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Everything posted by JaEvans

  1. So I posted the same question on another forum and this is the answer I got: I tried to lookup the documentation for these functions, but couldn't find it (nor could I even locate this module to look at the source). So the best I can do is tell you how to skip that part entirely if the error is going to be trigger. Change this: PHP Code: else modNivoSliderHelper::render($params, $folders, $images); ?> To this: PHP Code: elseif(isset($folders)) modNivoSliderHelper::render($params, $folders, $images); ?> So this worked and I no longer have the error message bothering me. This is exactly what I was looking for I just did not know how to write it. It looks like what I was doing wrong is I was placing the if isset after the original code rather than before it. I know that this does not define the variable but because the error was really a notice and non important at that, All I needed was for it to stop showing up.
  2. This response is absolutely fantastic. Just to reiterate, this is not my script. The script was written by monstertemplates.com It is for an image slider. I guess the key is to figure out if I need to provide some default values, or call a different function. I am not sure how to write the code for either and I guess what gets done depends on what exactly this script is meant to do. I will contact monstertemplates and get some answers from them regarding the function of this specific script. Thanks a bunch J
  3. I do understand that. what I am trying to do is not define the variables because I did not write the script and do not know how I would define them if I did. My research shows that this is completely possible but the "if" script and "isset" script need to be done correctly. I have only seen it done with a single variable, example $param. but not with multiple variables, example $param, $folder, $images. I don't know what the string $param, $folder, $image means. What I do know, evidenced by above quote from other website : If you dont want to define the variable first - you can always use a conditional to act if it doesnt exist: if(!isset($varname)) { do something } is that the variables do not have to be defined, a conditional can be a work around. I just dont know how to write the conditional. Another issue is that I have attempted everything on the error reporting side: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE this code is not working at all and the notice is still showing up on my frontpage. I am a little confused at the answers I am getting. I have been scanning forums for hours trying to figure this out, though this is the first I have asked my question on, and when other's ask the same question they actually get offered code solutions without them posting any more info than I have. I may try another forum but I don't want to join a million of them. I just need help sorting out this issue. I want an error message off of my front page and I am having a challenge making that happen. Any help would be great.
  4. The code is from a third party template I purchased. Essentially I dont want to define a specific value because this is for joomla and the value will be defined by my use of the template functions. What I need is for the code to define itself as true while undefined. this error message is all over google with multiple answers on how to do it. The thing is the actual code is different than this as for a different function so I can't just transfer one idea onto this code. here is what one php post says: If you dont want to define the variable first - you can always use a conditional to act if it doesnt exist: if(!isset($varname)) { do something } This is what I want to do. I want to use a conditional but I dont know how to write that in relation to the existing code: modNivoSliderHelper::render($params, $folders, $images); ?> I am thinking this code is to direct where to render the images from that the image viewer uses but not 100% sure. Any help in figuring how to make the above undefined code conditionally defined would help.
  5. Hi, The script if for an image slider. Do I need to define just the $folder or all of the $params, $folders, $images? Also, how would I properly use isset or if in order to define them but not statically. Something like this is not working but not sure why: modNivoSliderHelper::render($params, $folders, $images); if(!isset($params, $folders, $images)) ?>
  6. This is all the code on the page: <?php /** * @package Nivo-Szaki Slider * @link http://szathmari.hu * @version 1.0 * @copyright Copyright © 2011 szathmari.hu * @license GNU/GPL http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ defined('_JEXEC') or die( 'Restricted access' ); if (!$images) { echo JText::_('Images not found'); } else modNivoSliderHelper::render($params, $folders, $images); ?>
  7. I am getting this error message: Notice: Undefined variable: folders in /hsphere/local/home/digitaldaylight/herorisingthebook.com/modules/mod_nivoslider/tmpl/default.php on line 15 The code on line 15 is: modNivoSliderHelper::render($params, $folders, $images); ?> How do I redo the code to get rid of the error message. Essentially I tried if code and isset but I am not knowledgible enough in php to fix the problem. And I dont want to change the reporting error sensitivity. Its best to do a fix of the code rather than ignore it.
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