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Posts posted by voip03

  1. There are lot of method to PayPal integration.

    In Express Checkout API you or your client can sign up and get username, password and Signature and follow the PayPal guidance.

    If this is your 1st PayPal integration project; I would suggest that you dirt yourself.


  2. You can use this code to solve the header error.

    Place it beginning of the code.

    <?php	/*
     "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by "
      	To avoid the header error , give value zero to
    	$mosConfig_locale_debug = 0;
    	$mosConfig_locale_use_gettext = 0;
    $mosConfig_locale_debug = 0;
    $mosConfig_locale_use_gettext = 0;


    So, using this code will set the cookie? & If cookie is set, will do header redirect? Idk why Im asking. Im gonna try it, thanks! But in case it doesnt Id like to know. Thanks


    You can use this code to avoid the header error .

  3. OR

    You could just pass the resolution from a Javascript page using $_GET which is less attractive but easier.

    if( empty($_GET['w'] ))
    <script type="text/javascript">
    window.location.href = '1002.php?w=' + screen.width + '&h=' + screen.height;
    	echo "Your screen resolution is set at ". $_GET['w']. " X " . $_GET['h'];

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