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Everything posted by jcombs_31

  1. You can placed a named link anywhere on your page so the user can quickly navigate a page without actually visiting a "link" outside of the page. Generally people will do this to either jump to the top of the page or get below the fold.
  2. Dreamweaver should not add extra markup unless you are using templates. What is the difference anyway? notepad does make make you "l33t"
  3. You will definitely have to set a width for IE6 to work correctly.
  4. Typically a date picker does not have the functionality you want, it will simply allow you to choose a date from a calendar and then submit that to be checked on the server side. You could I'm sure add the functionality of disabling dates but you would have to tie that into an ajax call and it could get complex. Is it not easier to just them first select the date and then submit it for a check? Doing that is rather simple because the datepicker is simply going to give your text in date format that you can easily check with php and then give the user feedback. Or you can have a reponse area and do an ajax call that says if that date is available or not. This way you still get an immediate response but don't have to edit the calendar code.
  5. Sorry to stay off topic, but I don't see how you've come up with the other ridiculous numbers. $5 to eat? What's that, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches all day? $600 apartment, not in my neck of the woods, more like $800 - 1000 for a 1 bedroom. $50 electric? Are you kidding? I average $200/month. Obviously you have no clue what you are talking about and the standard working day here is 8 hours, not 12. Anything over 8 is OT which most companies, especially those paying you minimum wage, will not pay, so good luck getting 2 jobs. To the OP, I live in South Florida, probably the most diverse part of the country, where "Americans" are probably the minority. There is no reason you can't get a job in the US, in my case I'm at a disadvantage because I don't speak fluent spanish. It really all depends on where in the US you live. There are plenty of different demographics in different places.
  6. I've grown fond of netbeans, been using it for over 6 months and I am happy.
  7. I don't have either, I play games on the PC, but I think the clear winner from what I know would be the 360 just for the ability to mod it. I've also listened to people speak better of it. I would only want the PS3 for blu-ray
  8. Do a google search for sticky footer, there are a few methods that describe what you want. http://www.google.com/search?q=sticky+footer&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&safe=active
  9. Why are you using all those divs instead of a list?
  10. A screenshot or sample page would be nice. For one thing, you are not closing <div class="clearfooter">. I don't quite understand your explanation though.
  11. The html would help, as of now there is no way to see how the classes are being applied. I can say that you will probably have to declare a fixed with in IE6 for the submenu list.
  12. I would suggest to structure the page you don't break it up the way you are. I would typically do something like: index.php [docytype...] [meta...] // Maybe include dynamic meta <?php include('meta'); ?> <html> <body> <?php include('header.php'); ?> <?php include('menu.php'); ?> [my index page content] <?php include('footer.php'); ?> </body> </html> Just my $.02
  13. There is no requirement for a footer, if it works for you and you are happy then so be it. If you are trying to accomplish something specific then please ask something more specific. A website can be plain text if you want it to be.
  14. You'll need to do a check with either php or javascript and set selected=selected
  15. Also don't forgot that if you are using borders on all sides you will get double borders which could be your problem.
  16. I would start here http://book.cakephp.org/view/32/Installation If you installed to your root web directory, you should be able to open http://localhost and see the cake welcome screen.
  17. The outer glows on the logo or whatever the image is make it look very blurry which bothers my eyes. It is an interesting choice of colors, but probably not my favorite choice. There is probably too much white space at the top. The menu is not prominent and can use some hover styling. I'm not sure how the portfolio page will scale with more projects. Do you plan to use some type of navigation or just line them up down the page in two columns?
  18. I don't know what the user is paying for when they gain access to your site, but these examples only help with concurrent logins. If a user is paying for something that they can download, these downloads should expire after a certain period of time. What type of website is this?
  19. it is pretty clear that is is a jar, but wasn't at all clear that it is a J. I didn't have any idea what it said really until I read the clear line JobJar. Branding should not be complicated. As stated, the concept is nice, but the execution doesn't quite work. When I see it, I see ob ar. As far as anyone improving it for you, I'd ask that you visit the freelance board.
  20. You can try any of these that are mentioned http://net.tutsplus.com/videos/screencasts/5-easy-ways-to-tackle-ie6s-transparency-issues/ To be honest, I've pretty much thrown in the towel on IE6. I've actually stopped even looking at it. I'm going to just start using a conditional banner at the top, like the opposite of the corny ones you used to see in footers (this site best viewed in blah blah). Rather than that, i'll just say the website may not look exactly as intended, and kindly upgrade or try one of these free browsers, x -y -z. I really like using transparent pngs as background images and its more of a pain then it is worth to cater to ie6. edit: I've used the ie7 fix, twin helix, and ddbelated, I think the IE7 fix was the easiest to implement but required you to rename transparent pngs to name_trans.png.
  21. make sure you aren't exceeding any file size directives in php.ini, if the file is larger than what is allowed it is probably getting kicked out before it can analyze the mime-type.
  22. Is this solved? Could you do something like <form> <select> <?php $date1 = strtotime('2009-10-01'); $date2 = strtotime('2009-11-25'); while($date1 <= $date2) { echo '<option>' . date('Y-m-d', $date1) . '</option>'; $date1 += 86400; } ?> </select> </form>
  23. Have you checked your php.ini for the upload_tmp_dir = directive?
  24. Probably no easy way, that is a built in "security feature". Most likely hard coded into Finder somewhere. A quick search did turn up this, you may want to read through it. http://tips4mac.blogspot.com/2008/02/disabling-downloaded-applications.html
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