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Everything posted by kevinblevins

  1. I have tried a few methods $('#button').click(function() { slideShow().stop(); $(this).toggle(); }) $('#button2').click(function(){ slideShow(); })
  2. Here is the code I tried: $("#next").on("click", function(){ var toHighlight = $('.first').next().length > 0 ? $('.first').next() : $('#infoWin li').first(); $(this).fadeOut(100); $('.first').fadeOut(100); $('.first').delay(100).removeClass('first'); toHighlight.delay(100).addClass('first'); $('.first').delay(100).fadeIn(100); $(this).delay(100).fadeIn(100); });
  3. Here is the code I tried: $("#next").on("click", function(){ var toHighlight = $('.first').next().length > 0 ? $('.first').next() : $('#infoWin li').first(); $(this).fadeOut(100); $('.first').fadeOut(100); $('.first').delay(100).removeClass('first'); toHighlight.delay(100).addClass('first'); $('.first').delay(100).fadeIn(100); $(this).delay(100).fadeIn(100); });
  4. Tables are meant for tabular data - there's nothing wrong with using tables in this case. In fact, trying to make faux tables with other structures is kind of silly.
  5. you can place the link anywhere in body section where you think it is right, either do it in footer section or some internal page.
  6. <ul> <li>Item one</li> <li>Item two</li> <li>Item three</li> <li>Item four</li> <li>Item five</li> <li>Item six</li> <li>Item seven</li> <li>Item eight</li> <li>Item nine</li> <li>Item ten</li> <li>Item eleven</li> <li>Item twelve</li> </ul> And here's the CSS that turns that standardlist into multiple columns: ul { width: 700px; list-style-type:none; } li { width:180px; margin:15px 0 0 0; padding:0 10px 0 0; line-height:15px; float:left; }
  7. XHTML is the same as HTML but with a few differences that make it more "robust": All tag names must be lowercase - i.e. <html> instead of <HTML>) All elements must have corresponding closing tags - i.e. <p>paragraph</p> instead of <p>paragraph Elements without closing tags should use /> - i.e. <br /> and <img src="..." /> instead of <br> and <img src="..."> All attributes must be in quotes - i.e. <span class="test">something</span> instead of <span class=test>something</span> All attributes that are used must have values - i.e. <option selected="selected"> instead of <option selected>
  8. Other great tutorial sites: Position is Everything! -My favorite site for learning (by example) to replace table layouts with CSS. CSS Layout Techniques -Another great site with examples on multiple column layouts. A List Apart -Site full of great articles about the design process for CSS, as well as articles on different mini-tasks (i.e. pretty forms, multi-column lists, etc.) Holy CSS Zeldman! -A site with a bunch of links to tutorials to CSS concepts and applications. Max Design -Site with a bunch of tutorials on formating CSS lists, floats, and form selects.
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