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  1. Hi so, this is the website: http://bannersfreak.6te.net Just started. Got 2:1 banner exchange with referral system (500 credits / user referred) Guess that's fair enough, what could I hear from you?
  2. I was already able to manage this one with include and redirect (:
  3. function dq($query,$check) { global $s; $q = mysql_query($query); if (($check) AND (!$q)) public_problem(mysql_error()); return $q; }
  4. Greetings, I am willing to add a simple referral system to a exchange script I've downloaded. The aim is to the user give his link like site.com/index.php?ref=123 and by the moment someone click his link it generates a cookie, when they register he gets 500 credits. I tried splitting into 2 files and using include, but it wont credit. The two pieces of script I have to do that are the cookies: <?PHP $ref = ($_GET['ref']); setcookie ('referred-user', $ref, time()+36000); ?> and the credits insertion into database: <?PHP mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '') or die ("Database CONNECT Error (line 32)"); $ref = $_COOKIE['referred-user']; dq("update banex set i_earned = i_earned + 500 where number = '$ref'",1); ?> "number" is a unique auto inc id wich I used in here to refer to the referrer. I do not have a register page and register successful page separated, they are all bounded into one single index, which contains the templates in html. index is this one: <?PHP include('./functions.php'); if (!$_POST) page_from_template('join.html',$s); include('./ref.php'); $in = $_POST; if ((!$in[urlbanner]) OR (!$in[username]) OR (!$in[password]) OR (!$in) OR (!$in[siteurl])) public_problem('All fields are required. Please try again.'); if (!eregi("^[a-z0-9]{5,15}$",$in[username])) public_problem('Incorrect username. It should contain only letters and numbers and have 5-15 characters.'); if (!eregi("^[a-z0-9]{5,15}$",$in[password])) public_problem('Incorrect password. It should contain only letters and numbers and have 5-15 characters.'); if (strlen($in) > 255) public_problem('Email address is too long. Maximum is 255 characters.'); if (strlen($in[siteurl]) > 255) public_problem ('URL is too long. Maximum is 255 characters.'); if (strlen($in[urlbanner]) > 255) public_problem ('Banner URL is too long. Maximum is 255 characters.'); if (!check_email($in)) public_problem ('Wrong email address. Please try again.'); if (!eregi("http://*",$in[siteurl])) public_problem ('Wrong URL. Please try again.'); $q = dq("select count(*) from $s[tblname] where username = '$in[username]'",0); $data = mysql_fetch_row($q); if ($data[0]) public_problem('Entered username is already in use. Please use another.'); eregi(".*gif$",$in[urlbanner],$hh); eregi(".*jpg$",$in[urlbanner],$hh); eregi(".*png$",$in[urlbanner],$hh); if (!$hh[0]) public_problem ('Incorrect banner image format. Please try again.'); $cas = time(); $datum = Date('Y-m-d'); dq("insert into $s[tblname] values('$in[username]','$in[password]','$in','$in[siteurl]','$in[urlbanner]','0','0','0','$datum','$cas','0','0',NULL)",1); include('./referral.php'); $in[number] = mysql_insert_id(); $in[memberfile] = "$s[phpdirectory]/member.php"; $in[to] = $in; mail_from_template('email_join.txt',$in); $in[adminfile] = "$s[phpdirectory]/admin/"; $in[memberemail] = $in; $in[to] = $s; mail_from_template('email_admin.txt',$in); $s[workfile]="$s[phpdirectory]/work.php?ID=$in[username]"; $in = parse_part('html.txt',$s); $a[memberfile]="$s[phpdirectory]/member.php"; $in[banner] = '<img border=0 width="'.$s[width].'" height="'.$s[height].'" src="'.$in[urlbanner].'">'; page_from_template('join_success.html',$in); ######################################################################### ?> And than, would be handy if you could give me a script piece which shows users their referral link =$ I mostly appreciate it
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