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Posts posted by AyKay47

  1. My guess would be the "@" symbol in the password is throwing it off.

    I don't know the specifics of what exactly causes this, but there has been bug report(s) on it.

    Try changing the password for that user to a simple string and see if that works.

  2. Thanks for the info but can it be done in .html way....

    If possible....


    What exactly do you mean?

    PHP code can only be interpreted in a php file.

    Mod_rewrite would allow you to change the PHP file to look like an HTML file in the URL, which addresses your initial question.

  3. Unless you have mysql enabled to allow single quotes as qualifiers, that syntax is incorrect.

    Proper MySQL debugging should be implemented:



    $r = mysql_query($q) or die("Error: " . mysql_error() . "<br>Query: " . $q);


    1. $errorMsg is not output anywhere in the script, nor is script execution discontinued when an error occurs.


    2. Using an MD5 hash on passwords is simply not enough, as it is simple enough to crack an MD5 hashed value using brute force methods.

        Instead, I recommend using the crypt function with a compatible salt.

  4. Change the error handling a bit so you can see the actual statement:



    $Result1 = mysql_query($insertSQL, $racc) or die("Error: " . mysql_error() . "<br>Query: " . $insertSQL);


    and display the results of the above.


    Also, if you are expecting committee_id and member_id to contain integers, %d instead of %s should be passed to printf()

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