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  1. I wish it was that simple. But I got it.
  2. I made an add button graphic, and I created a background graphic. I also created 5 option graphics and placed them on the background. Whats the best way to make it so if the user hits the add button the options will show, and if you move off of the add, background, or options it hides it. Btw the background is right below the add button. I found a way, but I want to see what you all would do, I like to compare to see if I'm doing it the best way. Dont type code, explain your approch. Thanks
  3. omg thorpe i didnt expect there to be a function for it lmao thanks!!
  4. So `'s run a linux command? and how can u check a file for safety before running this? just make sure the file name is safe?
  5. Is their anyway to MD5 a image file so you can check a database of already uploaded images? Do you have to fopen it and read it and md5 it's contents? or is their a better way. Because I like to save resources whenever possible lol
  6. I notice when people load pages with tons of cropped images PHP drains my CPU. $src = $_GET["SRC"]; $dimension = $_GET["DIMENSION"]; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($src); $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($src); $new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($dimension, $dimension); if($width > $height && $width != $height){ $difference = $width - $height; $cut = $difference / 2; imagecopyresampled($new_image, $src, 0, 0, $cut, 0, $dimension, $dimension, $height, $height); }elseif($height > $width && $width != $height){ $difference = $height - $width; $cut = $difference * .2; imagecopyresampled($new_image, $src, 0, 0, 0, $cut, $dimension, $dimension, $width, $width); }elseif($width == $height){ imagecopyresampled($new_image, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dimension, $dimension, $width, $height); } header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); imagejpeg($new_image, NULL, 100); imagedestroy($new_image); Here is my code for the cropping. Is cropping smaller images easier on the CPU? Should I create a cropped version on upload to prevent re cpu usage later? Whats good cpu saving techniques on cropping images?
  7. Hashing passwords for database storage.
  8. (MD5 or SHA512) What is more secure? Also, I looked up the crypt() function and don't understand the manuals description. Can someone explain to me how to use SHA512 with that function? Or does it have its own? I like details btw lol Thanks
  9. ohhhh if you dont hide it they can make a rainbow database, based off your salt. right?
  10. dude I tried making a convert ANY to .flv for awhile... if you figure it out please!!! please!!! share, contact me on here..
  11. Sorry but that didn't answer my question, I md5 my password before sending it GET style to the server using Ajax, so how would I salt it once its at the server, or is it ok to salt it in the javascript? Does the salt have to be secret.
  12. What if you md5 the password and then send it to the server using Ajax, how do you md5+salt once it is already md5 once? oh sorry i forgot to thank, lol im tired. Thanks you 2 for the good replies.
  13. I know your going to say google it, and I did but I couldn't find a ENGLISH definition lol for someone who's clueless with how encryption work. What are rainbow tables, and what is salting. Also, how does salting prevent rainbow table attacks?
  14. Thanks for the reply. Salt the hash? Also, I am checking this server side to make sure its safe to query. The main question is: Is not setting a max for a password field a bad ideal even if storage ain't a problem because I'm md5ing it. Basically Question 1: Salt the hash? lmao im lost Question 2: As long as you make sure the md5 received on the server side is safe, is this a good way to handle passwords. I don't want to limit how long someones password can be when it doesn't affect my end because it is 32 characters regardless. I believe the less restrictions you can give the user the better, even if you think they don't need the extra space or whatever, as long as it doesn't affect security or functionality.
  15. I'm making the password field have these restrictions: Length >= 8 That's it. I then use javascript to md5 the value of that text field, then I send it using ajax to the php script to process the signup. Is it bad not to have a max length, or does this way work. Any suggestions?
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