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Everything posted by heinkasner

  1. The Little Guy, thank you for this piece of code. I understand why the header is above the echo statement, but it still does not redirect to the Admin page. I don't get an error, but rather just a blank page which is the page I redirect from.
  2. I have this code snippet: echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('FreeExam database backed up successfully');</script>"; header('Location: Admin.php'); exit(); When I take the first line out, it works fine, but when running this, it gives me the following error: 'Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\FreeExam\Selector.php:209) in C:\xampp\htdocs\FreeExam\Selector.php on line 210' . I need to display a message to the user before redirecting to the Admin.php page. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  3. Is there any resources one can use to encode or keep PHP code safe? I want to hand my php page to someone to look at but I don't want them to change or copy my own code. Thank you
  4. I have a pink line running downwards on the right hand side of my NetBeans 7.1 Editor IDE. Is this a bug in NetBeans itself? I have seen this in previous versions of NetBeans editors as well.
  5. Hey! Thanks a lot for your reply to my post. Can't believe I have not thought about that way! haha. How would I then determine (in PHP) if the correct answer was chosen or not when the PC marks the questions? Any ideas around that? Thanks a lot!
  6. I believe XHTML is a bit more dynamic than normal HTML.
  7. I am busy developing an exam-type system where the admin adds questions and answers to those questions into the MySQL database, but really can't think of a way to mark the correct question in the database. I obviously don't want to show the correct question to the student, thus I am trying to think of a way for PHP of which is the correct question to add up the total marks and calculate the percentage. Any help or ideas would be much appreciated. Thank you very much!
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