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Everything posted by wakenbake

  1. Ahhh christ that's what it was. I had been calling the sidebar function BEFORE the login function. moving the header stuff into each part of the switchboard instead of before it takes care of the problem...
  2. Again, nothing else is changing the session variables... at the link provided, you can see what they are set to on EVERY page load thanks to a handy debugging information div in the bottom right of every page..... try and login, you'll see what I'm talking about in that window... http://www.rimersoft.com/rimersoft.admin/ password: doit hmmmm maybe it's because I have that sidebar function called BEFORE logging in and out...?
  3. append a "\n" to your string for new lines...
  4. nah, all that does is change the way the sidebar looks depending on the session vars. thats my problem. that sesh var is not there when those funcs are run until the second page load. visit the link provided... you'll see the behavior in the debug information popup as you log in its like: upon successful login (submitting of form with good password), the login is deemed true, and the session var 'loggedin' is set to 1, but it doesn't actually seem to set it. at that point, you refresh the page (resubmit the form or just visit the page again), the session var 'loggedin' is now miraculously set... same thing for logging out... if you logout, you see the successful logout message, but $_SESSION['loggedin'] still is set to 1 until you again refresh or revisit the page... session vars seem to lag one page view behind after setting???
  5. Yessir! I posted the session code above just before you submitted.... http://www.rimersoft.com/rimersoft.admin/ Temporary password: 'doit' ...no quotes There's the script actually RUNNING with the debug windows enabled.. E_ALL is on, and display_errors is on! register_globals is OFF!
  6. Here's the code from my main page... lotta includes though... <?php include_once('./classes/class.session.php'); $sesh = new Session(); include_once('./functions/commonfuncs.php'); include_once('./functions/galleryfuncs.php'); include_once('./classes/class.uploads.php'); include_once('./constants/galleryconstants.php'); include_once('./constants/siteconstants.php'); $loggedin = $sesh->isLoggedIn(); $x = array(); $x[] = getHeader(); $x[] = getArea(); $x[] = getSidebar($sesh); $x[] = '<div id="content">'; // Build the Logout link if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'?') == true) { $logoutLink = '<a href="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'&logout=true">CLICK HERE TO LOGOUT</a>'; } else { $logoutLink = '<a href="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'?logout=true">CLICK HERE TO LOGOUT</a>'; } // ADMIN SWITCHBOARD if (isset($_POST['loginattempt']) && $_POST['loginattempt'] == '1') // Login was attempted, security check! { if ($sesh->Login($_POST['pass']) == true) { $x[] = $logoutLink; } else { $x[] = '<p><span class="error"><b>DENIED. TRY AGAIN?</b></span></p><br />'; $x[] = $sesh->loginForm(); } } elseif (isset($_POST['deleting']) && $_POST['deleting'] == '1') // Files were selected for deletion { $x[] = deleteImages($_REQUEST['files']); $x[] = Uploads::drawUploadForm(); $x[] = getDeleteSelectBox(); $x[] = $logoutLink; } elseif (isset($_GET['logout']) && $_GET['logout'] == 'true') // Logout was attempted, security check! { $sesh->Logout(); $x[] = 'You have successfully been logged out...<br /><br />Would you like to:<br />'; $x[] = '<a href="./">Log back in</a><br />'; $x[] = '<a href="../">Return to '.SITE_NAME.'</a>'; } elseif ($loggedin == true) // Successful login has been detected, show upload form. { $x[] = $logoutLink; } else // not logged in, show login form { $x[] = ' <p>Welcome to the <em>'.SITE_NAME.'</em> Content Management System. Please log in!<br /><br /></p>'; $x[] = $sesh->loginForm(); } // END ADMIN SWITCHBOARD $x[] = '</div> <!-- content -->'; $x[] = getFooter(); echo implode("\n",$x); ?> This is the class.session.php file contents <?php class Session { var $loginPassword = 'doit'; function Session() { session_start(); if (ini_get('register_globals') == true) { foreach ($_SESSION as $key=>$value) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$key])) unset($GLOBALS[$key]); } } } function set_var( $var_name, $var_val ) { $_SESSION[$var_name] = $var_val; } function get_var( $var_name ) { if (isset($_SESSION[$var_name])) { return $_SESSION[$var_name]; } return false; } function del_var( $var_name ) { unset( $_SESSION[$var_name] ); } function del_vars( $arr ) { if( !is_array( $arr ) ) { return false; } foreach( $arr as $element ) { unset( $_SESSION[$element] ); } return true; } function end_session() { $_SESSION = array(); session_destroy(); } //functions for logon/logoff function isLoggedIn() { if ($this->get_var('loggedin') == 1) { return true; } return false; } function Login($pw=false) { if ($pw == $this->loginPassword) { //LOGIN SUCCEEDED $this->set_var( 'loggedin', '1' ); return true; } return false; } function loginForm() { $x = array(); $x[]='<form name="loginform" action="'.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].'" method="post">'; $x[]='Password: <input id="login_password" name="pass" type="password" value="" />'; $x[]='<input name="loginattempt" type="hidden" value="1" />'; $x[]='<input name="sendit" type="submit" value="Login!" />'; return implode("\n",$x); } function Logout() { $this->end_session(); } } ?>
  7. *Running WAMPSERVER 2.0c latest, 5.2.6 PHP. Hey everyone. I'm learning PHP and I'm having trouble with setting and then immediately referencing session variables. I've searched the forums for a repeat post and I think I see a couple that may be describing my problem, but I'm not seeing any answers in them for fixing in it, so here goes: I've got a login form for a custom content mangement system that I'm writing that, upon submission with a good password, sets the session variable $_SESSION['loggedin'] to the integer 1. Shortly after this setting is made before the script ends, a check on the same session variable decides what to display in a contextual help window based whether or not the user is logged in (on that variable). Upon submitting the login form, the page reloads but the session variable 'loggedin' doesn't appear to be set immediately. A subsequent reload of the page and it suddenly seemingly for no reason becomes set. Why is this? I know this is occurring as described because I am print_r()'ing the the $_REQUEST and $_SESSION variables on every page load in a debug information floating div and you can see that upon form submission with a successfully entered password, the $_SESSION array remains empty despite the successful login. If i either resubmit the same form, or visit the same page by URL again, the $_SESSION array suddenly displays the 'loggedin' => 1... ???
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