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Everything posted by klepec

  1. I want to display it like this: Company title: Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Company branches: Stari Tehnik Pizzerija 5ka Gostilna Kekec Blejski Tehnik Company products: Testna 1 Testna 2 Mickino Kolo The main issue that im having is the duplicated results. I want every entry to be displayed only once. (Like shown above). Thanks
  2. How can i get rid of the duplicates?
  3. Hello guys, this is my query with two left joins (tried to join bcompany - main table WITH bpoint and bug): SELECT cName, cAddr, sName, uNaslov FROM bcompany c LEFT JOIN bpoint p ON c.companyID = p.companyID LEFT JOIN bug b ON c.companyID = b.cID WHERE c.companyID='$cID'; First table bcompany is a main one, and there is always exactly one result row. Both tables bpoint and bug relate to bcompany via the companyID column. These two tables will not necessarily have any records. Thats why i used left joins, to always get the information of bcompany table no matter if there are any results in other tables or not. My problem are doubled results of those two joined tables. I can understand multiple results for the main table, but not for the joined two. How can i get rid of them? Output: bcompany: Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. Mladi Tehnik d.o.o. bpoint: Stari Tehnik Stari Tehnik Stari Tehnik Pizzerija 5ka Pizzerija 5ka Pizzerija 5ka Gostilna Kekec Gostilna Kekec Gostilna Kekec Blejski Tehnik Blejski Tehnik Blejski Tehnik bug: Testna 1 Testna 2 Mickino kolo Testna 1 Testna 2 Mickino kolo Testna 1 Testna 2 Mickino kolo Testna 1 Testna 2 Mickino kolo
  4. Hello, I use same header for all pages, which include user authentication code (login sessions), main menu, logo and login information html. HEADER: <?php .. user authentication ?> <head> CSS JQuery </head> <body> <center> Logo Main menu Login information (username, logout itd... / login-regster button when not logged in) The header is "included" in all the pages. Now to the question. How to check if pages are public (accessible for non-registered users) or not? I usually redirected the non-registered users to login page, but how to handle it when some pages are public and some are not? I obviously cant use header since it is page independent. Thanks
  5. Can anyone suggest how to make pagination for search results? The problem here is that WHERE (search criterias / input fields filled by user) resets every time you go to other page (page1, page2, page3). Also, there is not always the same number of criterias because empty fields (fields ommited by user) are left out. Thanks
  6. Hello. I would need some suggestions for fast multiple criteria search. There are fields for all table columns to search by. How to handle empty fields? Thanks
  7. Thanks for the information
  8. Hi, TEXT vs VARCHAR, what do you guys think it is better to use (for longer texts like messages or news - UTF8 encoding)?
  9. I have two databases, lets name them database ONE and database TWO. Every database record has an id of its author (user). There are no limits for records per user. I would like to run a statistics page for each user. For example, when John logs in: John | 20 of A (list) | 150 of B (list) demo code: $a = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM A WHERE userID='$userID'"); $b = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM B WHERE userID='$userID'"); $a_num=mysql_num_rows($a); $b_num=mysql_num_rows($b); $echo "$userID | $a_num of A <a href='/a/$userID'>(list)</a> | $b_num of B <a href='/b/$userID'>(list)</a> "; So, is check for number of records an optimal solution when number of database records come to few hundred or maybe thousand? Is there any better way to run statistics? Maybe a separate database which counts records for each user? Thanks in advance
  10. Yes, but this sample doesnt work. Can you explain where it can be used? Here is jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/eLQ8w/1/
  11. Can you use THIS selectors within if statements? I dont really understand where it can be used. Example: if($('#wanted').length!=0) { $(this).fadeOut(); } Thanks
  12. Aha, thanks. I was just wondering if this would cause any problems.
  13. Is there anything wrong if I name html array names (for later php use) like that: name="pic[0]", name="pic[1]", name="pic[2]" instead of just setting all names to: name="pic[]"? I am using jquery validate plugin so i need unique field names, otherwise only first element with the given name gets validated. Thanks
  14. Sorry, i forgot to mention, it is a phpmyadmin. Database was created in phpmyadmin's SQL command line: CREATE DATABASE something; I would just like to be able to delete it the same way, but the phpmyadmin does not let me (it says that this command is disabled).
  15. Yes i am logged in as root. Fresh installation.
  16. Why cant i drop databases in fresh WAMP 2.2d x64 installation? When i type DROP DATABASE 'something' - it says that statement has been disabled. Is there a way to enable it? Thanks
  17. ok nevermind figured it out. Thanks
  18. This looks good Can i ask what "OR 1" does?
  19. Hey, Like i said i would like that condition inside mysql query, not writing another query for admins using php if statement. The problem here is that i have like 10 different queries for 10 different databases and writing another admin query for each one would be a big mess.
  20. I have a search form. $req is a keyword or an ID number input by user. As you can see, query checks only for rows where userID matches the current login userID. My question is, how to transform (not independent query for admins) the query to search all rows if user $access is admin (no matter the administrator's own userID). <?php $userID="something"; (from session) $access="something" (from session / user or admin) $query="SELECT esName, esID, esAddress FROM estates WHERE (esName LIKE '$req' OR esID LIKE '$req') AND userID='$userID'"; mysql_query($query); ?> Thanks in advance
  21. Only one. Just the chosen form where submit button is set. I know there cant be multiple buttons submitted, but just for the extra protection.
  22. I have multiple forms within one php file. What is the best structure to use? if (isset($_POST["one"])) { include... } if (isset($_POST["two"])) { include... } if (isset($_POST["three"])) { include... } OR if (isset($_POST["one"])) { include... } else if (isset($_POST["two"])) { include... } else if (isset($_POST["three"])) { include... } thanks
  23. Ok solved it myself. action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]; ?>"
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