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  1. Hi All, I have a landing page that I use, but often my sql database is too busy or gets overwhelmed and then the landing page just stalls and traffic is lost. Here it is: <?php //ini_set("display_errors",1); if(!$src) $src = $q; define("__EXEC_", 1); include("config.php"); include("custom.php"); function lsp_visit_find($__val, &$__uid) { global $u; global $db; $l_campaign = array("campaign_id"=>"", "url"=>"", "cost"=>"0.00", "name"=>"-", "ad_keyword"=>"", "mapped_keyword"=>""); $l_visit = array(); $q = $_GET['q']; $src = $_GET['src']; // for STAGE #1 (visit definition): get cost, ad keyword, mapped keyword. $l_campaign['name'] = "info"; $l_campaign['mapped_keyword'] = "$q"; $l_campaign['ad_keyword'] = "$src"; $l_campaign['cost'] = ".02"; // get referer (campaign URL). if no campaign found, - create it! if (!empty($l_campaign['name'])) { $r = mysql_query("select campaign_id,name from campaign where name='$l_campaign[name]'"); if (!mysql_affected_rows($db)) { $r = mysql_query("insert into campaign(name,cost, creation_date,last_update_date) values('$l_campaign[name]',$l_campaign[cost], unix_timestamp(),unix_timestamp())"); $l_campaign['campaign_id'] = mysql_insert_id($db); } else { $w = mysql_fetch_assoc($r); $l_campaign = array_merge($l_campaign,$w); } } // check, whether we had visits from this IP for this keywords within 2 minutes. // if we have one, get its ID, otherwise - create new! $visit_id=""; if (!empty($l_campaign['ad_keyword']) && !empty($l_campaign['mapped_keyword']) ) { $ip = get_real_ip(); $r = mysql_query("select visit_id,uid,campaign_id,ad_keyword,mapped_keyword from visit where ip='$ip' and ad_keyword='$l_campaign[ad_keyword]' and mapped_keyword='$l_campaign[mapped_keyword]' and currtime>=from_unixtime(".(time()-120).") limit 1"); if (!mysql_affected_rows()) { $__uid = md5($ip.time().$l_campaign['campaign_id']); $x = mysql_query("insert into visit(ip,uid,cost,currtime,campaign_id,ad_keyword,mapped_keyword) values('$ip','$__uid',$l_campaign[cost],now(),$l_campaign[campaign_id],'$l_campaign[ad_keyword]','$l_campaign[mapped_keyword]')"); $visit_id = mysql_insert_id($db); } else { $l_visit = mysql_fetch_assoc($r); $visit_id = $l_visit['visit_id']; $__uid = $l_visit['uid']; } return $visit_id; } } $db = mysql_connect(__CFG_HOSTNAME, __CFG_USERNAME, __CFG_PASSWORD); mysql_select_db(__CFG_DATABASE, $db); $u = isset($_GET['u'])? $_GET['u'] : 2; $uid = ""; $visit_id = lsp_visit_find($_REQUEST['l'], $uid); if (!empty($visit_id)) { setcookie("x_uid", base64_encode($visit_id."QQ".$uid), time() + 3600); } global $q; mysql_close($db); $q = $_GET['q']; $src = $_GET['src']; header("Location: http://www.mydomain.com/search/?q=$q"); exit(); ?> My question is how do I code it so that if after 5 seconds or so, or the connection can't be made, it just terminates the connection and auto loads the header redirect at the bottom of the page? Thanks!
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