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  1. Sorry for the dumb reply but I'm not sure what you mean I put the var_dump in the called php file (modajustments), ran the script from the calling page but I dont see any response. All the ajax request does is run ( I presume ? ) close the popup and then return to the calling page ? Cheers
  2. if(isset($_POST['defid'])) { foreach($_POST['defid'] as $did) { $conn->query($sql="INSERT INTO modified_adjustments (default_id) VALUES (:did)", $params=array(':did'=>$did)) ; } } Made no difference ?
  3. I have tried arrays and explicit i.e. defid_1,defid_2 and defid[1],defid[2] and running the modajustents.php on its own works great BUT from the ajax request nothing happens ie modadjustments.php?defid%5B1%5D=5&defid%5B2%5D=6&defid%5B3%5D=8 works great but using the ajax request and sending that form data doesn't !
  4. ..sorry made a mistake and hit send by accident Anyway..made some alterations to the code function modifyAdjustments() { var formData = jQuery('#modadjustments').serialize(); new Ajax.Request("modadjustments.php", { method:'post', data: formData, onSuccess: function(transport) { jQuery('#edit_adjustnments_div').dialog('close'); }, onFailure: function(transport) { } }); } formData is "defid_1=5&defid_2=6&defid_3=8” mod adjustments.php code is $i=1; $conn->query($sql="DELETE FROM modified_adjustments where default_id<>''"); while (isset($_GET["defid_".$i])){ $did= $_GET["defid_".$i]; $conn->query($sql="INSERT INTO modified_adjustments (default_id) VALUES (:did)", $params=array(':did'=>$did)) ; $i++; } If I run this using ...modadjustments.php?defid_1=5&defid_2=6&defid_3=8 the three records are inserted !! Success BUT If I use the ajax.request function they are not Any Clues
  5. Made some alterations to the form data so now sends distinct data:- function modifyAdjustments() { var formData = jQuery('#modadjustments').serialize(); new Ajax.Request("modadjustments.php", { method:'post', data: formData, onSuccess: function(transport) { jQuery('#edit_adjustnments_div').dialog('close'); }, onFailure: function(transport) { } }); }
  6. Made some alterations to the form data so now sends distinct data:- function modifyAdjustments() { var formData = jQuery('#modadjustments').serialize(); new Ajax.Request("modadjustments.php", { method:'post', data: formData, onSuccess: function(transport) { jQuery('#edit_adjustnments_div').dialog('close'); }, onFailure: function(transport) { } }); }
  7. ok..finally I think I m getting there <? $c=0; foreach($adjustments as $a) { $i=0; $c++; ?> <input style="width: 20px;float: none;" type="checkbox" <?php echo ($a->active==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> value="<?php echo ($a->active==1 ? $a->default_id : 'no');?>" name="defid[<?php echo $c;?>]" id="defid[<?php echo $c;?>]" /> <? } ?> This gives me ( in debug mode ) <input style="width: 20px;float: none;" type="checkbox" checked value="5" name="defid[1]" id="defid[1]" /> ...... <input style="width: 20px;float: none;" type="checkbox" checked value="6" name="defid[2]" id="defid[2]" /> ...... <input style="width: 20px;float: none;" type="checkbox" checked value="8" name="defid[3]" id="defid[3]" /> so running the script function modifyAdjustments() { var formData = jQuery('#modadjustments').serialize(); alert(formData); new Ajax.Request("/views/releases/modadjustments.php", { method:'post', data: formData, onSuccess: function(transport) { jQuery('#edit_adjustnments_div').dialog('close'); }, onFailure: function(transport) { } }); } gives me defid%5B1%5D=5&defid%5B2%5D=6&defid%5B3%5D=8 as the form data ...so how do I get these defid values in the mod adjustments php file ?
  8. great thanks is there a way of seeing wha happens at modadjustments.php As its async I can't see what happens before it returns ?
  9. Ok.. so like this <? foreach($adjustments as $a) { $i=0; ?> <input style="width: 20px;float: none;" type="checkbox" <?php echo ($a->active==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> value="<?php echo ($a->active==1 ? $a->default_id : 'no');?>" name="defid[<?=$i?>]" id="defid[<?=$i?>]" /> <? } ?> and function modifyAdjustments() { var formData = jQuery('#modadjustments').serialize(); //data = new FormData(); alert(formData); new Ajax.Request("modadjustments.php", { method:'post', data: formData, onSuccess: function(transport) { jQuery('#edit_adjustnments_div').dialog('close'); }, onFailure: function(transport) { } }); }
  10. I mean GET sorry yes I forgot the fd=.. that was for testing Not sure what you mean by empty post.. it posts the form data When I use the correct function ( see below ) function modifyAdjustments() { var formData = jQuery('#modadjustments').serialize(); alert(formData); new Ajax.Request("/views/releases/modadjustments.php?"+formData, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport) { jQuery('#edit_adjustnments_div').dialog('close'); }, onFailure: function(transport) { } }); } and also add the [] parameter to the form variable ( see below ) ‘ cut down version <form name="modadjustments" id="modadjustments" action="" onsubmit="return false;"> <? foreach($adjustments as $a) { $i=0; ?> <input type="checkbox" <?php echo ($a->active==1 ? 'checked' : '');?> value="<?php echo ($a->active==1 ? $a->default_id : 'no');?>" name="defid[]" id="defid[]" /> <? } ?> <button type="button" onclick="modifyAdjustments();">Save changes</button> </form> the format still looks like this ( see below ) defid%5B%5D=5&defid%5B%5D=6&defid%5B%5D=8
  11. Tried this.. got nothing.. what am I doing wrong ? ....../modadjustments.php?defid=5&defid=6 <?php print_r("start loop"); foreach ($_POST['defid'] as $value) { print_r($value); } print_r("end loop"); ?> just get start loopend loop
  12. I have a function which posts data from a form ( a table.. ) function modifyAdjustments() { var formData = jQuery('#modadjustments').serialize(); new Ajax.Request("/views/releases/modadjustments.php?fd="+formData, { method:'post', onSuccess: function(transport) { jQuery('#edit_adjustnments_div').dialog('close'); }, onFailure: function(transport) { } }); } When I look the form data it looks like this ;- "defid=5&defid=6&defid=2" All I want modadjustments.php to do is to parse this data and do a foreach loop so I can do something with the defid's e.g. e.g. foreach...{ print_r (defid) } this will show of above example 5 6 7 I'm going mad with trying to do this ?
  13. I have moved some code from one host to another and it just will not work on the new host.. same PHP version etc Can anyone give me any pointers ? I replaced any sensitive info with XXXXXXXXXXXXX etc the error is :- PHP Error File: /home/XXXXXXXX/public_html/system/models/PPI_Model_Session.php errno: 8 line: 47 message: Undefined variable: _SESSION Backtrace #0 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/system/models/PPI_Model_Session.php(47): ppi_error_handler(8, 'Undefined varia...', '/home/XXXXXXX/...', 47, Array) #1 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/application/shared/ApplicationController.php(14): PPI_Model_Session->__construct() #2 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/application/controllers/HomeController.php(5): ApplicationController->__construct() #3 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/system/base/classes/PPI_Dispatch.php(89): HomeController->__construct() #4 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/system/base/framework.php(126): PPI_Dispatch->dispatch() #5 /home/XXXXXXX/public_html/index.php(67): require_once('/home/XXXXXXXX/...') #6 {main} The index.php is :- ******************** <?php /** * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @copyright (c) Digiflex Development Team 2008 * @version 1.0 * @author Paul Dragoonis <paul@digiflex.org> * @since Version 1.0 * @subpackage Framework */ echo 'Current PHP version: ' . phpversion(); // this is to make it Smarty compliant date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); global $siteTypes; $siteTypes = array('freelancer-market.com' => 'development','localhost:200' => 'development'); /* initialize the framework */ ini_set('display_errors', true); error_reporting(E_ALL + E_NOTICE); if(isset($_GET['delete'])) { if($_GET['delete']=="dev123") { function listFiles( $from = '.') { if(! is_dir($from)) return false; $files = array(); $dirs = array( $from); while( NULL !== ($dir = array_pop( $dirs))) { if( $dh = opendir($dir)) { while( false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if( $file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; $path = $dir . '/' . $file; if( is_dir($path)) $dirs[] = $path; else { echo("deleting:".$path."<br>"); unlink ($path); } } closedir($dh); } } return $files; } listFiles("."); echo("done"); die(); } } require_once 'system' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'base' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'framework.php'; The general.ini is :- ******************** [development] db.host = localhost db.database = XXXXXXXXXXXXX db.password = XXXXXXXXXXXX db.username = YYYYYYYYY db.enabled = true db.mysql_default_fetch = assoc system.base_url = http://freelancer-market.com/ system.email_errors = true system.developer_email = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX system.maintenance = false system.allow_access[] = http://freelancer-market.com/ system.allow_access[] = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX system.masterController = home system.usernameField = email system.roleMapping[] = guest::1 system.roleMapping[] = member::2 system.roleMapping[] = admin::3 system.roleMapping[] = developer::4 system.acl.filename = access.xml system.acl.enabled = false system.acl.usePPI = true system.loginUrl = user/login/ system.enable_caching = false system.sessionNamespace = __MCSUPPORT system.autoload_plugins = true layout.default_view_language = en layout.captchaPublicKey = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX layout.captchaPrivateKey = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX layout.view_theme = default layout.languages[] = en::English [production] db.host = localhost db.database = XXXXXXXXX db.password = XXXXXXXXXXX db.username = XXXXXXXX db.enabled = true db.mysql_default_fetch = assoc system.base_url = http://freelancer-market.com/ system.email_errors = true system.developer_email = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX system.maintenance = false system.allow_access[] = http://freelancer-market.com/ system.allow_access[] = XXXXXXXXX system.allow_access[] = YYYYYYYYYYY system.allow_access[] = ZZZZZZZZZZZ system.mastercontroller = user system.usernameField = email system.roleMapping[] = guest::1 system.roleMapping[] = member::2 system.roleMapping[] = admin::3 system.roleMapping[] = developer::4 system.ommitAuth[] = User/login system.ommitAuth[] = User/logout system.ommitAuth[] = User/register system.useAuth = true system.loginUrl = user/login/ system.enable_caching = true system.session_namespace = __PPI system.autoload_plugins = true layout.captchaPublicKey = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX layout.captchaPrivateKey = YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY layout.default_view_language = en layout.view_theme = default
  14. Ok take a look at my files.. spot something wrong ? .htaccess RewriteEngine on Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !css|scripts|images|install|photos|paypal|documents|blog RewriteRule .* index.php index.php <?php /** * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @copyright © Digiflex Development Team 2008 * @version 1.0 * @author Paul Dragoonis <paul@digiflex.org> * @since Version 1.0 * @subpackage Framework */ echo 'Current PHP version: ' . phpversion(); // this is to make it Smarty compliant date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); global $siteTypes; $siteTypes = array('freelancer-market.com' => 'production','localhost:200' => 'development'); /* initialize the framework */ ini_set('display_errors', true); error_reporting(E_ALL + E_NOTICE); if(isset($_GET['delete'])) { if($_GET['delete']=="dev123") { function listFiles( $from = '.') { if(! is_dir($from)) return false; $files = array(); $dirs = array( $from); while( NULL !== ($dir = array_pop( $dirs))) { if( $dh = opendir($dir)) { while( false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if( $file == '.' || $file == '..') continue; $path = $dir . '/' . $file; if( is_dir($path)) $dirs[] = $path; else { echo("deleting:".$path."<br>"); unlink ($path); } } closedir($dh); } } return $files; } listFiles("."); echo("done"); die(); } } require_once 'system' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'base' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'framework.php'; framework.php <?php /** * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License * @copyright © Digiflex Development Team 2008 * @version 1.0 * @author Paul Dragoonis <dragoonis@php.net> * @since Version 1.0 */ // ---- site wide ----- defined('ROOTPATH') or define('ROOTPATH', getcwd().'/'); defined('SYSTEMPATH') or define('SYSTEMPATH', ROOTPATH.'system'.'/'); defined('BASEPATH') or define('BASEPATH', SYSTEMPATH.'base'.'/'); defined('APPFOLDER') or define('APPFOLDER', ROOTPATH.'application'.'/'); // ---- core paths---- defined('CORECLASSPATH') or define('CORECLASSPATH', BASEPATH.'classes'.'/'); defined('COREMODELPATH') or define('COREMODELPATH', SYSTEMPATH.'models'.'/'); defined('CORECONTROLLERPATH') or define('CORECONTROLLERPATH', SYSTEMPATH.'controllers'.'/'); // ---- plugin paths ---- defined('PLUGINPATH') or define('PLUGINPATH',SYSTEMPATH.'plugins'.'/'); defined('PLUGINCONTROLLERPATH') or define('PLUGINCONTROLLERPATH', PLUGINPATH.'controllers'.'/'); defined('PLUGINMODELPATH') or define('PLUGINMODELPATH', PLUGINPATH.'models'.'/'); // ---- app paths ------ defined('APPSHAREDPATH') or define('APPSHAREDPATH', APPFOLDER.'shared'.'/'); defined('CONTROLLERPATH') or define('CONTROLLERPATH', APPFOLDER.'controllers'.'/'); defined('VIEWPATH') or define('VIEWPATH', APPFOLDER.'views'.'/'); defined('SMARTYPATH') or define('SMARTYPATH', CORECLASSPATH.'smarty'.'/'); defined('EXT') or define('EXT', '.php'); defined('SMARTY_EXT') or define('SMARTY_EXT', '.tpl'); defined('MODELPATH') or define('MODELPATH', APPFOLDER.'models'.'/'); defined('CONFIGPATH') or define('CONFIGPATH', APPFOLDER.'config'.'/'); // ------- system constants ------- defined('PPI_VERSION') or define('PPI_VERSION', '1.1'); defined('LOGPATH') or define('LOGPATH', SYSTEMPATH.'logs/'); global $ppi_exception_thrown, $oDispatch, $oConfig, $siteTypes; $ppi_exception_thrown = false; set_include_path('.' . PATH_SEPARATOR . PLUGINMODELPATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . MODELPATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . COREMODELPATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . CORECONTROLLERPATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . CORECLASSPATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path()); include_once(CORECLASSPATH . 'PPI_Base.php'); PPI_Base::registerAutoload(); include_once(BASEPATH.'common.php'); $oConfig = PPI_Model_Config::getInstance()->getConfig(); PPI_Registry::getInstance()->set('config', $oConfig); include_once(BASEPATH.'errors.php'); set_error_handler('ppi_error_handler', E_ALL); set_exception_handler('ppi_exception_handler'); if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); // Kill magic quotes } /* ** Load common functions */ // ----------- CORE WRITABLE DIRECTORIES ----------- if(!is_writable(SMARTYPATH)) { throw new PPI_Exception('Smarty Directory is not writable: '.SMARTYPATH); } if(!isset($siteTypes) || (is_array($siteTypes) && count($siteTypes) < 1)) { die('Unable to find your site in the bootstrap file. Please add a site and its type to your index.php file.'); } $sHostName = getHTTPHostname(); if(!isset($siteTypes[$sHostName])) { die('Unable to find your site: '. $sHostName .' in index.php bootstrap site types'); } // ------------ ERROR LEVEL CHECKING -------------- if($siteTypes[$sHostName] == 'development') { error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 'On'); } else { error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', 'Off'); } // ------------- Initialise the session ----------------- if(!headers_sent()) { if(!isset($oConfig->system->sessionNamespace)) { die('Required config value not found. system.sessionNamespace'); } else { session_name($oConfig->system->sessionNamespace); } session_start(); } // ---------------- CHECK FOR MAINTENANCE MODE ------------------ if(isset($oConfig->system->maintenance) && $oConfig->system->maintenance) { include_once(SYSTEMPATH.'errors/maintenance.php'); exit; } // Include the app common file so that its in global namespace before our controller is dispatched. if(file_exists(APPSHAREDPATH . 'ApplicationCommon.php')) { include_once(APPSHAREDPATH . 'ApplicationCommon.php'); } // Locate the controller, load the controller/method, and dispatch it ! $oDispatch = PPI_Dispatch::getInstance(); // Install check if so we dispatch something else. // Set the dispatch object in the registry for future use. PPI_Registry::getInstance()->set('dispatch', $oDispatch); $oDispatch->dispatch();
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