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  1. Ahhhh I see! Thanks for teaching me that man. I have never used check boxes ever before, so yeah. Well, thanks again!
  2. Does anyone know why I am not getting an alert on an empty form INPUT value? if (document.forms["form"]["targetname"].value == "" && document.forms["form"]["unknownname"] == false) { alert ("What ever"); return false; } document.forms["form"]["targetname"] is a form INPUT text document.forms["form"]["unknownname"] is a form INPUT checkbox I suspect the problem is due to 'false'.. but I can't figure out why.
  3. Thanks mate. function unknownName() { if (document.forms["form"]["targetname"].disabled == false) { document.forms["form"]["targetname"].disabled = true; } else { document.forms["form"]["targetname"].disabled = false; } } Solved.
  4. Your right about the equal signs man. How didn't I see this! Thanks! "your if statments will cancel each other if the field is disabled. Maybe you need to use else if." I don't understand what you mean. Could you give me an example? Now my error console reports "unknownName is not defined". How is that so?!
  5. I have a problem where my function doesn't seem to be even parsing. <SCRIPT> function unknownName() { if (document.forms['form']['targetname'].disabled = false) { document.forms['form']['targetname'].disabled = true; } if (document.forms['form']['targetname'].disabled = true) { document.forms['form']['targetname'].disabled = false; } } </SCRIPT> <INPUT name="unknownname" onclick="return unknownName()" type="checkbox"> When I click it, the INPUT that its suppose to disable doesn't disable. I don't even get an error message in my error console which suggests that the function isn't even parsing. Does anyone know what the problem is?
  6. I'm not holding my breath, but I am hoping someone can show me how this is done at the most basic level: http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.mail.mail.factory.php I am an example person. I learn from examples. Unfortunately that page doesn't have one. All the other examples I have found on the internet are crufted up and make it hard for me to digest. So, if someone can help me out. Could you please not put anything in the example thats not necessary for the function to perform. I have asked this before, but people still make '// comment' and 'debugging code' in. This makes it almost impossible for me to learn. I'm not arrogant, I just find most computer programmers can't keep things simple. So I kindly ask. Sorry for my poor sentance construction. My stress levels are at the ceiling due to imminent homelessness.
  7. How can I increase simultanious mail delivery in Postfix? According to the manual I need to use 'transport_destination_concurrency_limit' in the master configuration file, well I did this and now my mail server has stopped working. transport_destination_concurrency_limit = 1000
  8. If I knew what your asking already, I wouldn't be asking. Thanks for teaching me that [] is associated with arrays. I am grateful.
  9. Does anyone know why I am getting ? <?php $capitals = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $capitalsinteger = rand(1-26); $capital = $capitals($capitalsinteger); $lowercases = 'abcdefghijklmnpqrstuvwxyz'; $lowercasesinteger = rand(1-26); $lowercase = $lowercases($lowercasesinteger); $firstnamelowercaseslength = rand(5-10); $firstnamelowercaseslengthcounter = 0; $randomizedfirstnamelowercases = ''; firstname: $randomizedfirstnamelowercases .= $lowercase; $firstnamelowercaseslengthcounter++; if ($firstnamelowercaseslengthcounter != $firstnamelowercaseslength) { goto firstname; } echo $capital.$randomizedfirstnamelowercases; ?>
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