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  1. Hi all, : I have php script like this which use to send sms. Now i want to send sms from outbox table. not 'NumberCsv in this out box table message is already saved. just use to send message. in outbox field sno,message,mobile,msg_status,mobile I have no idea ho to retrieve records from table... phone number and send message. Can any one help me. thanks a lot in advance. <?php ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", 0); $url = 'http://cbs.zong.com.pk/ReachCWSv2/CorporateSmsV2.svc?wsdl'; $client = new SoapClient($url, array("trace" => 1, "exception" => 0)); $resultBulkSMS = $client->BulkSmsv2( array('objBulkSms' => array( 'LoginId'=> '', //here type your account name 'LoginPassword'=>'', //here type your password 'Mask'=>'KPS', //here set allowed mask against your account or you will get invalid mask 'Message'=>'Happy', 'UniCode'=>'0', 'CampaignName'=>uniqid(), // Any random name or type uniqid() to generate random number, you can also specify campaign name here if want to send no to any existing campaign, numberCSV parameter will be ignored 'CampaignDate'=>'5/02/2022 04:00:00 pm', // data from where sms will start sending, if not sure type current date in m/d/y hh:mm:ss tt format. 'ShortCodePrefered'=>'n', 'NumberCsv'=>'phone number' ))); echo "<pre>"; echo "<br>REQUEST:\n" . htmlentities($client->__getLastRequest()) . "\n"; print_r($resultBulkSMS); ?>
  2. receive error here\ AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dlyatten dl WHERE dlyatten.code = studentaten.code AND dlyatten.date=m.pdate )
  3. thanks this portion of codes is working well. text to lcSQL noshow insert into dlyatten (code, date, type, category, scode, lCode, sec,syear ) values (?dcode,?ddate,1,'P',?dscode,?dlcode,?dsec,2012 ) endtext pDate = date() SQLExec(m.kpshandle, m.lcSQL) but this is not working AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dlyatten dl WHERE dlyatten.code = studentaten.code AND dlyatten.date=m.pdate ) thanks
  4. thanks insert into dlyatten (code, date, type, category, scode, lCode, sec,syear ) ; select code, m.pDate, 1, "P", scode, lCode, Sec,ssyear ; from Student st ; WHERE Admtd = 1 ; AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dlyatten dl ; WHERE dl.code = st.code AND date=pdate ) i want to use with sqlexec command
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