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Everything posted by cloudll

  1. Hello, I am comparing these 2 time stamps to see how much time has passed. They time passed is 66 seconds. When I format them back into h:m:s, it shows 1 hour, 1 minute and 6 seconds instead of just 1 minute and 6 seconds. I was just wondering why this was? Thanks $startStamp = 1487156507; $endStamp = 1487156573; $howLong = $endStamp - $startStamp; echo $howLong . "<br>"; echo(date("h:m:s",$howLong)) . "<br>";
  2. Awesome, thanks guys. So I am using it like this, is this okay? $level = 1; $expNeeded = round(2.323 * pow($level, 3));
  3. Hi guys. I'm using php to make a basic level up experience system. At the moment I'm using the following math. $level = 1; //increments on level up $constantValue = 150; $level * $constantValue = $exp2level; Ideally I would like it to be a little more complicated so the exp needed to level isn't so predictable. Now, me and maths have never got along so I'm struggling. Is there a way I can generate exp results a little like FF7. Like this: Thanks for any tips LEVEL 1: 0 LEVEL 2: 6 LEVEL 3: 33 LEVEL 4: 94 LEVEL 5: 202 LEVEL 6: 372 LEVEL 7: 616 LEVEL 8: 949 LEVEL 9: 1384 LEVEL 10: 1934 LEVEL 11: 2614 LEVEL 12: 3588 LEVEL 13: 4610 LEVEL 14: 5809 LEVEL 15: 7200 LEVEL 16: 8797 LEVEL 17: 10614 LEVEL 18: 12665 LEVEL 19: 14965 LEVEL 20: 17528 LEVEL 21: 20368 LEVEL 22: 24161 LEVEL 23: 27694 LEVEL 24: 31555 LEVEL 25: 35759 LEVEL 26: 40321 LEVEL 27: 45255 LEVEL 28: 50576 LEVEL 29: 56299 LEVEL 30: 62438 LEVEL 31: 69008 LEVEL 32: 77066 LEVEL 33: 84643 LEVEL 34: 92701 LEVEL 35: 101255 LEVEL 36: 110320 LEVEL 37: 119910 LEVEL 38: 130040 LEVEL 39: 140725 LEVEL 40: 151980 LEVEL 41: 163820 LEVEL 42: 176259 LEVEL 43: 189312 LEVEL 44: 202994 LEVEL 45: 217320 LEVEL 46: 232305 LEVEL 47: 247963 LEVEL 48: 264309 LEVEL 49: 281358 LEVEL 50: 299125 LEVEL 51: 317625 LEVEL 52: 336872 LEVEL 53: 356881 LEVEL 54: 377667 LEVEL 55: 399245 LEVEL 56: 421630 LEVEL 57: 444836 LEVEL 58: 468878 LEVEL 59: 493771 LEVEL 60: 519530 LEVEL 61: 546170 LEVEL 62: 581467 LEVEL 63: 610297 LEVEL 64: 640064 LEVEL 65: 670784 LEVEL 66: 702471 LEVEL 67: 735141 LEVEL 68: 768808 LEVEL 69: 803488 LEVEL 70: 839195 LEVEL 71: 875945 LEVEL 72: 913752 LEVEL 73: 952632 LEVEL 74: 992599 LEVEL 75: 1033669 LEVEL 76: 1075856 LEVEL 77: 1119176 LEVEL 78: 1163643 LEVEL 79: 1209273 LEVEL 80: 1256080 LEVEL 81: 1304080 LEVEL 82: 1389359 LEVEL 83: 1441133 LEVEL 84: 1494178 LEVEL 85: 1548509 LEVEL 86: 1604141 LEVEL 87: 1661090 LEVEL 88: 1719371 LEVEL 89: 1778999 LEVEL 90: 1839990 LEVEL 91: 1902360 LEVEL 92: 1966123 LEVEL 93: 2031295 LEVEL 94: 2097892 LEVEL 95: 2165929 LEVEL 96: 2235421 LEVEL 97: 2306384 LEVEL 98: 2378833 LEVEL 99: 2452783
  4. Thanks for the help. I have never used switch/case/break before. So would I need to name a new case for everypage I wanted to include?
  5. I have a div on my site that is hidden on desktop then comes visable on mobile devices. Ideally I want to use the following code to include my content in both my normal content div, and my mobile div, and just have one showing at a time. If I try to use it twice in my index.php page, the include default works but when I try to access a page it halts any content from loading. Is there a way I can use this code twice in one page? <?php if (isset($_GET['nav'])) { if (strpos($_GET['nav'], "/")) { $direc = substr(str_replace('..', '', $_GET['nav']), 0, strpos($_GET['nav'], "/")) . "/"; $file = substr(strrchr($_GET['nav'], "/"), 1); if (file_exists($direc.$file.".php")) { include($direc.$file.".php"); } else { include("error.php"); } } else { if (file_exists(basename($_GET['nav']).".php")) { include(basename($_GET['nav']).".php"); } else { include("error.php"); } } } else { include("default.php"); } ?> Thanks
  6. I switched to time() and it all worked well, thanks I plan to change it from sessions to a database, I just used sessions when testing it on my laptop. I don't know why I thought I couldn't use that in the first place Is there a way to make time() a little easier to read ?
  7. I am trying to make a php timer of sorts. For a city building game web app. I am using this code as a sort of time stamp but its very unreliable and jumpy. When a player clicks on a building to build, it stores the following as a session variable: $startTime = number_format($Time, 0, '.', ''); the to get the current time: $Time = date("his"); then to see if the 30 second build time has passed I use: if (isset($_SESSION['buildStart']) && ($Time - $_SESSION['buildStart'] > 30)) { built(); } the rest of the code works fine, but sometimes the timer will jump from say 5 seconds to 25 seconds in an instant. Does anyone have a more reliable way to check if the 30 seconds has passed? Sorry if this is all crappy code, I am tryng to make this to get better Edit: Oh, I don't think I can use time() because I am using the times to also make a progress bar:
  8. Hey guys. I have this array: $isValid = array (array(200,200), array(250,250), array(425,425) ); echo $isValid[1][0] . "<br />" . $isValid[1][1]; I tried to use array_rand but cannot get it working with more than one value. Is there a way I can randomly echo either: 200,200 250,250 or 425,425? Thanks for any tips
  9. Hey guys, I am using this code to use javascript to send the browser window width to a php session variable. session_start(); $parentDir = basename(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));; if (!isset($_SESSION['screenWidth'])) { echo '<script>window.location = "' . "/" . $parentDir . "/" . '?width="+window.innerWidth</script>'; if (isset($_REQUEST['width'])) { $_SESSION['screenWidth'] = $_REQUEST['width']; header("Location: " . "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/" . $parentDir); } } it works fine on my pc, however, when I try it on my phone it returns a width value of 900, which is wrong. If i add the javascript directly it returns a true value of 350. <button onclick="myFunction()">Get Width</button> <script> function myFunction() { alert(window.innerWidth); } </script> I know this isn't just php but I was hoping someone would have any idea as to whats going on? Thanks for any help EDIT: I uploaded a demo: http://www.myprimaryweb.co.uk/checkWidth/
  10. Ah yes, I did mean ternary operator. Ah ok that makes sense. Thank you.
  11. Hey, I have only recently learnt about using shorthand. I have managed to convert most of my simple if else's and isset checks to shorthand but am struggeling with a few. Could someone show me how I would change this to shorthand, when it has two variables in the else. if (isset($_SESSION['posY'])) { $posY = $_SESSION["posY"]; } else { $posY = 50; $_SESSION["posY"] = 50; } Thanks
  12. Hey guys, I have this variable which i use to detect touchscreens and if i need to use touchstart or click. var whatenemyTouch = isMobile ? 'touchstart' : 'click'; I am trying to use it with this: window.onclick=function(e){ I would like to use it inplace of onclick but I cant get it working, any ideas? Thanks
  13. This works well to work out the difference Thanks. However I cant seem to echo $date1. Is this normal with datetime? EDIT: Figured it out, my silly mistake
  14. Hey, I have been trying to tweak this code to tell me the days between the current date and a future date. The snippet below however sets a start date rather than using the current date. I have been trying to format date() in a way that will work but have had no luck. $date1=date_create("2013-03-15"); $date2=date_create("2013-12-12"); $diff=date_diff($date1,$date2); echo $diff->format("%R%a days"); Could someone tell me what I need to do to get it working please? Thank you.
  15. The first example here is a nice starter into cookies. http://www.phpnerds.com/article/using-cookies-in-php/2
  16. Hey guys, I was wondering if someone could tell me what I have done wrong here. $sql = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE online='online' ORDER BY username"; $count = $sql->rowCount(); I dont know much, but shouldn't that work? I get this message. PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function rowCount() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\engine\engine\engine-multi.php on line 2767
  17. Hey people. Firstly, sorry if my Topic Title is incorrect. I wasn't 100% sure how to word it. In my code below, I have an if statement within an if statement. I have an }else{ set for one of the ifs, but I would like an }else{ for the other one. I just cannot get it working. I have tried placing it everywhere I can think of. Is it possible to have an else for this line if (($attackverify == "yes") && ($status == "online")) Here is my code. <?php // HANDLE THE ATTACK if (($attackverify == "yes") && ($status == "online")) { if (!isset($_SESSION['LAST_ATTACK'])) { echo 'you attacked' . $decodedData; // ATTACK SQL QUERY GOES HERE $_SESSION['LAST_ATTACK'] = time(); // RELOAD THE PAGE AFTER ATTACK // reloadPage(); } elseif (isset($_SESSION['LAST_ATTACK']) && (time() - $_SESSION['LAST_ATTACK'] > 1)) { echo 'you attacked' . $decodedData; $_SESSION['LAST_ATTACK'] = time(); // ATTACK SQL QUERY GOES HERE // RELOAD THE PAGE AFTER ATTACK // reloadPage(); } else { // DISPLAY ERROR MESSAGE echo 'too soon to attack'; echo '<br />'; // SET SESSION echo $_SESSION['LAST_ATTACK']; echo '<br />'; // RELOAD THE PAGE AFTER ATTACK // reloadPage(); } } } Thanks
  18. Okay, this is what I came up with. It works but still lets the player attack other people by changing the information in the url bar. Is there any way to change this? $username = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['username'])) { $username = $_REQUEST['username']; } $attackverify = null; if (isset($_REQUEST['attackverify'])) { $attackverify = $_REQUEST['attackverify']; } // SESSION USERNAME $sesusername = $_SESSION['auth']; // FIND ONLINE PLAYERS $sql = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE online='online'"; foreach($connect->query($sql) as $row) { $un = $row['username']; // CANNOT ATTACK YOURSELF if ($sesusername == $un) { echo <<<CODE // THIS CODE HAS NO ATTACK LINK <img style="position:absolute; top:{$row['pos_y']}px; left:{$row['pos_x']}px;" src="engine/img/{$row['username']}.gif"> <span style="left:{$nameposx}px;top:{$nameposy}px;color:#fff;position:absolute;">{$row['username']}</span> CODE; } else { // ATTACK THE ENEMY echo <<<CODE // THIS CODE DOES HAVE AN ATTACK LINK <a href="?attackverify=yes&username={$row['username']}"> <img style="position:absolute; top:{$row['pos_y']}px; left:{$row['pos_x']}px;" src="engine/img/{$row['username']}.gif"> </a> <span style="left:{$nameposx}px;top:{$nameposy}px;color:#fff;position:absolute;">{$row['username']}</span> CODE; } } // HANDLE THE ATTACK if ($attackverify == "yes") { echo 'you attacked' . $username; // ATTACK SQL QUERY GOES HERE // RELOAD THE PAGE AFTER ATTACK reloadPage(); } }
  19. I was wondering if there is a way to link two arrays together. I currently have $enemyNames = array("The Pain", "The Fear", "The End"); $enemyImage = array("img01", "img02", "img03"); I am then using array_rand to generate a random "enemy" $enemyName = $enemyNames[array_rand($enemyNames)]; I would ideally like to have the first enemy name linked with img01, and the second linked to img02 etc. I am not sure how I would link them together while still using array_rand. Is it possible?
  20. An okay, thanks. What would be the best way to pass the id variable, as part of the url? Or can it be done behind the scenes?
  21. Hello, I am working on a little multiplayer game. When a person logs in, a session is created storing their username and their character is set to "online" in the database. I then query my database and use for each to display all the characters who are set to "online" on the game map. I'm not sure how I would go about letting the players attack each other. The attack can be used by just clicking on the other character, but I'm not sure how I would update the health in the database for the character who was attacked. does anyone have any ideas? Sorry if this question is a bit vague, I'm confused myself. Thanks for any tips.
  22. Hey guys, this is probably a silly question but just wanted to check. This is from the PHP manual for password_needs_rehash if (password_needs_rehash($hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options)) { $newHash = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options); $options being the cost. I understand why the cost is being used for $newhash, but why is it being used for: if (password_needs_rehash($hash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, $options)) { Is that actually doing anything?
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