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  1. thats not the issue the line issue is with the $time_left = $event_date->diff($now)->format('%m months %d days %h hours %i minutes'); style line! i exaplined that up there! ^^^
  2. H is the hour in 24 hour format example 18:00 and Y is the full 4 char date! example 1999
  3. I want to make sure it has 0 days difference etc also it needs to be H and Y, but i cant get it working 100% any ideas?
  4. even tried a function function Diff($now, $evt_start){ $now=new DateTime(); echo new DateTime($evt_start)->diff($now)->format('%m months %d days %h hours %i minutes'); }
  5. Error Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function diff() on string in /var/www/html/apps/calendar/cron_test2.php:91 Stack trace: #0 {main} thrown in /var/www/html/apps/calendar/cron_test2.php on line 91 that line is $now=new DateTime(); $difference=$evt_start->diff($now)->format('%m months %d days %h hours %i minutes');
  6. Also 2022-09-09 14:55:00 is in a db entry! should i strip last 3 chars from it?
  7. Ok in response to that i tried while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $now=new DateTime(); //while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){ $SwitchID=$row["evt_id"]; $SwitchUser=$row["username"]; $SwitchText=$row["evt_text"]; $evt_start=$row["evt_start"]; // $event_date $SwitchExpire_o=$row["evt_end"]; $SwitchActive=$row["email_sent_status"]; // $Timer_template=$SwitchExpire; //$evt_start=substr($evt_start, 0, -3); // if($SwitchActive=='0'){ $switch_status='Active';} $SwitchExpire=strtotime($SwitchExpire_o); $difference=$evt_start->diff($now)->format('%m months %d days %h hours %i minutes'); // 3 months 24 days 22 hours 34 minutes $month=date('m',$difference); $days=date('d',$difference); // $days=$days; $hours=date('h',$difference); $mins=date('i',$difference); // $hours=$hours-12; // $month=$month-1; // $event_date=new DateTime('2022-05-15 15:00:00'); //$time_left=time_ago($date_time); $time_left=$month." Months ". $days." Days ".$hours." Hours ".$mins." Minutes"; And i cant see any output echo 'Time & Date: '.$now; echo "<p>"; echo "Event Start $evt_start"; echo "Difference: $difference";
  8. #!/usr/bin/php -q <title>J~Net Calendar Reminder</title> <?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; require("/var/www/html/vendor/autoload.php"); $basepath="/var/www/html/apps/calendar/"; ini_set("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); $rowcount=''; ?> <style> a:hover{ color: yellow; } </style> <?php function includeFileWithVariables($fileName, $variables) { extract($variables); include($fileName); } function Deadsend($SwitchUser,$SwitchText, $time_left, $SwitchEmail_to){ $to="$SwitchEmail_to"; $from="REDACTED!"; $subject='REDACTED! Calendar Reminder Email Service'; $message='<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>J~Net Message</title></head><body style="margin:0px;font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;"><div style="padding:10px;background:#333;font-size:24px;color:#CCC;"> <a href="https://REDACTED!.sytes.net/"><img src="http://REDACTED!.sytes.net/images/logoREDACTED!.png" width="36" height="30" alt="" style="border:none;float:left;"></a><p><br>Hi there, You have a Reminder Notification For a Calendar Event<p><br>'.$SwitchText.' Time Left '.$time_left.'</div><div style="padding:24px;font-size:17px;"><br /><br /> <p> <br> <a href="https://REDACTED!.sytes.net/apps/calendar">Visit J~Net Calendar</a><br /></div></body></html>'; $mail=new PHPMailer; $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->SMTPDebug=0; // 2 is default $mail->Host='REDACTED!'; $mail->Port=587; $mail->SMTPAuth=true; $mail->Username='REDACTED!'; $mail->Password='REDACTED!'; // $mail->setFrom('REDACTED!', 'REDACTED!'); $mail->addReplyTo('REDACTED!scripts@gmail.com', 'REDACTED!'); $mail->addAddress("$to", "$to"); $mail->Subject="$subject"; $mail->msgHTML("$message"); //$mail->Body='This is a plain text message body'; //$mail->addAttachment('test.txt'); if (!$mail->send()) { echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo 'The email message was sent.'; } } // $username=$_SESSION['username']; $output=$displayList=''; include_once("agoTimeFormat.php"); $myAgoObject=new convertToAgo; $today=time(); $todays_date=date('Y-m-d h:m', $today);// , time()); $todaysonehouradjustment=strtotime(time()) + 60*60; $todays_year=date("Y");//-1 $todays_month=date('m',$todaysonehouradjustment);//-1 $todays_day=date('d',$todaysonehouradjustment);//-1 $todays_hour=date('h',$todaysonehouradjustment);//-1 $e=""; require("db.php"); $sql="SELECT * FROM events WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR) < evt_start AND email_sent_status='0' LIMIT 1"; //2022-08-25 14:00:00 $query=mysqli_query($db_conx_crn, $sql); // Return the number of rows in result set $rowcount=mysqli_num_rows($query); $displayList="";// Initialize the display variable here $switch_status='Not Active'; while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { //while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){ $SwitchID=$row["evt_id"]; $SwitchUser=$row["username"]; $SwitchText=$row["evt_text"]; $evt_start=$row["evt_start"]; $SwitchExpire_o=$row["evt_end"]; $SwitchActive=$row["email_sent_status"]; // $Timer_template=$SwitchExpire; if($SwitchActive=='0'){ $switch_status='Active';} $SwitchExpire=strtotime($SwitchExpire_o); $difference=($evt_start-$todaysonehouradjustment); $month=date('m',$difference);//-1 $year=date('Y',$difference);//-1 $days=date('d',$difference); $hours=date('h',$difference); $mins=date('i',$difference); $hours=$hours;//-12 //$month=$month;//-1 $evt_start=substr($evt_start, 0, -3); $date_time=strftime("%Y %M, %D", strtotime($evt_start)); //$date_now=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //$date = '2014-04-10 14:20:15'; //$time_left=time_ago($date_time); $time_left=$month." Months ". $days." Days ".$hours." Hours ".$mins." Minutes"; if($todaysonehouradjustment>$evt_start){ $time_left="Expired!";} $displayList .= '<br />'.$time_left.'<br />Text: '.$SwitchText.'<p><br> Start '.$evt_start.' Status '.$switch_status.' Email To '. $e.'<p> Time Remaining:<p>'.$time_left.'<p> <a href="index.php">Edit</a> <p>'; //include("countdown3.php?time=$SwitchExpire"); if($time_left=="Expired!" && $todays_month==$month && $todays_year==$year){ // Get email $sql="SELECT email FROM users WHERE username='$SwitchUser' AND banned='0' LIMIT 1"; $query=mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql); $numrows=mysqli_num_rows($query) or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($db_conx)); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $e=$row["email"]; } Deadsend($SwitchUser, $SwitchText, $time_left, $e); $sql="UPDATE events SET email_sent_status='1' WHERE evt_id='$SwitchID'"; //Update Code! $query=mysqli_query($db_conx_crn, $sql); }} //echo $displayList; if($rowcount > 0){ //$output=$displayList; } else { $output=' <p>No Switches Exist, <a href="create.php">Create A Calendar Reminder</a> '; } ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/calendar.css"> <center> <p><br> <div style="float:center;height:auto;width:700px;background:#EBEBEB;margin-left:25px;margin-right:5px;box-shadow: 1px 3px 4px #666;"> <p><br> <h2>J~Net Calendar Reminder</h2> </p> <?php //$todays_date=date('Y/m/d h:i', $today); //$target_date=date('Y-m-d H:i', $SwitchExpire); echo 'Todays Time & Date: '.$todays_date; #!/usr/bin/php -q <title>Calendar Reminder</title> <?php date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); use PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer; require("/var/www/html/vendor/autoload.php"); $basepath="/var/www/html/apps/calendar/"; ini_set("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); $rowcount=''; ?> <style> a:hover{ color: yellow; } </style> <?php function includeFileWithVariables($fileName, $variables) { extract($variables); include($fileName); } function Deadsend($SwitchUser,$SwitchText, $time_left, $SwitchEmail_to){ $to="$SwitchEmail_to"; $from="REDACTED!"; $subject='REDACTED! Calendar Reminder Email Service'; $message='<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>J~Net Message</title></head><body style="margin:0px;font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;"><div style="padding:10px;background:#333;font-size:24px;color:#CCC;"> <a href="https://REDACTED!.sytes.net/"><img src="http://REDACTED!.sytes.net/images/logoREDACTED!.png" width="36" height="30" alt="" style="border:none;float:left;"></a><p><br>Hi there, You have a Reminder Notification For a Calendar Event<p><br>'.$SwitchText.' Time Left '.$time_left.'</div><div style="padding:24px;font-size:17px;"><br /><br /> <p> <br> <a href="https://REDACTED!.sytes.net/apps/calendar">Visit J~Net Calendar</a><br /></div></body></html>'; $mail=new PHPMailer; $mail->isSMTP(); $mail->SMTPDebug=0; // 2 is default $mail->Host='REDACTED!'; $mail->Port=587; $mail->SMTPAuth=true; $mail->Username='REDACTED!'; $mail->Password='REDACTED!'; // $mail->setFrom('REDACTED!', 'REDACTED!'); $mail->addReplyTo('REDACTED!scripts@gmail.com', 'REDACTED!'); $mail->addAddress("$to", "$to"); $mail->Subject="$subject"; $mail->msgHTML("$message"); if (!$mail->send()) { echo 'Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { echo 'The email message was sent.'; } } // $username=$_SESSION['username']; $output=$displayList=''; include_once("agoTimeFormat.php"); $myAgoObject=new convertToAgo; $today=time(); $todays_date=date('Y-m-d h:m', $today);// , time()); $todaysonehouradjustment=strtotime(time()) + 60*60; $todays_year=date("Y");//-1 $todays_month=date('m',$todaysonehouradjustment);//-1 $todays_day=date('d',$todaysonehouradjustment);//-1 $todays_hour=date('h',$todaysonehouradjustment);//-1 $e=""; require("db.php"); $sql="SELECT * FROM events WHERE DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR) < evt_start AND email_sent_status='0' LIMIT 1"; //2022-08-25 14:00:00 $query=mysqli_query($db_conx_crn, $sql); // Return the number of rows in result set $rowcount=mysqli_num_rows($query); $displayList="";// Initialize the display variable here $switch_status='Not Active'; while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { //while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query)){ $SwitchID=$row["evt_id"]; $SwitchUser=$row["username"]; $SwitchText=$row["evt_text"]; $evt_start=$row["evt_start"]; $SwitchExpire_o=$row["evt_end"]; $SwitchActive=$row["email_sent_status"]; // $Timer_template=$SwitchExpire; if($SwitchActive=='0'){ $switch_status='Active';} $SwitchExpire=strtotime($SwitchExpire_o); $difference=($evt_start-$todaysonehouradjustment); $month=date('m',$difference);//-1 $year=date('Y',$difference);//-1 $days=date('d',$difference); $hours=date('h',$difference); $mins=date('i',$difference); $hours=$hours;//-12 //$month=$month;//-1 $evt_start=substr($evt_start, 0, -3); $date_time=strftime("%Y %M, %D", strtotime($evt_start)); //$date_now=date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //$date = '2014-04-10 14:20:15'; //$time_left=time_ago($date_time); $time_left=$month." Months ". $days." Days ".$hours." Hours ".$mins." Minutes"; if($todaysonehouradjustment>$evt_start){ $time_left="Expired!";} $displayList .= '<br />'.$time_left.'<br />Text: '.$SwitchText.'<p><br> Start '.$evt_start.' Status '.$switch_status.' Email To '. $e.'<p> Time Remaining:<p>'.$time_left.'<p> <a href="index.php">Edit</a> <p>'; //include("countdown3.php?time=$SwitchExpire"); if($time_left=="Expired!" && $todays_month==$month && $todays_year==$year){ // Get email $sql="SELECT email FROM users WHERE username='$SwitchUser' AND banned='0' LIMIT 1"; $query=mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql); $numrows=mysqli_num_rows($query) or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($db_conx)); while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $e=$row["email"]; } Deadsend($SwitchUser, $SwitchText, $time_left, $e); $sql="UPDATE events SET email_sent_status='1' WHERE evt_id='$SwitchID'"; //Update Code! $query=mysqli_query($db_conx_crn, $sql); }} //echo $displayList; if($rowcount > 0){ //$output=$displayList; } else { $output=' <p>No Switches Exist, <a href="create.php">Create A Calendar Reminder</a> '; } ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/calendar.css"> <center> <p><br> <div style="float:center;height:auto;width:700px;background:#EBEBEB;margin-left:25px;margin-right:5px;box-shadow: 1px 3px 4px #666;"> <p><br> <h2>J~Net Calendar Reminder</h2> </p> <?php //$todays_date=date('Y/m/d h:i', $today); //$target_date=date('Y-m-d H:i', $SwitchExpire); echo 'Todays Time & Date: '.$todays_date; echo "<p>"; echo "Event Time & Date $evt_start"; echo "<p>"; echo "Time Difference! $difference"; //echo 'Target Time & Date: '.$target_date; //echo $displayList; //echo $output;?> <p><br> echo "<p>"; echo "Event Time & Date $evt_start"; echo "<p>"; echo "Time Difference! $difference"; //echo 'Target Time & Date: '.$target_date; //echo $displayList; //echo $output;?> <p><br> <p><a href="../">Back</a></p> </div> As you can see i been trying this for a while and may have redundant parts and im getting error #!/usr/bin/php -q Notice: A non well formed numeric value encountered in /var/www/html/apps/calendar/cron_test.php on line 89 Can someone tell me what im doing wrong please? I want it only to find events with and before 1 hour before event start time if its the correct year and month and day and 1 hour before event hour if this makes sense but not send if longer than an hour but less than an hour to go then email is to be sent, any ideas how to do this?
  9. Hi I want to upload 1 static file as an attachment (it never changes name or location how can i do this? as it will be an automatic script where a user enteres there email (hence the $e var) can you maybe help me get this code working as im getting no file attached i can post my code if it helps but its a static file and named the same file in the same place all the time but it sends email but the attached file is missing from the email and i have no idea why i have tryed so many different ways, i wish to not use phpmailer or swift i just want to use php if at all posible please help. $random_hash = md5(date('r', time())); $to = "$e"; $from = "admin@jnetscripts.com"; $subject = 'J~Net SSL Certificate Notification!'; $message = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>J~Net Message</title></head><body style="margin:0px; font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;"><div style="padding:10px; background:#333; font-size:24px; color:#CCC;"><a href="http://www.jnetscripts.com/premium/ssl_cirtificate.zip"><img src="http://www.jnetscripts.com/images/logojnet.png" width="36" height="30" alt="Click To Visit" style="border:none; float:left;"></a> Hi there, You have a new Balance on J~Net </div><div style="padding:24px; font-size:17px;"><br /><br />Hi '.$username.' Heres your SSL Certificates You Requested! Any Questions or issues please Contact Multimedia @ J~Net <p> <a href="http://www.jnetscripts.com/multimedia</a><br /></div></body></html>'; $headers = "From: $from\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed\n\n"; $header .= "name=\"ssl_cirtificate.zip\"\n\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/zip; name=\"ssl_cirtificate.zip\"\n\n"; $header .= "--$random_hash--";
  10. can you post the working code as im getting no file attached i can post my code if it helps but its a static file and named the same file in the same place all the time but it sends email but the attached file is missing from the email and i have no idea why i have tryed so many different ways, i wish to not use phpmailer or swift i just want to use php if at all posible please help. $random_hash = md5(date('r', time())); $to = "$e"; $from = "admin@jnetscripts.com"; $subject = 'J~Net SSL Certificate Notification!'; $message = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>J~Net Message</title></head><body style="margin:0px; font-family:Tahoma, Geneva, sans-serif;"><div style="padding:10px; background:#333; font-size:24px; color:#CCC;"><a href="http://www.jnetscripts.com/premium/ssl_cirtificate.zip"><img src="http://www.jnetscripts.com/images/logojnet.png" width="36" height="30" alt="Click To Visit" style="border:none; float:left;"></a> Hi there, You have a new Balance on J~Net </div><div style="padding:24px; font-size:17px;"><br /><br />Hi '.$username.' Heres your SSL Certificates You Requested! Any Questions or issues please Contact Multimedia @ J~Net <p> <a href="http://www.jnetscripts.com/multimedia</a><br /></div></body></html>'; $headers = "From: $from\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed\n\n"; $header .= "name=\"ssl_cirtificate.zip\"\n\n"; $header .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n"; $header .= "Content-Type: application/zip; name=\"ssl_cirtificate.zip\"\n\n"; $header .= "--$random_hash--";
  11. sorted now moved to http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=356049.0 please help on that post to prevent the "hijacking"
  12. <?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Members Upload Page</title> <link href="/css/loginmodule.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <body style="background:#000000"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> <style type="text/css"> A{font:18px/20px Verdana;color:#33CC66;margin-left:10px;} #Header{font:18px Verdana;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;color:#000000;} .TableHeader{font:18px Verdana;font-weight:bold;color:#000000;padding-left:15px;} .BodyCaption{font:18px/20px Verdana;font-weight:bold;color:#000000;} .BodyText{font:11px/20px Verdana;color:#000000;margin-left:20px;} </style> <a style="#00FF80"> <h1>Welcome <?php echo $_SESSION['SESS_FIRST_NAME'];?></h1> <a href="/">Back To Home Page</a> | <a href="/">Back</a> <p> <center> <p>Profile Picture Uploader </p> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <h1>J~Net</h1> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="up2.php" method="POST"> Please choose a file: <input name="uploaded" type="file" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Upload" /pics> </form> <?php $target = "/pics"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $filename = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $path = $target = "/pics"; $mysql_path = $path."/".$filename; $ok=1; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)) { echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded"; } else { echo "Please Browse For The File You Wish To Upload."; } ?> </td> <P>You Are Authorised To View The Following Pages... </p> <center> <a href="/developer/jay/uploads/">View Uploaded Files</a></p> <a href="/apps/time_clock/timeclock.php">Clock In</a></p> Default password is "password" and should be changed!<p> </p> </p> <a href="http://www.box.net/shared/a6ztyzdodn">J~Webs Start Page Update File (From Box.net)!</a></p> <?php include("connect.inc.php"); //sql query to be executed. $sql = "INSERT INTO `users`(`filename`,`path`) VALUES ('$filename','$mysql_path')"; ?> </a><br><br><form action="http://google.com/search" name=f><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign=top><td width=25%> </td><td align=center nowrap><input name=hl type=hidden value=en><input maxlength=2048 name=q size=55 title="Google Search" value=""><br><input name=btnG type=submit value="Google Search"><input name=btnI type=submit value="I'm Feeling Lucky"></td><td nowrap width=25%><font size=-2> <a href=http://google.com/advanced_search?hl=en>Advanced Search</a><br> <a href=http://google.com/preferences?hl=en>Preferences</a><br> <a href=http://google.com/language_tools?hl=en>Language Tools</a></font></td></tr><tr><td align=center colspan=3><font size=-1><span style="text-align:left">Search: <input id=all type=radio name=meta value="" checked><label for=all> the web </label><input id=cty type=radio name=meta value="cr=countryUK|countryGB"><label for=cty> pages from the UK <p><a href="/"><img src="input.gif" </a> <center> <?php include "/css/footer.php"; ?> </body> </html> any ideas why this doesn't upload pic to folder and update to my database the details? the page displays but dosnt do the 2 tasks.
  13. it wont let me post there iv said that and im not hijacking nothing where all in similar boats
  14. it wont let me comment or reply on my own thread so il have to ask where i can and also more subscribers to the thread is faster response time <?php error_reporting (E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Members Upload Page</title> <link href="/css/loginmodule.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <body style="background:#000000"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico"> <style type="text/css"> A{font:18px/20px Verdana;color:#33CC66;margin-left:10px;} #Header{font:18px Verdana;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;color:#000000;} .TableHeader{font:18px Verdana;font-weight:bold;color:#000000;padding-left:15px;} .BodyCaption{font:18px/20px Verdana;font-weight:bold;color:#000000;} .BodyText{font:11px/20px Verdana;color:#000000;margin-left:20px;} </style> <a style="#00FF80"> <h1>Welcome <?php echo $_SESSION['SESS_FIRST_NAME'];?></h1> <a href="/">Back To Home Page</a> | <a href="/">Back</a> <p> <center> <p>Profile Picture Uploader </p> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <h1>J~Net</h1> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="up2.php" method="POST"> Please choose a file: <input name="uploaded" type="file" /><br /> <input type="submit" value="Upload" /pics> </form> <?php $target = "/pics"; $target = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $filename = $target . basename( $_FILES['uploaded']['name']) ; $path = $target = "/pics"; $mysql_path = $path."/".$filename; $ok=1; if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $target)) { echo "The file ". basename( $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name']). " has been uploaded"; } else { echo "Please Browse For The File You Wish To Upload."; } ?> </td> <P>You Are Authorised To View The Following Pages... </p> <center> <a href="/developer/jay/uploads/">View Uploaded Files</a></p> <a href="/apps/time_clock/timeclock.php">Clock In</a></p> Default password is "password" and should be changed!<p> </p> </p> <a href="http://www.box.net/shared/a6ztyzdodn">J~Webs Start Page Update File (From Box.net)!</a></p> <?php include("connect.inc.php"); //sql query to be executed. $sql = "INSERT INTO `users`(`filename`,`path`) VALUES ('$filename','$mysql_path')"; ?> </a><br><br><form action="http://google.com/search" name=f><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign=top><td width=25%> </td><td align=center nowrap><input name=hl type=hidden value=en><input maxlength=2048 name=q size=55 title="Google Search" value=""><br><input name=btnG type=submit value="Google Search"><input name=btnI type=submit value="I'm Feeling Lucky"></td><td nowrap width=25%><font size=-2> <a href=http://google.com/advanced_search?hl=en>Advanced Search</a><br> <a href=http://google.com/preferences?hl=en>Preferences</a><br> <a href=http://google.com/language_tools?hl=en>Language Tools</a></font></td></tr><tr><td align=center colspan=3><font size=-1><span style="text-align:left">Search: <input id=all type=radio name=meta value="" checked><label for=all> the web </label><input id=cty type=radio name=meta value="cr=countryUK|countryGB"><label for=cty> pages from the UK <p><a href="/"><img src="input.gif" </a> <center> <?php include "/css/footer.php"; ?> </body> </html> page shows but no file is uploaded and no database updates happen any ideas please?
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