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  1. It's not I don't know PHP that well, I have used it on projects before. I just I haven't used in over a year and I'm just trying to refresh my memory on what I can and carn't do with it. I have spent the last year teaching myself C# and .NET Programming as my employer wanted us all to work on a .net project, but now they have put some of use back on PHP projects as we mainly run Apache Servers. AJAX is something I haven't realy looked at in the past as I haven't needed anything other than what you can do in PHP. But I will be taking a good look at it now.
  2. Ok, the ajax idea sound good. It would be realy nice if I could do it without reading the page, but I post some vars that are used to retreave data such as user ID or Uername. Is there any good Tutorials on ajax page control?
  3. I have answered my first Question, the answer to that one was right in front of me. As for the Second question (Call PHP Functions from Button Click) I'm not sure how to even start going about doing this. I was thinking may I would have to use Java Script to do this or could it be done just using HTML and PHP. I was thinking something like <input type='button' name='home' onclick='functionanem' > Or something similar, I having a mental block on php as I haven't used it in about 6 months as I have been working on a .NET project. Any pointers or sujestion as to how I could go about doing this would help me alot. Thanks for any posts or tips. Regards Thomas
  4. Hi Guys, I am writing a web site for a Company. I have two issues the First one is how can or is it possable to check weather a user is logged in and then call on of two functions depending on the outcome. The second one and the more important ones is it possable to call a PHP Function by a user Clicking a Link or a button? If it is possable how would I go about doing this. Each functions build a different section of the site so for Example; The Function 'Data' will bring back a table displaying the Data from a set table, and then the Function 'Data_Input' would display a different page that allows the users to input data to the tables. I don't want these two functions to be dispalying at the sametime but to one Display and then the other and so on for other functions.
  5. That second one I was given by someone else on another forum. I didn't think it looked right. I am a little new to Linux as in I have never granted access for server processes before. I know how to use sudo to install programs and change file permisions, restart services etc but never given access to processes before how would I go about doing this? or where could I find the info on how to do this? also with the shell_exec command how do I output the responce to the screen? Regards
  6. I could use something like shell_exec('/etc/init.d/squid restart'); or something like this shell_exec('echo "password of root account" | -U root -S /etc/init.d/squid restart'); Also is there a way to catch any erros and display them to the screen. A user has to login to the page before they can run the command anyway. Regards
  7. Hi Guys, I'm trying to find a way to run a simple bit of code on My Debian Linux Server using PHP. I wan't to run the following Comannd '/etc/init.d/squid restart'. I currently haven't been able to fingure out how to do this. I'm hoping that someone on this forum can help me with thsi. Regards Thomas
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