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Posts posted by AyKay47

  1. The "email" type attribute will actually validate the data it contains if you set the "required" attribute.


    Of course, not all browsers yet support this functionality however.


    I actually forgot that it validates it's contents if required.

    Here is the regex that it uses for validation:




    not the tightest regex, but efficient enough.


    and the w3 docs if anyone cares to see: http://dev.w3.org/html5/markup/input.email.html


    but yah as noted, not all browsers yet support this and server side validation is still required.

  2. my money is on an ambiguity issue with Resource_ID, but add this to the query:


    $sql="SELECT * FROM resource l
    inner join resource_skill ln on l.Resource_ID = ln.Resource_ID
    inner join skill n on ln.Skill_ID = n.Skill_ID
    WHERE Resource_ID=" . $contactid;
    //-run  the query against the mysql query function
    $result=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() . '<br />' . $sql);


    post the results.

  3. you can have some sort of validation client side, but should always also have validation server side, just in case JS is disabled, this will prevent security leaks. as jesirose already stated.

  4. Thanks but I dont necessarily (and correct me if I am wrong by all means) think this is how Tumblr or Blogger (Google) do it.


    Why would you make such a claim?

    This is the typical way to go about this.

  5. again, this code will need to be tweaked so it looks right:


    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {     // Loop through results
            echo "Displaying record $i<br>\n";
            echo "<b>" . $row['id'] . "</b><br>\n";      // Where 'id' is the column/field title in the database
            echo $row['Location'] . "<br>\n";            // Where 'location' is the column/field title in the database
            echo $row['Property_type'] . "<br>\n";       // as above
            echo $row['Number_of_bedrooms'] . "<br>\n";  // ..
            echo $row['Purchase_type'] . "<br>\n";       // ..
            echo $row['Price_range'] . "<br>\n";         // ..
            echo '<img src="'. $row['images'] .'" />';   //image

  6. Nice layout, nice text colors, overall a nice site.


    1. The green top nav buttons seem a little random to me, doesn't really go with the color scheme imo.


    2. maybe change the top user/pass inputs from the default outline.


    I will update my list if I spot anything else.

    This is a good looking site.

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