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Posts posted by AyKay47

  1. root dir is fine,

    requinix rewriteCond was an example, RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/(get_categories|...)\?

    It was not meant to be copied verbatim, if you do not have any other conditions to rewrite, leave it as get_categories instead of (get_categories|...)

    remove the extra newlines in the .htaccess, they should not be there.

    you have conflicting rewriterules as well, quite frankly the one you added makes no sense to me as to why it is there, use the rewriterule that requinix provided.

  2. Hi,


    Managed to solve it,


    I changed it to:


    RewriteRule ^verify/([a-z0-9]+)?$ user-verify.php?key=$1 [NC,L]


    and did not add the:


    RewriteCond %{ENV:x} !yes


    Thanks AyKay47, much appreciated, without your example i could not have sorted it, much appreciated.





    The environment variable is in place to make sure multiple rewrites do not happen.

  3. The notices indicate that the form has not been submitted yet and therefore the $_GET data does not exist most likely.

    You should be checking for the indices existence first by using isset.


      //true block


    Never use $_GET when passing sensitive data.


  4. Someone could easily remove any license/copyright and tweak the code. That doesn't make it any more legal to do so.


    Valid point, I never said it was right or legal.

    But as you said, you can't patent code and it's easy to modify someone else's code and call it your own without any repercussions. *sigh*

  5. use this in php


    $email( is a variable contain value of email field)


    if(!$email == "" && (!strstr($email,"@") || !strstr($email,".")))


    echo "<h2>Use Back - Enter valid e-mail</h2>\n";

    $badinput = "<h2> NOT submitted</h2>\n";

    echo $badinput;



    this is a poor check, just use filter_var with the FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL flag.

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