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Everything posted by memfiss

  1. id should automaticaly generate mysql u should make ur `userid` like that create `sometable` ( `userID`smallint(5) NOT NULL auto_increment, ... some other fields ... , PRIMARY KEY (`userID`) ) then when u will run mysql_query("INSERT INTO users ( email, password, mobile) VALUES ('$email','$password','$mobile')"); id will be 1 , next accaunt will have 2 , then 3 ... 99999
  2. wtf is it ? if(!isset($_SESSION['cart'] = $new)) #php makes ur code step by step #first step $_SESSION['cart'] = $new #where is $new variable ? #if no varable $_SESSION['cart'] will be null #then we check if (!isset(null)) #its true if (true) $_SESSION['cart'] = $new; #and again $_SESSION['cart'] will be null where is declarated $new variable ?
  3. ur $_SESSION['uid'] doesn't isset , u should check it <?php session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("news_system"); if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) $_SESSION['uid'] = null;
  4. OMG for ($i=1 ; !($i > 12) ; $i++) { ${'checkmatch'.$i} = isset($_SESSION['match'.$i]) ? $_SESSION['match'.$i] : 0; }
  5. u make output echo "<p>logged in as: ". $_SESSION['login']; then u are using header in ur function try to replace them session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['login']) && isset($_SESSION['password'])) { checkdate(); include ('header.php'); echo "<p>logged in as: ". $_SESSION['login']; include ('footer.php'); } ...
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