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Everything posted by SharkBait

  1. Check out Craigslist.org (make sure you select your area) Though, I dont know if you can post a 'Looking for Work' kinda speal, but you can view the companies/people who are looking for webwork.
  2. I noticed that when I went to http://grimpirate.4mak.net/portal.php.  the URLs were all Localhost ;) 
  3. Ok I got to 7mins 35 secs and had to close it ;)
  4. If you looking to host files and it will be alot of files and have the budget I'd look into a SAN array.  :) Its my dream to get my company to purchase a SAN.  You'll also need the bandwidth to support the transfers to and from the server too.  Seems like an expensive project.
  5. I actually don't mind it.  It's currently kinda catchy.
  6. Heh so it's just personal preference then as long as I don't use spaces in the URL. I'll try underscores and see how I like the look, I've been using hyphens. Thanks
  7. When you print out your database entries you would set something up like this: [code] <?php echo "<td>           CD";   switch($database['cd']) {       case 6:           echo "DVD 1";           break;       case 7:           echo "DVD 2";           break;   } echo "</td>"; ?> [/code] Anyway thats a really basic way...
  8. Figured it out. It seems that the GD needs to be told that it needs to look for the font in the current working directory of the script so changing: [code=php:0] $font = "OptimusPrinceps.ttf"; [/code] to [code=php:0] $font = "./OptimusPrinceps.ttf"; [/code] Fixed my issue :)
  9. I am getting this error: The image “http://tingram.ca/test.php” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. When I do the following: [code] <?php Header("Content-type: image/png"); // Create image X by Y $img = imagecreatetruecolor(400, 25); //$blog_header = $entry['title'] . " [" . $entry['d'] ."]"; $blog_header = " This is a test "; $white = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 255, 255); $gray = imagecolorallocate($img, 192, 192, 192); $black = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 0, 0); // Create rectangle imagefilledrectangle($img, 1, 1, 398, 23, $gray); $font = "OptimusPrinceps.ttf"; // Image, Size, Angle, X, Y, Color, Font, Text //imagettftext($img, 10, 0, 0, 0, $white, $font, $blog_header); imagettftext($img, 8, 0, 4, 4, $white, $font, $blog_header); ImagePng($img); ImageDestroy($img); ?> [/code] And I am not sure why?  If I comment out the imagettftext() it works and I get a graybox with a black outline. The OptimusPrinceps font is in the same directory as this script.  I use the font for another script else were so I am unsure what it is I am doing wrong.
  10. I use this to figure out where in the world people are by their IP address. The formula that Daniel0 is the one I believe I use along witht he IP2Country Database :) It allows me to show differenet product depending on where in the world you are from.  It's not 100% but its good enough for my purposes.
  11. From the eyes of a search engine, which form of a URL is better? thisismysite.com/entry/The%20Truck%20Is%20%Blue or thisismysite.com/entry/The-Truck-Is-Blue If the URL is parsed in the first one I could see it being broken apart into actual words. Where as the secondy one is one long string having all the words linked by the hyphen. Would it be better to encode the URL with spaces so that the crawlers can pick out the words in the URL seperately or does it really matter?
  12. Just remember that with a laptop their internal cards arent very powerful.  They work best within roughly 300ft. Sure the accesspoint can dish out the sending signal, and your laptop can see it, but is the laptop's card strong enough to send the signal back ?  Sorry I work for a WiFi Manufacturer and I love it when people wonder why they can see their Access Point that is like 500 feet away, but they can't surf the web because the sending power of the laptop isnt nearly enough...
  13. I need to leanr more about JOINs so far their great :) So LEFT JOIN will include the information from the second table onto the frist table? What is the difference between an INNER JOIN and a LEFT JOIN?
  14. I've done this: [code] SELECT T1.board_sn, T2.serial_number FROM feedback.RMAs AS T1, smt.entry AS T2 WHERE T1.board_sn <> T2.serial_number [/code] it returns 43million+ rows.  1 table has 2800rows the other table has like 15,000 rows, so I am not sure what is being duplicated or why. When I do it like this: [code] SELECT T1.board_sn, T2.serial_number FROM feedback.RMAs AS T1, smt.entry AS T2 WHERE T1.board_sn = T2.serial_number [/code] It will return only 453 rows. I am unsure what I am doing wrong :)
  15. I have two tables that share a similar field.  Lets call it SN. Table1.SN Table2.SN Now I want to return all the results where Table2.SN <> Table1.SN so that I can see which entries Table1.SN has but Table2.SN does not. How do I go about doing this? This is what I had, but its obviously wrong because it return 42million rows ;) [code] SELECT T1.board_sn, T2.serial_number FROM feedback.RMAs AS T1 OUTER JOIN smt.entry AS T2 ON (T1.board_sn <> T2.serial_number) [/code]
  16. Yea sorry bout that. Odd that I missed those posts.. :)
  17. [quote author=XxDeadmanxX link=topic=112843.msg458193#msg458193 date=1161888897] WOW 30+ views and only 5 posts. [/quote] Just because you have 30+ views doesn't mean the people who look at it know how to help ;)  I go through alot of posts to see if I can help and sometimes I can't *shrug*
  18. I am curious how it works too. I always use the modulus to check if its odd or even.  I also use it with database entries with no issues.
  19. I had an issue with bots. I made it so you couldnt post within 10mins of each of your own posts (based on IP) and that didnt stop them.  Then I changed it to 24hrs and still that didnt stop them.  It wasnt until I put in the Captcha image (like you have on you site) and that seemed to of stopped them.... As for not being able to ban the guy because he is spoofing his IP address not sure what you can do to get around that.  Perhaps have your webhost look into it to see if there is anything they can do?
  20. This is how the page should look like: www.tingram.ca/entry.php?id=18 This is how it is showing up with the mod_rewrite www.tingram.ca/blog/18 Now it looks like somehow the mod_rewrite has stopped the CSS to load, but the mysql connection stuff and functions all work fine. I'm confused ** Fixed I just added a / before the tags in HTML and it works nicely.
  21. Does this look right? [code] RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^entry/([0-9])$ entry.php?d=$1 [/code] It doesnt seem to be working.  The mod_rewite is loaded into apache.  What else can I check? omg I'm dumb.. i figured out what I was doing wrong. :-\ Though the issue I am having now is because the url looks like www.tingram.ca/blog/1 the images and things are not loading properly because they are set up like img src="images/blah.jpg" is there something I can do to make this correct?
  22. I havent changed the code but IE isnt liking it any more and doesn't remember the menu's state. Firefox handles it fine but in the Javascript Console I get this error: Error in parsing value for property 'display'. Declaration dropped.  Line: 0 Well nothing on line 0 so I am not sure where to look.
  23. Now does this go into the httpd.conf
  24. HI, I can't remember what is it called and I know there have been lots of posts about it but can't for the life of me remember. I want to take the URL myscript.php?action=product&id=2343 and change the url to read myscript.php/product/myProduct I'd love to get into the debate on whether or not Google/MSN/Yahoo etc do better with their crawlers in this fashion as well but I'm sure that would have to be started in another section here at PHPFreaks ;) Thanks!
  25. [quote author=alpine link=topic=112513.msg456753#msg456753 date=1161691682] If i understand your last post correctly you want to randomize the string "Nina" ? [code] <?php $beseda = 'Nina'; $pieces = str_split($beseda); shuffle($pieces); foreach($pieces as $piece) { echo $piece; } ?> [/code] [/quote] There is also [code=php:0]str_shuffle('Nina');[/code] Though you need a version of at least 4.3 in PHP
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