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  1. Read-Write on owners Read-Write-Execute groups Read-Execute on public Also, the folder where the page is located that is attempting to add the listing is also the same as above and all pages insides that same folder e.g. AddOffer.php is set to 777
  2. Please help. I'm getting the following error. If I submit a listing without uploading an image, it works fine, but if I do attempt to upload one, I get the below error. I tried changing the permissions on the file, the cars_images folder etc. The AddOffer.php page works: Error upon submit after including image to upload: Warning: copy(../cars_images/1346168202_offer_1966mustagc1082712.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/www/classiccarsbyfp/manager/AddOffer.php on line 16 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/classiccarsbyfp/manager/AddOffer.php:16) in /home/www/classiccarsbyfp/manager/AddOffer.php on line 48 Here is the code written on the AddOffer.php page from the above errors: Lines 15&16 $NewImageName = $t."_offer_".$value; copy($_FILES[images][tmp_name][$key], "../cars_images/".$NewImageName); Line 48 header("location:info.php?id=$last")
  3. Thanks jesirose. I can't find any errors either! I works fine in Opera. That Print function I believe is so people can print out a particular car listing.
  4. Thanks Drummin and ChristianF. I tried that code you just posted and it didn't change anything but it didn't break it either. When I did the validator thing earlier, it was suggesting I change all kinds of php code that always worked fine so as I changed a few of them, I noticed that nothing happened, so I keep thinking it must be something in the way I have the browser compatibility part and how it talks to that pngfix.js file. I'll check it again but when I go to that w3 validator it says there's only 19 errors and 11 warnings and they all look like php code that I can't change.
  5. AH! Well if you guys could look at this site in Opera, it works perfectly! I only need to be able to tell it to work in IE and Chrome. If anyone could tell me that I'd be floored. Been working on it for days. You can see exactly what the site is supposed to look like in Opera here where the whole layout is also missing in IE & Chrome, unlike working perfectly in Opera http://www.fortpittclassiccars.com/carsforsalefullsite/index.php Here is the HeaderTemplate.php and below that is the pngfix.js code. If I can get those 2 corrected, I think the problem will be fixed. I think maybe something in the browser version isn't right or maybe I'm missing the ones for Chrome? Any help I would be so grateful. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="pngfix.js"></script> <![endif]--> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <title><?=$aset[siteTitle]?></title><meta dcb license 123456789> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="<?=$aset[siteDescription]?>"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="<?=$aset[siteKeywords]?>"> <style> .BlackLink {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.BlackLink:hover {text-decoration: underline} .BlueLink {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:blue; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline} a.BlueLink:hover {text-decoration: underline} .RedLink {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:red; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.RedLink:hover {text-decoration: underline} a.CatLinks {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.CatLinks:hover {text-decoration:underline} a.SubCatLinks {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:blue; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.SubCatLinks:hover {text-decoration:underline} a.TitleLinks {font-family:verdana; font-size:12; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.TitleLinks:hover {text-decoration:underline} .ItemText {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:black; font-weight:regular; text-decoration:none} .sm {font-family:verdana; font-size:11} </style> <script language="JavaScript"> function CheckSearch() { if(document.f1.what.value=="") { window.alert('Enter the search criteria, please!'); document.f1.what.focus(); return false; } } function CheckFriend() { if(document.sfriend.f1.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your email address!'); document.sfriend.f1.focus(); return false; } if(document.sfriend.f2.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your friend email address!'); document.sfriend.f2.focus(); return false; } } function CheckLogin() { if(document.lform.us.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your username, please!'); document.lform.us.focus(); return false; } if(document.lform.ps.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your password, please!'); document.lform.ps.focus(); return false; } } function CheckForgot() { if(document.ForgotForm.u2.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your username, please!'); document.ForgotForm.u2.focus(); return false; } } function CheckRegister() { if(document.RegForm.NewUsername.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your username, please!'); document.RegForm.NewUsername.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p1.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your password, please!'); document.RegForm.p1.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p2.value=="") { window.alert('Confirm your password, please!'); document.RegForm.p2.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p1.value != "" && document.RegForm.p2.value != "" && document.RegForm.p1.value != document.RegForm.p2.value) { window.alert('Enter and confirm your password again!'); document.RegForm.p1.value=""; document.RegForm.p2.value=""; document.RegForm.p1.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.FirstName.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your First Name, please!'); document.RegForm.FirstName.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.LastName.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your Last Name, please!'); document.RegForm.LastName.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.address.value=="") { alert('Enter your address, please!'); document.RegForm.address.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.city.value=="") { alert('Enter your city, please!'); document.RegForm.city.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.state.value=="") { alert('Enter your state, please!'); document.RegForm.state.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.country.value=="") { alert('Select your country, please!'); document.RegForm.country.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.phone.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your Phone, please!'); document.RegForm.phone.focus(); return false; } if(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(document.RegForm.email.value)) { return true; } alert("Invalid E-mail Address! Please re-enter."); document.RegForm.email.focus(); return false; } function CheckProfile() { if(document.RegForm.p1.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your password, please!'); document.RegForm.p1.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p2.value=="") { window.alert('Confirm your password, please!'); document.RegForm.p2.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p1.value != "" && document.RegForm.p2.value != "" && document.RegForm.p1.value != document.RegForm.p2.value) { window.alert('Enter and confirm your password again!'); document.RegForm.p1.value=""; document.RegForm.p2.value=""; document.RegForm.p1.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.FirstName.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your First Name, please!'); document.RegForm.FirstName.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.LastName.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your Last Name, please!'); document.RegForm.LastName.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.address.value=="") { alert('Enter your address, please!'); document.RegForm.address.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.city.value=="") { alert('Enter your city, please!'); document.RegForm.city.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.state.value=="") { alert('Enter your state, please!'); document.RegForm.state.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.country.value=="") { alert('Select your country, please!'); document.RegForm.country.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.phone.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your Phone, please!'); document.RegForm.phone.focus(); return false; } if(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(document.RegForm.email.value)) { return true; } alert("Invalid E-mail Address! Please re-enter."); document.RegForm.email.focus(); return false; } function CheckOffer() { if(document.PostForm.CategoryID.value=="") { alert('Select the category in which your offer will appear!'); document.PostForm.CategoryID.focus(); return false; } if(document.PostForm.year.value=="") { alert('Select the vehicle year, please!'); document.PostForm.year.focus(); return false; } if(document.PostForm.SelectMake.value=="") { alert('Select the vehicle make, please!'); document.PostForm.SelectMake.focus(); return false; } if(document.PostForm.VehicleModel.value=="") { alert('Enter the vehicle model, please!'); document.PostForm.VehicleModel.focus(); return false; } if(document.PostForm.VehicleColor.value=="") { alert('Enter the vehicle color, please!'); document.PostForm.VehicleColor.focus(); return false; } if(document.PostForm.mileage.value=="") { alert('Enter the vehicle mileage, please!'); document.PostForm.mileage.focus(); return false; } if(document.PostForm.DetailedDesc.value=="") { alert('Describe your vehicle in details, please!'); document.PostForm.DetailedDesc.focus(); return false; } if(document.PostForm.Price.value=="") { alert('Enter the price, please!'); document.PostForm.Price.focus(); return false; } } </script> </head> <body> <div id="main"> <div id="header"> <!--<?=$aset[HeaderImg]?>--> <a href="index.php" id="logo"><img src="header_images/<?=$aset[HeaderImg]?>" alt="" /></a> <div class="topmenu"><a href="index.php"><img src="images/tm/home.gif" alt="" /></a> <a href="advanced.php"><img src="images/tm/search.gif" alt="" /></a> <a href="email_admin.php"><img src="images/tm/contact.gif" alt="" /></a></div> </div> <div id="content"> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%" id="cont"> <tr> <td class="left"> <a class="tp" href="index.php">Home</a> <a class="tp" href="advanced.php">Advanced Search</a> <?///$homeLinks;?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td class="cats"> <div class="title">Categories</div> <div class="wrap"> <div id="homelinks" class="ltext"> <?=$Categories?> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> <?if (isset($RandomProperty) && !empty($RandomProperty)){?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td> <div class="title">Featured</div> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ltext"> <?=$RandomProperty?> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> <?}?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td> <div class="title">Join Newsletter</div> <script> function CheckMail() { if(document.je.u_name.value=="") { alert('Enter your name, please!'); document.je.u_name.focus(); return false; } if(document.je.u_email.value=="") { alert('Enter your email, please!'); document.je.u_email.focus(); return false; } } </script> <br><br> <form action="join_news.php" method=post onsubmit="return CheckMail();" name=je> <table align=center border=0> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><input type=text name="u_name" size=15 class="mtext"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type=text name=u_email size=15 class="mtext"></td> </tr> <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type=submit name=s1 value="Send" class="sub1"> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </td></tr></table> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td> <div class="title">Site Stats</div> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ltext"> <strong>Vehicles Listed:</strong> <?=$vehcountline?> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td> <div class="wrap"> <div class="title">Poll</div> <div class="ltext"> <? include "poll.php";?> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td> <div class="title">News & Updates</div> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ltext"> <? $news = "select * from car_news order by newsid desc limit 0,2"; $newsresult=mysql_query($news) or die(mysql_error()); while($newsline=mysql_fetch_array($newsresult)) { ?> <div class="dottedB"> <strong> » <?=$newsline[newstitle]?> </strong><br><br> <?=$newsline[addedon]?> <br> <br> <?=$newsline[newdescription]?> </div> <?}?> <a href="news.php"><strong>More News >></a> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> <? if($aset[Article]=='1'){?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td> <div class="title">Articles</div> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ltext"> <? //Article Retrieving $art = "select * from cars_articles order by articleid desc limit 0,3"; $resultart=mysql_query($art) or die(mysql_error()); while($lineart=mysql_fetch_array($resultart)) { ?> <strong> <a href="articlesdetails.php?id=<?=$lineart[articleid]?>"><?=$lineart[articletitle]?></a> </strong><br><br> <?}?> <a href="articlesall.php"><strong>All Articles >></a> </div> </div> </div> </td></tr></table><?}?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="box"><tr><td> <div class="title">Links</div> <div class="wrap"> <div class="ltext cats"> <? if($aset[Partner]=='1'){?> <? //Links Retrieving $link = "select * from cars_links order by linkid desc"; $resultlink=mysql_query($link) or die(mysql_error()); while($linelink=mysql_fetch_array($resultlink)) { ?> <div align="left"> <strong> <a href="<?=$linelink[linkurl]?>" target="_blank"><?=$linelink[linktitle]?></a> </strong><br> </div> <?}?> <?}?> </div> </div> </td></tr></table> </td> <td class="right"> Then here is the pngfix.js code: var arVersion = navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE") var version = parseFloat(arVersion[1]) if ((version >= 9) && (document.body.filters)) { for(var i=0; i<document.images.length; i++) { var img = document.images[i] var imgName = img.src.toUpperCase() if (imgName.substring(imgName.length-3, imgName.length) == "PNG") { var imgID = (img.id) ? "id='" + img.id + "' " : "" var imgClass = (img.className) ? "class='" + img.className + "' " : "" var imgTitle = (img.title) ? "title='" + img.title + "' " : "title='" + img.alt + "' " var imgStyle = "display:inline-block;" + img.style.cssText if (img.align == "left") imgStyle = "float:left;" + imgStyle if (img.align == "right") imgStyle = "float:right;" + imgStyle if (img.parentElement.href) imgStyle = "cursor:hand;" + imgStyle var strNewHTML = "<span " + imgID + imgClass + imgTitle + " style=\"" + "width:" + img.width + "px; height:" + img.height + "px;" + imgStyle + ";" + "filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader" + "(src=\'" + img.src + "\', sizingMethod='scale');\"></span>" img.outerHTML = strNewHTML i = i-1 } } }
  6. I deleted line 3 and it still doesn't work. Looking at it Chrome right now. Nothing changes.
  7. Thanks guys but see it all worked perfectly in the browser before, errors and all as this came from somebody who wrote it a couple years ago and it always worked fine. I tried the code you sent me but it didn't do a thing and had others look at it after those changes on various browsers and no change when I change font sizes, text, etc. and can't figure out exactly what I need to add to change the background color. I think I need someone to help to check the full site out and see where all the other files are that may be calling this code up and or overriding these 2 pages. Is there any other way I can display what might be going on so somebody can take a full look at the site?
  8. Thanks also Drummin! I tried that but still no luck. See when I first installed this script about 2 years ago, it worked perfectly. Now it doesn't for some reason. I didn't change any of the code that I recall back then. I'm not even sure if that HeadTemplate.php is the one that controls or refers to or calls up the CSS style sheet but when I run a search for style fonts, etc., it appears to be the only page that references it. I've been losing my mind for days. I'd gladly pay something for some help to check out the full site. I'm kind of tapped at the moment but could pay something and maybe more if it calls for it when I get paid for the job in the next day or two. What I need to do is make the page background black and then be able to change the fonts etc. to match the black background and I'm at a complete loss to do it. The rest of the site is done.
  9. I don't think it has to do with the style sheet or the headertemplate.php file. Something else is going on. Is there any moderator or someone who I c an have login to check it out? Here's teh HeadTemplate.php code where I think it might be referencing the style sheet though I could be wrong: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <!--[if lt IE 7]> <script defer type="text/javascript" src="pngfix.js"></script> <![endif]--> <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" '> <title><?=$aset[siteTitle]?></title><meta dcb license 123456789> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="<?=$aset[siteDescription]?>"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="<?=$aset[siteKeywords]?>"> <style> .BlackLink {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.BlackLink:hover {text-decoration: underline} .BlueLink {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:blue; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:underline} a.BlueLink:hover {text-decoration: underline} .RedLink {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:red; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.RedLink:hover {text-decoration: underline} a.CatLinks {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.CatLinks:hover {text-decoration:underline} a.SubCatLinks {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:blue; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.SubCatLinks:hover {text-decoration:underline} a.TitleLinks {font-family:verdana; font-size:12; color:black; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none} a.TitleLinks:hover {text-decoration:underline} .ItemText {font-family:verdana; font-size:11; color:black; font-weight:regular; text-decoration:none} .sm {font-family:verdana; font-size:11} </style> <script language="JavaScript"> function CheckSearch() { if(document.f1.what.value=="") { window.alert('Enter the search criteria, please!'); document.f1.what.focus(); return false; } } function CheckFriend() { if(document.sfriend.f1.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your email address!'); document.sfriend.f1.focus(); return false; } if(document.sfriend.f2.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your friend email address!'); document.sfriend.f2.focus(); return false; } } function CheckLogin() { if(document.lform.us.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your username, please!'); document.lform.us.focus(); return false; } if(document.lform.ps.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your password, please!'); document.lform.ps.focus(); return false; } } function CheckForgot() { if(document.ForgotForm.u2.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your username, please!'); document.ForgotForm.u2.focus(); return false; } } function CheckRegister() { if(document.RegForm.NewUsername.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your username, please!'); document.RegForm.NewUsername.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p1.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your password, please!'); document.RegForm.p1.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p2.value=="") { window.alert('Confirm your password, please!'); document.RegForm.p2.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.p1.value != "" && document.RegForm.p2.value != "" && document.RegForm.p1.value != document.RegForm.p2.value) { window.alert('Enter and confirm your password again!'); document.RegForm.p1.value=""; document.RegForm.p2.value=""; document.RegForm.p1.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.FirstName.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your First Name, please!'); document.RegForm.FirstName.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.LastName.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your Last Name, please!'); document.RegForm.LastName.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.address.value=="") { alert('Enter your address, please!'); document.RegForm.address.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.city.value=="") { alert('Enter your city, please!'); document.RegForm.city.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.state.value=="") { alert('Enter your state, please!'); document.RegForm.state.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.country.value=="") { alert('Select your country, please!'); document.RegForm.country.focus(); return false; } if(document.RegForm.phone.value=="") { window.alert('Enter your Phone, please!'); document.RegForm.phone.focus(); return false; } if(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(document.RegForm.email.value)) { return true; } alert("Invalid E-mail Address! 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  10. Ok will post the code in about 30 minutes but I actually had this same site inside another site where the style sheet was working, so I posted it to a new ip address and same problem. I don't knnow what code to post. I cant seem to find where it's pulling it from. There's a file called HeaderTemplate.php and I tried to modify that to no avail and put the original copy back in it's place. Then the CSS sheet looks ok. Here's the Header Template page
  11. Have a deadline to get this fixed and can't figure out where to look. I change the css style sheet but nothinng changes on font size and want to change background color but don't know where to find it. Can someone please check and let me know?
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