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Everything posted by BrendanMullan

  1. <script type="text/javascript"> window.location = "thankyou.php"; </script>
  2. Oh string replace i was strying substr, thanks for your help life saverr
  3. On second thoughts i have <?php if ($mto == $user){ echo"<font style='font-size: 14px;'>".$row2['message']; ?><br></font> <?php }else{ echo "<font color='red'>@".$mto."</font>"; echo " "; echo $row2['message']; } ?> So if i send a message to no one it will echo out normal but if i send it to someone else it will spilt the message and get the first word which is there user @user, but after @user i want to display the mesasage but putting $row2['message']; in will diaply the @user again because when sending a message you need to include @user at the start , how can i get rid of that after i have grabbed it from the string?
  4. <?php $st = "@Brendan Hey Man"; $pizza = "@Brendan hey man"; $pieces = explode(" ", $pizza); echo "<font color='red'>".$pieces[0]; // piece1 ?> Got It
  5. Hi all just a bit like twitter i have a message system where when one recieves a mail i want there username to be like @user in blue but when sending a message the @user is in the message itself along with the actual message itsself, so i am trying to get the @ and everything after it so i can then change its color, can anyone help with this?
  6. You cant use num rows when updating only when selecting.
  7. I cant give out code just now and its on a local sever, i think it may be that i have javascript on the page that it makes it look funny while loading im not sure.
  8. Hello i have a form on my page which submits on the same page but sometimes when i press submit and the page reloads the header padding comes out on the page so its actually split from the top of the screen and when its loaded it goes back, i have both margin and padding set to 0 for the body and header so dont know why this is happening, can someone help me out with this?
  9. Ah i missed that lol. Anyway for this to only work with uses not images ect? My icon on my heaer is called icon.png and when i go to a members profile the image no longer shows (just shows broken image) and when i view the image it takes me to /user/icon.png acting as if thats a profile Edit.. Using ../ in front of the links on the page such as <a href="login.php">Login to ../login.php seems to work,. is that ok to use?
  10. that got it but now when i go to the members page i cant retrive the users info from the $_GET['username']; anyone i can still do that?
  11. Hi my social networking site has users profiles like domain.com/members.php?username=user and i want domian.com/user or if easier domain.com/user/user but i have read many threads in here and tried out alot of the mod rewerites and none of them work, can someone help me please?
  12. I have tried like this RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/(.+)$ /members.php?username=$1 does nothing RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+) members.php?username=$1 RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$ $2.php?username=$1 takes out the members.php but stays on members page cant go anywhere else
  13. Looking at a lot of the threads there i have tried a few ways and with no luck, i seen there is a way with php maybe, i have the username in the database that i want for the url so www.domain.com/username, anyone know a way i can grab the users username and replace the members.php?username=user with it?
  14. Would i have to create a page for each user called there name? or can i rewrite the members.php?username=user to only show as /user
  15. Hi everone i am currently building a social network website, i have it mostly finished but one thing i am trying to do is instead of my members having the profile name of www.domain.com/ members.php?username=04836flfgkfifg84 for example, i want it to be like twitter or facebook where it is like www.facebook.com/Brendan Can someone help me out on doing this?
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