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Posts posted by clausowitz

  1. I have been struggling with this bit but I cannot get it to work.


     if($date == mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year)){
                   echo "<td><A href=\"javascript:popWin('editcalendar.php?
    ID=$datecount', 350,  400)\"><font color='red'><b>$d</b></font></a></
               } else {
                   echo "<td class=\"days\">$day_link</td>\n";


    Anyone knows what does the trick here?


  2. I know that the code you displayed is the problem but before I had this code and that didn't work, so I tried to change it without luck:

    original code.


     if($date == mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year)){
                   echo "<td><A href=\"javascript:popWin('editcalendar.php?
    ID=$datecount', 350,  400)\"><font color='red'><b>$d</b></font></a></
               } else {
                   echo "<td class=\"days\">$day_link</td>\n";



  3. Hi,


    I have a calendar code that I found somewhere on the net and adapted to my needs. There's only one thing I don't understand from the original code and that is that CURRDATE() so for today it would be 4 July 2011. Whenever I browse to another month still day 4 is in red, meaning CURRDATE(). I tried but when I change it I get no days in the calendar at all.



    print "<link rel='stylesheet' href='cal.css' type='text/css'>";
    ini_set('display_errors',  '0'); 
    // Gather variables from 
    // user input and break them 
    // down for usage in our script 
       $date = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'),  date('d'),  date('Y')); 
    } else { 
       $date = $_REQUEST['date']; 
    $day = date('d',  $date); 
    $month = date('m',  $date); 
    $year = date('Y',  $date); 
    // Get the first day of the month 
    $month_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month,  1,  $year); 
    // Get friendly month name 
    $month_name = date('M',  $month_start); 
    // Figure out which day of the week 
    // the month starts on. 
    $month_start_day = date('D',  $month_start); 
        case "Sun": $offset = 0; break; 
        case "Mon": $offset = 1; break; 
        case "Tue": $offset = 2; break; 
        case "Wed": $offset = 3; break; 
        case "Thu": $offset = 4; break; 
        case "Fri": $offset = 5; break; 
        case "Sat": $offset = 6; break; 
    // determine how many days are in the last month. 
    if($month == 1){ 
       $num_days_last = cal_days_in_month(0,  12,  ($year -1)); 
    } else { 
       $num_days_last = cal_days_in_month(0,  ($month -1),  $year); 
    // determine how many days are in the current month. 
    $num_days_current = cal_days_in_month(0,  $month,  $year); 
    // Build an array for the current days 
    // in the month 
    for($i = 1; $i <= $num_days_current; $i++){ 
        $num_days_array[] = $i; 
    // Build an array for the number of days 
    // in last month 
    for($i = 1; $i <= $num_days_last; $i++){ 
        $num_days_last_array[] = $i; 
    // If the $offset from the starting day of the 
    // week happens to be Sunday,  $offset would be 0,  
    // so don't need an offset correction. 
    if($offset > 0){ 
        $offset_correction = array_slice($num_days_last_array,  -$offset,  $offset); 
        $new_count = array_merge($offset_correction,  $num_days_array); 
        $offset_count = count($offset_correction); 
    // The else statement is to prevent building the $offset array. 
    else { 
        $offset_count = 0; 
        $new_count = $num_days_array; 
    // count how many days we have with the two 
    // previous arrays merged together 
    $current_num = count($new_count); 
    // Since we will have 5 HTML table rows (TR) 
    // with 7 table data entries (TD) 
    // we need to fill in 35 TDs 
    // so,  we will have to figure out 
    // how many days to appened to the end 
    // of the final array to make it 35 days. 
    if($current_num > 35){ 
       $num_weeks = 6; 
       $outset = (42 - $current_num); 
    } elseif($current_num < 35){ 
       $num_weeks = 5; 
       $outset = (35 - $current_num); 
    if($current_num == 35){ 
       $num_weeks = 5; 
       $outset = 0; 
    // Outset Correction 
    for($i = 1; $i <= $outset; $i++){ 
       $new_count[] = $i; 
    // Now let's "chunk" the $all_days array 
    // into weeks. Each week has 7 days 
    // so we will array_chunk it into 7 days. 
    $weeks = array_chunk($new_count,  7); 
    // Build Previous and Next Links 
    $previous_link = "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?date="; 
    if($month == 1){ 
       $previous_link .= mktime(0, 0, 0, 12, $day, ($year -1)); 
    } else { 
       $previous_link .= mktime(0, 0, 0, ($month -1), $day, $year); 
    $previous_link .= "\"><< Prev</a>"; 
    $next_link = "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?date="; 
    if($month == 12){ 
       $next_link .= mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $day, ($year + 1)); 
    } else { 
       $next_link .= mktime(0, 0, 0, ($month +1), $day, $year); 
    $next_link .= "\">Next >></a>"; 
    // Build the heading portion of the calendar table 
    echo "<table class=\"maintable\">\n". 
         "<tr class='headline'>\n". 
         "<td colspan=\"7\">\n". 
         "<table align=\"center\">\n". 
         "<tr class='headline'>\n". 
         "<td colspan=\"2\" width=\"125\" align=\"left\">$previous_link</td>\n". 
         "<td colspan=\"3\" width=\"150\" align=\"center\">$month_name $year</td>\n". 
         "<td colspan=\"2\" width=\"75\" align=\"right\">$next_link</td>\n". 
         "<tr class='mainrow'>\n". 
    // Now we break each key of the array 
    // into a week and create a new table row for each 
    // week with the days of that week in the table data 
    $i = 0; 
    while (list(,  $week) = each($weeks))
           echo "<tr class='mainrow'>\n"; 
           while (list(,  $d) = each($week)){ 
             if($i < $offset_count){ 
                 //$day_link = "<a href=\"".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?date=".mktime(0, 0, 0, $month -1, $d, $year)."\">$d</a>"; 
                 echo "<td class=\"nonmonthdays\">$day_link</td>\n"; 
             if(($i >= $offset_count) && ($i < ($num_weeks * 7) - $outset)){ 
                $datecount=mktime(0, 0, 0, $month -1, $d, $year);
             $day_link = $d;
             //$day_link = "<A href=\"javascript:popWin('showcalendaritem.php?ID=$datecount', 350,  400)\">$d</a>";
             $query = "SELECT * FROM bl_calender";
             $r = mysql_query ($query) or die ("Query error: ".mysql_error());
             while($row=mysql_fetch_array($r)) {//Array or records stored in $row
                if($row['dateclass']==$datecount) {
                   $short = $row['short'];
                   $day_link = "<A href=\"javascript:popWin('showcalendaritem.php?ID=$datecount', 450,  325)\" title=\"$short\"><FONT style='BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow'>$d</font></a>";}
             $today = mktime(0,0,0,currdate());      
             if($date == mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year)){                                       //mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year)
                if($today = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year)) {
                echo "<td><font color='red'><b>$d</b></font></td>\n"; 
                } else {
                   echo "<td>$d</td>\n";       
               } else { 
                   echo "<td class=\"days\">$day_link</td>\n"; 
            } elseif(($outset > 0)) { 
                if(($i >= ($num_weeks * 7) - $outset)){ 
                   $day_link = ""; 
                   echo "<td class=\"nonmonthdays\">$day_link</td>\n"; 
          echo "</tr>\n";    
    // Close out your table and that's it! 
    echo "<tr class='headline'><td colspan='7' class='days'> </td></tr>"; 
    echo '</table>'; 
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
            // pop a windoid (Pictures)
            function popWin(url,  w,  h) 
             var madURL = url;
             var x,  y,  winStr;
             x=0; y=0;
             winStr = "height="+h+", width="+w+", screenX="+x+", left="+x+", screenY="+y+", top="+y+", channelmode=0, dependent=0, directories=0, fullscreen=0, location=0, menubar=0, resizable=1, scrollbars=0, status=0, toolbar=0";
             lilBaby = window.open(madURL,  "_blank",  winStr);
            //--> </script>


    MOD EDIT: code tags added.

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