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  1. I think the host of a website I work on upgraded to PHP 5.2.6 without telling us (BAD!)... which has caused some random problems.. most of which are fixed, but this one I can't figure out for the life of me... I have this line of code: date('Y-m-d', strtotime("$eventDate + $totalDays days")) the $eventDate is a date in yyyy-mm-dd format that is pulled from a database (echoed this, it is correct). the $totalDays is negative number also pulled from a database (-14 is the value now).. I've echoed this and it works fine. and this statment above ALWAYS returns 1969-12-31 and I can't get it to return anything else... has something changed and I can't find a solution for? this has worked for over a year!!
  2. will this sort the whole array? I don't completley understand what was going on in that function LOL first variable is the array ($a) and the second is what to sort on? I need it to sort on 2 "colums" in the array.
  3. OK I don't know if I'm tired or what, but I can't figure out this array multisort thing.. I have a bunch of records with songs that were requested, selected by DISTINCT and then getting the number of records of each song, then inputing this data: $requestArray[$arNum] = array($songCount, $countRow['title'], $countRow['artist'], $countRow['disc'], $countRow['track'], $countRow['genre']); Then I want to sort it by the genre, and the songCount like this: array_multisort($requestArray[5], SORT_ASC, SORT_STRING, $requestArray[0], SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC); And it won't sort... so what am I missing, what am I doing wrong? btw.. for some reason it it does this on the very first row: Genre_____________________Artist__Song__Disc____________________Track_______# Reqs Country - 2000 - Vol. 14______17_____6____Cross Canadian Ragweed___Country______ when it should look like this: Genre______Artist__________________Song__Disc___________________Track____# Reqs Country____Cross Canadian Ragweed___17___Country - 2000 - Vol. 14___6________1 and I have NO idea why, it only does it on the sort...
  4. ok I've checked out samspade.org and I get tons of info when I actually type in an IP.. but when I put a link in the code to try to strip apart the code and get the domain, it says this: That information isn't in the cache For example, tried getting it with this: http://samspade.org/whois/ is there another link that would display in the data so I can read it? like http://samspade.org/whois/?ip= or something?
  5. ok I can get the IP address, I'm doing that now, should I search for "sam spade" to reverse it to the domain? I'm unsure what that is...
  6. Is there anyway to get the user's domain they are looking at a website FROM I.E. I'm on the road runner domain.. is it possible to get my domain when I view a website I've developed?
  7. ok I downloaded and used the PHP Mailer (http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/) but I get this error when I try to send an email: SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: On their FAQ page (http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net/faq.html#faq1), it says this: I am getting a "SMTP Error: The following recipients failed [myemail@mydomain]" This error usually occurs because relaying is not allowed on the SMTP server from the IP address of the web server. Go to the configuration of your SMTP server and turn relaying on for your IP address and try again. I don't know how to fix that.. how would I go about fixing that?
  8. btw.. (and this is odd)... I have another page that is in the root of the domain (http://www.domain.com/) and it DOES send an email to the person thats NOT on the domain... this code is in a folder called corpevent (http://www.domain.com/corpevent/) and doesn't work....
  9. I get this any time I try to send an email to someone that IS NOT in the domain of the company: Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 503 This mail server requires authentication when attempting to send to a non-local e-mail address. Please check your mail client settings or contact your administrator to verify that the domain or address is defined for this server. in corpevent.php on line 21 I have it setup like this (I removed the email address domain...but its correct in the code): // INI Settings // ini_set(sendmail_from,"info@domain.com"); ini_set(SMTP,"mail.domain.com"); ini_set(smtp_port,"25"); $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; $headers .= "From: info@domain.com"; $to = $_POST['txtEmail']; mail($to,"Your Email",$theEmail,$headers); Why am I not allowed to send an email to anyone that doesn't have a "domain.com" at the end of the email?
  10. they store the same values, the cookie has the same name, just one is stored at the root, and one is stored from a folder that is named "myevent" I thought cookies worked site-wide... is there any way around this?
  11. ok I have 2 pages that save cookies, and one is in a folder called "myevent" (mydomain.com/myevent/) and the other is at the root of the website (mydomain.com/) Is there any way to get the same cookie to load in both the folders? here is the code I use to save them: setcookie("contNumber",$_POST['txtContNum'],time()+60*60*24*30,"","mydomain.com",0); setcookie("emailAddy",$_POST['txtEmail'],time()+60*60*24*30,"","mydomain.com",0);
  12. the database is set up that way because it would take to much (there is tons of info for this one) to enter a record for each one.. long story.. I've never sorted an array before.. whats the code for that?
  13. yes it is... I was thinking a multideminsional array.. but not sure how complicated that will get.
  14. Lets see if I can explain this right.... I have a table with each row containing times.. so colA = 12:00 PM, colE = 2:00 PM, colM = 12:30 PM and I have these displayed in a printable php page: 12:00 PM - start this 2:00 PM - do this thing sub do this thing: yes 12:30 PM - later thing what I'd like to do, is figure out a way to SORT them so that it looks like this: 12:00 PM - start this 12:30 PM - later thing 2:00 PM - do this thing sub do this thing: yes I thought about putting each timed thing into a different record, but that would be way to confusing since each timed event has sub events... and the table is already created so is there a way I could gather all the information, then sort it by the time
  15. nothing in there does what I need... it should work if its greater than or equal to (>=) date1 and less than or equal to (<=) date2 why doesn't that return anything?
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