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Everything posted by SharkBait

  1. Oh crap I meant to say Analytics not AdSense. geesh sorry. My above questions is for Analytics hehe
  2. Thanks for the replies. Yea getting the gallery to fit nicely seems to be a nitemare and I haven't had time to look at it. Was probably going to code something custom for them as I find it easier than skinning pre-made things. i agree with the underlining of the headings for the navigation section etc, it is kinda silly.  I'm going to have to do some changes when I can get a chance. Thanks again.
  3. Anyone here use Google's AdSense? I am trying to figure out if there is a way to view by source where someone is going on my site. I can drill down by source to see where they came from. But i am trying to see if I can find out from a domain what pages they have accessed. I can manually go through Apache's log files but that's a pain. Just a curiosity. Thanks
  4. FF 1.5 I like it actually. I'm sure the left and right columns will look better with content in the middle. Not sure if I like the double nav bar at the top but they do look nice!
  5. It seems to be working now and I didn't do anything with it. So I am not sure why it's working now. Thanks though. I'll have to look more into POST, it's set up a bit differently correct?
  6. Reminds me of a demo program that I saw that was coded in Assembly.  It was 14k in size, ran for 30mins before looping and was one of the most impressive displays of computer graphics I have seen ever done! It was crazy!!
  7. I work for a WiFi Manufacturer so I know all the lovely tricks ;) I remember one day when I was DJing at a private function I was able to log into 10 different wireless networks in the neighbourhood because people a) left their wireless routers with default passwords b) had no security enabled such as WEP or WPA c) had the router give out dynamic addresses to anyone who connected to. Though I could get more into it but it is nice to have free internet access wherever I am. Alot of businesses are setting up free HotSpots (like Cafe's etc).
  8. Oops can I take my vote back? I'd say Title is a main one. In my blog I include the title of the post in the Title tag :)  It gets picked up by search engines better. SEO also perfers unique catching titles. the <h *> tags would be a good thing too, but title more important
  9. I'm all self-taught, and will continue to be self-taught as I never seem to stop learning new things in PHP etc. Now if I could only self-teach myself graphics for web design I would be set!
  10. How is it not working? Are you getting an error?
  11. Projector is the only way to go. If you can get a hold of two, you can place them at either end and use a video splitter to show the same thing on both screens. :)
  12. I do DJing for some local functions (private organizations, weddings, Company parties) and I use one of my computers for music, that goes into a 3-channel Stanton mixer out to 2x 550W Yorkville speakers. I also do some lightning with whatever I can find actually ;)  Usual some crazy device that has 32 little windows and a spining/rotating colour disc that is low frequency controlled. I personally wouldn't go through the gym's speakers, they aren't really designed for music, they are usually for vocals (annoucements etc) but I don't see why would couldnt pass your stuff into them.  I know at the highschool I went to when I played basket ball we would plug our cd players into the control panel and play music through the gym's speakers.  Not great for dancing though ;)
  13. Oh you got a dell 20". We use those at works and their great. I too recently bought a new monitor. Though only a 19" WS monitor, I love it, replaced my old 17" CRT Mitsubishi that took up like half my desk! Image can be seen here: http://tingram.ca/blog/Finding-an-LCD-Monitor:-Samsung-941bw
  14. You fetch the result of the 2nd query, but you don't fetch it properly ;)  You need another mysql_fetch_array($cat_name) in there. So: [code] <?php while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "(alert '$row[cat_id]');\n"; //get category name $nextQuery = mysql_query("SELECT cat_name FROM dtd_mt_cats WHERE cat_id = $row[cat_id]"); $myResult = mysql_fetch_array($nextQuery, MYSQL_ASSOC);         echo $myResult['cat_name']; } ?> [/code]
  15. Ignore my entire post.. I missed the part where you mentioned your host doesn't allow mod_rewrite :P [s]What I use is Apache's Mod Rewrite. Usually used in a .htaccess file and looks similar to:[/s] [code] RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^/article/([0-9A-z]+)$ article.php?title=$1 [/code] [s] :) I also add hyphens into the title and then strip them out if I need to display the proper title or when I need to query my database for the content. The .htaccess file is added to the directory of your website. The previous code I used can be found here: http://www.tingram.ca/blog/Apache-mod_rewrite though it uses the ID of the post and not the title like it does now.[/s]
  16. Oops sorry I forgot the = after password :) I always put curly braces around my varibles if they are in a string.  It helps me keep the PHP seperate from the text.
  17. SharkBait

    ip ban?

    Authenticate their account prior to allowing them to do anything with your site? Send them a link in an email use a hash in the authenticate link back to your site and test it against what they entered? People use the MD5 hash of the password to do this usually. Use captcha's to discourage scripting/bots for doing dumb things Require their posts to be moderated until they post a certain amount? Temporary ban their IP address block such as: 217.159.200.* ?? [code] <?php $ipArray = array(''); if(in_array($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $ipArray)) { header("Location: http://www.google.com/"); exit(); } ?> [/code]
  18. Alright so now I just have to figure out CURL and search for examples. Thanks
  19. They are fairly straight forward actually.  When I first when through the Captcha script I use I was like, hey cool! Now I am thinking of making a new form of the Captcha that uses basic math: Display an Image of a math formula: (1+4) * 2 = User would have to enter 10 ;) There are some bots/scripts out there that seem to get past some of the captchas but I have yet to see an example of such a feat.
  20. Try this [code] <?php $query = "UPDATE brothers SET Password '". quote_smart($newpwd) ."' WHERE Name='{$temp}'"; ?> [/code] Though you probably could just use the [code=php:0]mysql_real_escape_string() [/code] function like: [code] <?php $newpwd = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newpass']); ?> [/code]
  21. What would I look at when I need to send POST information to a CGI script? I currently have a script that requires 2 logins. One log in allows sessions to be set for the account management section of website. The 2nd login is to login to a hotspot controller that uses CGI scripts to authenticate to a RADIUS server. I would like to make it so that when the user Logins the first time, they get authenicated to the account management section of the website and also pass their username and email address to the CGI script so they can be authenticated and allowed internet access. I saw something recently that I could use CURL to send information to a CGI script?  Is this correct? Thanks
  22. How is your config file written? I mean what does it look like? We could then see how you can read it in and parse it for the variables?
  23. Overall it seems nice. Simple and easy on the eyes. I broke your contact form these are the errors I get: [code] Notice: Undefined variable: mesmsg in /var/www/html/send.php on line 18 Notice: Undefined variable: mesname in /var/www/html/send.php on line 19 Notice: Undefined variable: mesemail in /var/www/html/send.php on line 20 You entered an invalid email address [/code] On your webdesign section you have centered hyperlinks on the left, I'd like to see those as left aligned. Perhaps dress them up a little bit too. Footer:   - I'd align them to the bottom. As there seems to be too much white space between your copyright and the bottom edge.   - Do you need your address on every page?
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