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  1. Problem has been solved, made the silly mistake of using from and where which are already reserved, they either need to be wrapped by ` or to be extra safe changed to: 'from' to 'name' and 'where' to 'location'.
  2. For some reason this just isn't inserting... HTML snippet: <form name="testimonials_form" method="post" action="insert/"> Name <input type="text" name="from" maxlegnth="100" /> Location <input type="text" name="where" maxlegnth="100" /> Text Snippet <input type="text" name="text" maxlegnth="255"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Continue" /> </form> PHP Snippet: <?php $from = $_POST['from']; $where = $_POST['where']; $text = $_POST['text']; if (!$from || !$where || !$text) { $error = "You have missed some fields."; $solution = "Please go back and <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" target=\"_self\">try again</a>."; } else { $data_array = array( ':from' => $from, ':where' => $where, ':text' => $text); $insert_testimonial = $connect->prepare("INSERT INTO `testimonials` (text, from, where) VALUES (:text, :from, :where)"); $insert_testimonial->execute($data_array); $amount = $insert_testimonial->rowCount(); if ($amount < 1) { $error = "Something went wrong."; $solution = "Please go back and <a href=\"javascript:history.go(-1)\" target=\"_self\">try again</a>."; } else { header ("Location: ../"); } } ?> All I keep getting back is my custom error "Something went wrong." so there's no 500 error (internal server error) and if I echo $from, $where and $text it displays what I typed in the form, I've re-written it about 5 times in case I wrote it wrong or something but still no luck. I know there can't be a symbol missing or in the wrong place since it would return a 500 error. Does anyone have any clue as to what's up with it? I've written codes like this countless times but this just doesn't seem to be working, so I must be missing something.
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