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  1. Hey Guys, I'm having a problem on a CMS I have written. Its pretty simple and I'm sure its got something to do with the character encoding that I am using. If one writes "Hello test, 123" in word it seems to convert the standard speechmarks (") to directional ones (“ and ”). These show up fine on this site and I would like to know how to stop them from showing up as question marks (?) on my CMS site. Thoughts? Jamie.
  2. Perhaps I have found the problem, in phpMyAdmin I asked for a list of the variable and found: connect timeout : 5 long query time : 10 wait timeout : 28800 Now the top two dont look very long compared to the third one! How would I go about changing these? As I cannot find them in my.ini Thoughts? Jamie
  3. Just thought I'd pop my [b]MysqlAdmin variables[/b] up, in case they were any use: [code] +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | Variable_name                   | Value                           | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+ | back_log                        | 50                              | | basedir                         | S:\MySQL Server\                | | binlog_cache_size               | 32768                           | | bulk_insert_buffer_size         | 8388608                         | | character_set_client            | latin1                          | | character_set_connection        | latin1                          | | character_set_database          | latin1                          | | character_set_results           | latin1                          | | character_set_server            | latin1                          | | character_set_system            | utf8                            | | character_sets_dir              | S:\MySQL Server\share\charsets/ | | collation_connection            | latin1_swedish_ci               | | collation_database              | latin1_swedish_ci               | | collation_server                | latin1_swedish_ci               | | concurrent_insert               | ON                              | | connect_timeout                 | 5                               | | datadir                         | S:\MySQL Server\Data\           | | date_format                     | %Y-%m-%d                        | | datetime_format                 | %Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s               | | default_week_format             | 0                               | | delay_key_write                 | ON                              | | delayed_insert_limit            | 100                             | | delayed_insert_timeout          | 300                             | | delayed_queue_size              | 1000                            | | expire_logs_days                | 0                               | | flush                           | OFF                             | | flush_time                      | 1800                            | | ft_boolean_syntax               | + -><()~*:""&|                  | | ft_max_word_len                 | 84                              | | ft_min_word_len                 | 4                               | | ft_query_expansion_limit        | 20                              | | ft_stopword_file                | (built-in)                      | | group_concat_max_len            | 1024                            | | have_archive                    | YES                             | | have_bdb                        | NO                              | | have_blackhole_engine           | NO                              | | have_compress                   | YES                             | | have_crypt                      | NO                              | | have_csv                        | NO                              | | have_example_engine             | NO                              | | have_geometry                   | YES                             | | have_innodb                     | YES                             | | have_isam                       | NO                              | | have_ndbcluster                 | NO                              | | have_openssl                    | NO                              | | have_query_cache                | YES                             | | have_raid                       | NO                              | | have_rtree_keys                 | YES                             | | have_symlink                    | NO                              | | init_connect                    |                                 | | init_file                       |                                 | | init_slave                      |                                 | | innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 2097152                         | | innodb_autoextend_increment     | 8                               | | innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb   | 0                               | | innodb_buffer_pool_size         | 8388608                         | | innodb_data_file_path           | ibdata1:10M:autoextend          | | innodb_data_home_dir            |                                 | | innodb_fast_shutdown            | ON                              | | innodb_file_io_threads          | 4                               | | innodb_file_per_table           | OFF                             | | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  | 1                               | | innodb_flush_method             |                                 | | innodb_force_recovery           | 0                               | | innodb_lock_wait_timeout        | 50                              | | innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog  | OFF                             | | innodb_log_arch_dir             |                                 | | innodb_log_archive              | OFF                             | | innodb_log_buffer_size          | 1048576                         | | innodb_log_file_size            | 10485760                        | | innodb_log_files_in_group       | 2                               | | innodb_log_group_home_dir       | .\                              | | innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct      | 90                              | | innodb_max_purge_lag            | 0                               | | innodb_mirrored_log_groups      | 1                               | | innodb_open_files               | 300                             | | innodb_table_locks              | ON                              | | innodb_thread_concurrency       | 8                               | | interactive_timeout             | 28800                           | | join_buffer_size                | 131072                          | | key_buffer_size                 | 8388608                         | | key_cache_age_threshold         | 300                             | | key_cache_block_size            | 1024                            | | key_cache_division_limit        | 100                             | | language                        | S:\MySQL Server\share\english\  | | large_files_support             | ON                              | | license                         | GPL                             | | local_infile                    | ON                              | | log                             | OFF                             | | log_bin                         | OFF                             | | log_error                       | .\jimbob.err                    | | log_slave_updates               | OFF                             | | log_slow_queries                | OFF                             | | log_update                      | OFF                             | | log_warnings                    | 1                               | | long_query_time                 | 10                              | | low_priority_updates            | OFF                             | | lower_case_file_system          | OFF                             | | lower_case_table_names          | 1                               | | max_allowed_packet              | 1048576                         | | max_binlog_cache_size           | 4294967295                      | | max_binlog_size                 | 1073741824                      | | max_connect_errors              | 10                              | | max_connections                 | 100                             | | max_delayed_threads             | 20                              | | max_error_count                 | 64                              | | max_heap_table_size             | 16777216                        | | max_insert_delayed_threads      | 20                              | | max_join_size                   | 4294967295                      | | max_length_for_sort_data        | 1024                            | | max_relay_log_size              | 0                               | | max_seeks_for_key               | 4294967295                      | | max_sort_length                 | 1024                            | | max_tmp_tables                  | 32                              | | max_user_connections            | 0                               | | max_write_lock_count            | 4294967295                      | | myisam_data_pointer_size        | 4                               | | myisam_max_extra_sort_file_size | 107374182400                    | | myisam_max_sort_file_size       | 107374182400                    | | myisam_recover_options          | OFF                             | | myisam_repair_threads           | 1                               | | myisam_sort_buffer_size         | 8388608                         | | myisam_stats_method             | nulls_unequal                   | | named_pipe                      | OFF                             | | net_buffer_length               | 16384                           | | net_read_timeout                | 30                              | | net_retry_count                 | 10                              | | net_write_timeout               | 60                              | | new                             | OFF                             | | old_passwords                   | OFF                             | | open_files_limit                | 622                             | | pid_file                        | S:\MySQL Server\Data\jimbob.pid | | port                            | 3306                            | | preload_buffer_size             | 32768                           | | protocol_version                | 10                              | | query_alloc_block_size          | 8192                            | | query_cache_limit               | 1048576                         | | query_cache_min_res_unit        | 4096                            | | query_cache_size                | 0                               | | query_cache_type                | ON                              | | query_cache_wlock_invalidate    | OFF                             | | query_prealloc_size             | 8192                            | | range_alloc_block_size          | 2048                            | | read_buffer_size                | 61440                           | | read_only                       | OFF                             | | read_rnd_buffer_size            | 258048                          | | relay_log_purge                 | ON                              | | relay_log_space_limit           | 0                               | | rpl_recovery_rank               | 0                               | | secure_auth                     | OFF                             | | shared_memory                   | OFF                             | | shared_memory_base_name         | MYSQL                           | | server_id                       | 0                               | | skip_external_locking           | ON                              | | skip_networking                 | OFF                             | | skip_show_database              | OFF                             | | slave_net_timeout               | 3600                            | | slave_transaction_retries       | 0                               | | slow_launch_time                | 2                               | | sort_buffer_size                | 217080                          | | sql_mode                        |                                 | | sql_notes                       | ON                              | | sql_warnings                    | ON                              | | storage_engine                  | InnoDB                          | | sync_binlog                     | 0                               | | sync_frm                        | ON                              | | sync_replication                | 0                               | | sync_replication_slave_id       | 0                               | | sync_replication_timeout        | 0                               | | system_time_zone                | GMT Standard Time               | | table_cache                     | 256                             | | table_type                      | InnoDB                          | | thread_cache_size               | 25                              | | thread_stack                    | 262144                          | | time_format                     | %H:%i:%s                        | | time_zone                       | SYSTEM                          | | tmp_table_size                  | 5242880                         | | tmpdir                          |                                 | | transaction_alloc_block_size    | 8192                            | | transaction_prealloc_size       | 4096                            | | tx_isolation                    | REPEATABLE-READ                 | | version                         | 4.1.16-nt                       | | version_comment                 | Official MySQL binary           | | version_compile_machine         | ia32                            | | version_compile_os              | Win32                           | | wait_timeout                    | 28800                           | +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+ [/code] Regards, Jamie
  4. I added that line to the bottom of my.ini, stopped the service, started the service and still no luck! Trying to connect to the DB i get the error again! Any other ideas? Jamie
  5. The server starts fine, im running it on my Windows development machine. Performing NET START MYSQL has no problems. As this is my development machine I am only ever accessing it from localhost I have not tried changing the thread size. Which specific variable in my.ini should I alter? Thanks for you help, Jamie
  6. When I try to query or access my local DB server I get the 2013 connection error 4 out of 5 times. I was hoping there was a way to debug where the problem lies. So far my investigations show: [blockquote]- This is a problem when i try using PHP, NaviCat and the mysql bin executables - Upgrading from MySQL 4.0 (where the problem started) to 5.0 didnt help - My connection timeout is very high (the default, its 8 days or something?) - After I get the error if i check the server up-time it appears that the server has not been restarted [/blockquote] Has anyone got any ideas on what could be happening, or what I can do to investigate further? Thanks, Jamie
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