORDER BY id DESC")
  11. Did you try the "ORDER BY id DESC" It works here: http://ryanweekly.com/user/index.php?p=ryanweekly
  12. Try This: $f_q = mysql_query("SELECT * DISTINCT thread FROM jos_kunena_messages ORDER BY id DESC");
  13. My email is ryanweekly@gmail.com what is really bad please email me
  14. It is great! I did not see any problems with your website.
  15. Try this: body { text-align: center; }
  16. It is because the div is automatically readjusting itself.
  17. I use this: <?php $link = mysql_connect("localhost", "myuser", "mypass"); mysql_select_db("login_system", $link); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users", $link); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); $totalone = $num_rows ; echo "$totalone"; ?>
  18. How would I become a global moderator for the forum?
  19. header("location:yourpage.php"); it should redirect you. Here is the redirect code in html <meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=http://www.yourweb.com/index.html">
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