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Everything posted by datch

  1. Hey guys, first time post here so, y'know... be gentle. And I apologize in advance if the answer to this question can be found elsewhere in the forums. So! I'm looking through some report code and found the following: BETWEEN DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0) AND ((DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 5, GETDATE()-7), 5))+1) So, first thing, I'm aware of the unnecessary aspects of the code (that +1 could just be incorporated by changing the DATEDIFF 5 into a 6) Second thing is that currently this creates the parameters BETWEEN (Jan 1, 2011) and (current date, roughly) The question I have is this: when the new year rolls around, will this create parameters (Jan 1, 2011) and (current date, roughly) or will it move ahead and get parameters (Jan 1, 2012) and (current date, roughly)? Thanks so very much, guys. And, if you could also post the rationale behind the answer in addition to the answer, that'd be great. I'd like to understand the truth in addition to knowing it! A thousand thanks. -Chris P.S. (the following is the code in its entirety, in case for some reason it's necessary: I can't even fathom why it would be, but, you never know what you never know): ----------------------------------- SELECT "Category", "AppealCode", ISNULL("EPAppeals", 0) AS "EPAppealCount", ISNULL("EHAppeals", 0) AS "EHAppealCount" FROM (SELECT DISTINCT r_appeal_category.tx_appeal_category AS "Category", r_appeal_category.cd_appeal_category AS "AppealCode" FROM r_appeal_category WHERE r_appeal_category.fl_active = '1' ) TBL1 LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT r_appeal_category.tx_appeal_category AS "Category2", COUNT(*) AS "EPAppeals" FROM r_appeal_category INNER JOIN r_appeal_type ON r_appeal_category.cd_appeal_category = r_appeal_type.cd_appeal_category INNER JOIN e_appeal ON e_appeal.cd_appeal_type = r_appeal_type.cd_appeal_type INNER JOIN e_program_year_enrollment ON e_appeal.id_provider = e_program_year_enrollment.id_provider AND e_appeal.cd_incentive_yr = e_program_year_enrollment.cd_incentive_yr WHERE e_program_year_enrollment.nm_entity_type = 'EP' AND r_appeal_category.fl_active = '1' AND e_appeal.ts_cr BETWEEN DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0) AND ((DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 5, GETDATE()-7), 5))+1) GROUP BY r_appeal_category.tx_appeal_category ) TBL2 ON "Category" = "Category2" LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT r_appeal_category.tx_appeal_category AS "Category3", COUNT(*) AS "EHAppeals" FROM r_appeal_category INNER JOIN r_appeal_type ON r_appeal_category.cd_appeal_category = r_appeal_type.cd_appeal_category INNER JOIN e_appeal ON e_appeal.cd_appeal_type = r_appeal_type.cd_appeal_type INNER JOIN e_program_year_enrollment ON e_appeal.id_provider = e_program_year_enrollment.id_provider AND e_appeal.cd_incentive_yr = e_program_year_enrollment.cd_incentive_yr WHERE e_program_year_enrollment.nm_entity_type = 'EH' AND r_appeal_category.fl_active = '1' AND e_appeal.ts_cr BETWEEN DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0) AND ((DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk, 5, GETDATE()-7), 5))+1) GROUP BY r_appeal_category.tx_appeal_category ) TBL3 ON "Category" = "Category3" ORDER BY "AppealCode"
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