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  1. Thanks to all for feedback. I have decided to improve CryptBB. Major change: Added VEIL message veilization. What is VEIL? Enveil converts the Base64-text to the random text with simple sentences. Deveil converts this generated text to the Base64-text. Enveilized text hides the Base64-text. For example. We need to post securely the message: We encrypt this message with AES-256 CTR cipher and password 12345 (without capsulation) and get the Base64 (custom) text: Now we enveilize this Base64-text with first VEIL Javascript function by internet-browser and get the human-readable post: Then we transmit this post to the WEB-server. CryptBB deveilizes this post with first VEIL PHP function and saves the deveilized Base64-text to the database. When we read the encrypted topic, CryptBB, using the second VEIL PHP function, show to us the human-readable post. At the end, we deveilize the post with second VEIL Javascript function and decrypt the Base64-text with AES-256 CTR by internet-browser. Now everybody, who knows the password, can securely read the source message. Opinions? cryptbb-
  2. Hi! Let's test my site. CryptBB - Open source encrypted forum: http://cryptbb.site40.net Opinions? cryptbb-
  3. It is good. You are right, but I had not opportunity to use graphic captcha. Text based captcha is more faster and can be used on slow free servers. I think that ConsoleCaptcha is optimaly solution for free hostings. I guess that ConsoleCaptcha is more safe and reliable than text captchas based on stupid questions like as "one plus one = ?". Yes, so far ConsoleCaptcha is for programmers which have at least one convolution of the brain. May be, I will improve ConsoleCaptcha later.
  4. Even spammer will convert this text based image to bitmap file, anyway it will be difficulty task for OCR system to read captcha symbols from this bitmap file.
  5. Thank you for help. I changed "Nobody" to "Anybody" and added "cryptographic" to "All mathematic operations".
  6. ChristianF, please answer, is now ConsoleCaptcha readable in your linux?
  7. ConsoleCaptcha 1.1 Changes: Added Monospace to font family, corrected several comments. <?php /*============================================================================================= ConsoleCaptcha (c) Version: 1.1 (2012-08-29) Author: VanDerSaAr ConsoleCaptcha generates text based images with symbols, which enough easily can be read by humans, but difficulty can be read by OCR systems or other robots. It does not require any graphic library (GD, etc), any database of questions, etc. It does not use much resources and more faster. It can be used with telnet, ssh, etc. See example: http://cryptbb.site40.net/reg.php?v=1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ License: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use ConsoleCaptcha v1.1: <code> <?php include("console-captcha-v1.php"); echo ConsoleCaptchaV1( "EFHLN", # random captcha text = string of 1..30 symbols from EFHLNTXZ + space 4, # defined font size = 1..24 pixels 21, # defined canvas height = 13..100 symbols 120, # minimal canvas width = 0..600 symbols 12, # minimal strike line height = 12..min_canvas_width 50, # minimal strike line width = 50..100 symbols 30, # maximal add strike line width = 0..50 symbols 15, # maximal inverval between strike lines = 0..25 symbols 10, # minimal letter size = 10..canvas_height-3 100, # maximal letter size = min_letter_size..canvas_height-3 0, # minimal interval between letters = 0..100 symbols 4, # maximal interval between letters = min_interval_letter..100 10); # maximal deviation of letter from vertical line = 0..30 degrees ?> </code> To check captcha you can use hashes, sessions, etc. *///=========================================================================================== function ConsoleCaptchaV1( $CaptchaText, // = "EFHLN" # random captcha text = 1..30 symbols from EFHLNTXZ + space $FontSize, // = 4 # defined font size = 1..24 $CanvasHeight, // = 21 # defined canvas height = 13..100 $MinCanvasWidth, // = 120 # minimal canvas width = 0..600 $MinStrikeHeight, // = 12 # minimal strike line height = 12..$MinCanvasWidth $MinStrikeLength, // = 50 # minimal strike line width = 50..100 $AddStrikeLength, // = 30 # maximal add strike line width = 30..50 $MaxStrikeInterval, // = 15 # maximal inverval between strike lines = 15..25 $MinLetterSize, // = 10 # minimal symbol size = 10..$CanvasHeight-3 $MaxLetterSize, // = 100 # maximal symbol size = 100..$CanvasHeight-3 $MinLetterInterval, // = 0 # minimal interval between minimal symbol size = 0..100 $MaxLetterInterval, // = 4 # maximal interval between minimal symbol size = 4..100 $MaxLetterAngle // = 10 # maximal deviation of symbol from vertical line = 0..30 ) { #============================================================================================== function FuncAngleX($FuncX, $FuncAngle, $FuncSize) { # func (origin x, pos angle, pos length) if (($FuncAngle >= (M_PI / 2)) and ($FuncAngle < (3 * M_PI / 2))) { # if angle = PI/2 .. 3*PI/2 $FuncX = $FuncX - round($FuncSize * cos($FuncAngle)); # set position x } else { # if (($FuncAngle >= (M_PI / 2)) and ($FuncAngle < (3 * M_PI / 2))) # if angle = 0..PI/2 + 3*PI/2..2*PI if ($FuncAngle < (M_PI / 2)) { # if angle = 0 .. PI/2 $FuncX = $FuncX + round($FuncSize * cos(M_PI - $FuncAngle)); # set position x } else { # if ($FuncAngle < (M_PI / 2)) # if angle = 3*PI/2 .. 2*PI $FuncX = $FuncX + round($FuncSize * cos($FuncAngle - M_PI)); # set position x } # if ($FuncAngle < (M_PI / 2)) else } # if (($FuncAngle >= (M_PI / 2)) and ($FuncAngle < (3 * M_PI / 2))) else return $FuncX; # return position x } # function FuncAngleX ($FuncX, $FuncAngle, $FuncSize) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FuncPointPos($FuncOriginX, $FuncOriginY, $FuncRatio, $FuncSize1, $FuncAngle1, $FuncSize2, $FuncAngle2) { # func (origin x, y; factor y; positions length, angle of degrees) $FuncA = ($FuncAngle1 / 180) * M_PI; # set position1 angle if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) { # if angle more 2*PI $FuncA = $FuncA - (2 * M_PI); # decrease angle } # if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) if ($FuncA < 0) { # if angle less 0 $FuncA = $FuncA + (2 * M_PI); # increase angle } # if ($FuncA < 0) $FuncX1 = FuncAngleX($FuncOriginX, $FuncA, $FuncSize1); # set position1 x $FuncY1 = $FuncOriginY + round(($FuncSize1 * sin($FuncA)) / $FuncRatio); # set position1 y $FuncA = ($FuncAngle2 / 180) * M_PI; # set position2 angle if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) { # if angle more 2*PI $FuncA = $FuncA - (2 * M_PI); # decrease angle } # if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) if ($FuncA < 0) { # if angle less 0 $FuncA = $FuncA + (2 * M_PI); # increase angle } # if ($FuncA < 0) $FuncX2 = FuncAngleX($FuncOriginX, $FuncA, $FuncSize2); # set position2 x $FuncY2 = $FuncOriginY + round(($FuncSize2 * sin($FuncA)) / $FuncRatio); # set position2 y return array ($FuncX1, $FuncY1, $FuncX2, $FuncY2); # return positions x1, y1, x2, y2 } # function FuncPointPos() #============================================================================================== $NeedDebug = false; # if need to print tech info #$FontSize = 4; // 4 # get font size // debug if ($FontSize < 1) {$FontSize = 1;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($FontSize > 24) {$FontSize = 24;} # if value more max value then set max value #$CanvasHeight = 21; // 21 # get canvas height // debug if ($CanvasHeight < 13) {$CanvasHeight = 13;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($CanvasHeight > 100) {$CanvasHeight = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinCanvasWidth = 120; // 120 # get minimal canvas width // debug if ($MinCanvasWidth < 0) {$MinCanvasWidth = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinCanvasWidth > 600) {$MinCanvasWidth = 600;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinStrikeHeight = 12; // 12 # get minimal strike line height // debug if ($MinStrikeHeight < 12) {$MinStrikeHeight = 12;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinStrikeHeight > $CanvasHeight) {$MinStrikeHeight = $CanvasHeight;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinStrikeLength = 50; // 50 # get minimal strike line length // debug if ($MinStrikeLength < 50) {$MinStrikeLength = 50;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinStrikeLength > 100) {$MinStrikeLength = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$AddStrikeLength = 30; // 30 # get maximal add strike line height // debug if ($AddStrikeLength < 0) {$AddStrikeLength = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($AddStrikeLength > 50) {$AddStrikeLength = 50;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxStrikeInterval = 15; // 15 # get maximal inverval between strike lines // debug if ($MaxStrikeInterval < 0) {$MaxStrikeInterval = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxStrikeInterval > 25) {$MaxStrikeInterval = 25;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinLetterSize = 10; // 10 # get minimal symbol size // debug if ($MinLetterSize < 10) {$MinLetterSize = 10;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinLetterSize > $CanvasHeight - 3) {$MinLetterSize = $CanvasHeight - 3;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxLetterSize = 100; // 100 # get maximal symbol size // debug if ($MaxLetterSize < $MinLetterSize) {$MaxLetterSize = $MinLetterSize;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxLetterSize > $CanvasHeight - 3) {$MaxLetterSize = $CanvasHeight - 3;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinLetterInterval = 0; // 0 # get minimal interval between minimal symbol size // debug if ($MinLetterInterval < 0) {$MinLetterInterval = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinLetterInterval > 100) {$MinLetterInterval = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxLetterInterval = 4; // 4 # get maximal interval between minimal symbol size // debug if ($MaxLetterInterval < $MinLetterInterval) {$MaxLetterInterval = $MinLetterInterval;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxLetterInterval > 100) {$MaxLetterInterval = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxLetterAngle = 10; // 10 # get maximal deviation of symbol from vertical line // debug if ($MaxLetterAngle < 0) {$MaxLetterAngle = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxLetterAngle > 30) {$MaxLetterAngle = 30;} # if value more max value then set max value #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($FontSize < 3) { # if letters too small $CanvasBackChars = " "; # set canvas background chars } else { # if ($FontSize < 3) $CanvasBackChars = ".,' "; # set canvas background chars } # if ($FontSize < 3) else $CanvasFrontChars = "#@&"; # set canvas front chars $DrawChar = "*"; # set temp draw char $SpaceChar = " "; # set temp space char $Ratio = "1.73"; # set ratio between width and height of symbols for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) { # cycle lines of canvas if ($NeedDebug === true) { # if need to debug $Line[$For1] = sprintf('%1$02d', $For1); # set line number } else { # if ($NeedDebug === true) # if not need to debug $Line[$For1] = $SpaceChar; # set space } # if ($NeedDebug === true) else } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) $DrawCount = 0; # clear draw lines count $OriginX = 2; # set start symbol position $PointX1 = array(); # assign array of x1 point of draw line $PointY1 = array(); # assign array of y1 point of draw line $PointX2 = array(); # assign array of x2 point of draw line $PointY2 = array(); # assign array of y2 point of draw line for ($For1 = (strlen($CaptchaText) - 1); $For1 >= 0; $For1--) { # cycle symbols of captcha text if (strpos('EFHLNTXZ ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) === false) { # if captcha symbol is unknown and not space $CaptchaText = substr_replace($CaptchaText, "", $For1, 1); # delete symbol } # if (strpos('EFHLNTXZ ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) === false) } # for ($For1 = (strlen($CaptchaText) - 1); $For1 >= 0; $For1--) if (strlen($CaptchaText) > 30) { # if length of captcha text more value $CaptchaText = substr($CaptchaText, 0, 30); # cut captcha text from right side } # if (strlen($CaptchaText) > 30) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for ($For1 = 0; $For1 < strlen($CaptchaText); $For1++) { # cycle symbols of captcha $OriginX = $OriginX + rand($MinLetterInterval, $MaxLetterInterval); # increase origin x plus random interval $MainSize = rand($MinLetterSize, $MaxLetterSize); # randomize letter size #$MainSize = 7; # debug $DeltaA = rand(0, $MaxLetterAngle * 2) - $MaxLetterAngle; # randomize angle delta #$DeltaA = 0; # debug $OriginY = rand(ceil($MainSize / 2) + 2, $CanvasHeight - ceil($MainSize / 2) - 1); # randomize origin y = 08..14 $OriginX = $OriginX + ceil($MainSize / 2) + 1; # increase origin x plus half letter size #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (strpos('EFHLN', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # left column begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 300 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 60 + $DeltaA); } # left column end if (strpos('EFTZ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # top row begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 300 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 240 + $DeltaA); } # top row end if (strpos('EFH', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # middle row begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize / 2.1, 0 + $DeltaA, $MainSize / 2.1, 180 + $DeltaA); } # middle row end if (strpos('ELZ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # bottom row begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 60 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 120 + $DeltaA); } # # bottom row end if (strpos('HN', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # right column begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 240 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 120 + $DeltaA); } # right column end if (strpos('T', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # middle column begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize / 1.2, 270 + $DeltaA, $MainSize / 1.2, 90 + $DeltaA); } # middle column end if (strpos('NX', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # diagonal \ begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 300 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 120 + $DeltaA); } # diagonal \ end if (strpos('XZ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # diagonal / begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 240 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 60 + $DeltaA); } # diagonal / begin #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $OriginX = $OriginX + ceil($MainSize / 2) + 1; # increase origin x plus half letter size } # for ($For1 = 0; $For1 < strlen($CaptchaText); $For1++) #============================================================================================== $OriginX = $OriginX + 2; # increase origin x $MarginX = 0; # clear margin x if ($OriginX < $MinCanvasWidth) { # if origin x less minimal canvas width $MarginX = rand(0, $MinCanvasWidth - $OriginX); # randomize margin x $OriginX = $MinCanvasWidth; # set margin x } # if ($OriginX < $MinCanvasWidth) for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) { # cycle draw lines $PointX1[$For1] = $PointX1[$For1] + $MarginX; # shift position x1 of draw line point $PointX2[$For1] = $PointX2[$For1] + $MarginX; # shift position x2 of draw line point } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $DotX1 = 1; # clear dot x1 while ($DotX1 < $OriginX) { # while dot x1 less right side of canvas $DotX2 = $DotX1 + $MinStrikeLength + rand(0, $AddStrikeLength); # set dot x2 if ($DotX2 >= ($OriginX - $MinStrikeLength)) { # if dot x2 near right side $DotX2 = $OriginX; # set origin x to dot x2 } # if ($DotX2 >= ($OriginX - $MinStrikeLength)) if ($DotX1 != 1) { # if it is not left side if (($DotX2 - $DotX1) > ($MinStrikeLength + $AddStrikeLength)) { # if x1 x2 delta more strike line length $DotX1 = $DotX2 - ($MinStrikeLength + $AddStrikeLength); # set dot x1 } # if (($DotX2 - $DotX1) > ($MinStrikeLength + $AddStrikeLength)) } # if ($DotX1 != 1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (($MinStrikeHeight * 2) > $CanvasHeight) { # if canvas height less doubled minimal strike line height if (rand(0, 1) == 1) { # if 50%/50% $DotY1 = rand(1, $CanvasHeight - $MinStrikeHeight + 1); # randomize left position of strike line } else { # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) $DotY1 = rand($MinStrikeHeight, $CanvasHeight); # randomize left position of strike line } # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) else } else { # if (($MinStrikeHeight * 2) > $CanvasHeight) $DotY1 = rand(1, $CanvasHeight); # randomize left position of strike line } # if (($MinStrikeHeight * 2) > $CanvasHeight) else if (($DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1) < 1) { # if left position of strike line near top of canvas $DotY2 = rand($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1, $CanvasHeight); # randomize right position of strike line } else { # if (($DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1) < 1) if (($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1) > $CanvasHeight) { # if left position of strike line near bottom of canvas $DotY2 = rand(1, $DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1); # randomize right position of strike line } else { # if (($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1) > $CanvasHeight) if (rand(0, 1) == 1) { # if 50%/50% $DotY2 = rand($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1, $CanvasHeight); # randomize right position of strike line } else { # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) $DotY2 = rand(1, $DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1); # randomize right position of strike line } # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) else } # if (($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1) > $CanvasHeight) else } # if (($DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1) < 1) else #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase draw line count $PointX1[$DrawCount] = $DotX1; # set point x1 $PointY1[$DrawCount] = $DotY1; # set point y1 $PointX2[$DrawCount] = $DotX2; # set point x2 $PointY2[$DrawCount] = $DotY2; # set point y2 $DotX1 = $DotX2 + rand(0, $MaxStrikeInterval); # increase dot x1 } # while ($DotX1 < $OriginX) #============================================================================================== // draw lines on canvas for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) { # cycle draw lines $DotX1 = $PointX1[$For1]; # get dot x1 $DotY1 = $PointY1[$For1]; # get dot y1 $DotX2 = $PointX2[$For1]; # get dot x2 $DotY2 = $PointY2[$For1]; # get dot y2 if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'DotX1=' . $DotX1 . ', DotY1=' . $DotY1 . ';' . ' DotX2=' . $DotX2 . ', DotY2=' . $DotY2 . ': '; # print coordinates } # if ($NeedDebug == true) if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) { # if need to debug $FromX = $DotX1; # set left position x } else { # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) $FromX = $DotX2; # set right position x } # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) else if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) { # if need to debug $FromY = $DotY1; # set top position y } else { # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) $FromY = $DotY2; # set bottom position y } # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) else if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'FromX=' . $FromX . ', FromY=' . $FromY . '; '; # print coordinates } # if ($NeedDebug == true) $DeltaX = abs($DotX1 - $DotX2); # set delta x $DeltaY = abs($DotY1 - $DotY2); # set delta y if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug then print coordinates echo 'DeltaX=' . $DeltaX . ', DeltaY=' . $DeltaY . '.<BR>'; # print coodinates } # if ($NeedDebug == true) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($DeltaX > $DeltaY) { # if width of letter more height for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaX; $For2++) { # cycle points of width if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) { # if position x1 more or equal position x2 if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) { # if position y1 less position y2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * (($DeltaX - $For2) / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } else { # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * ($For2 / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) else } else { # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) { # if position y1 more position y2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * (($DeltaX - $For2) / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } else { # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * ($For2 / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) else } # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) else if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'Y' . $For2 . '=' . $TmpInt . ', '; # print y coodinate } # if ($NeedDebug == true) $Line[$FromY + $TmpInt][$FromX + $For2 - 1] = $DrawChar; # draw char on canvas } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaX; $For2++) } else { # if ($DeltaX > $DeltaY) for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaY; $For2++) { # cycle points of height if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) { # if position y1 more or equal position y2 if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) { # if position x1 less position x2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * (($DeltaY - $For2) / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } else { # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * ($For2 / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) else } else { # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) { # if position x1 more or equal position x2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * (($DeltaY - $For2) / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } else { # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * ($For2 / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) else } # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) else if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'X' . $For2 . '=' . $TmpInt . ', '; # print x coodinate } # if ($NeedDebug == true) $Line[$FromY + $For2][$FromX + $TmpInt - 1] = $DrawChar; # draw char on canvas } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaY; $For2++) } # if ($DeltaX > $DeltaY) else #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo '<BR>'; # print line break } # if ($NeedDebug == true) } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) #============================================================================================== $FuncString = ""; # clear canvas line for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) { # cycle draw lines $TmpString = $Line[$For1]; # set draw line $TmpInt = strlen($TmpString); # set length of draw line if ($TmpInt < $OriginX) { # if length of draw line less right side of canvas for ($For2 = $TmpInt; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) { # cycle symbols of draw line $TmpString = $TmpString . $SpaceChar; # add space to draw line } # for ($For2 = $TmpInt; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) } # if ($TmpInt < $OriginX) $TmpInt = strlen($CanvasBackChars) - 1; # set length of background string of symbols for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) { # cycle symbols of draw line if ($TmpString[$For2] == $SpaceChar) { # if symbol is space char $TmpString[$For2] = $CanvasBackChars[rand(0, $TmpInt)]; # randomize space char } # if ($TmpString[$For2] == $SpaceChar) } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) $TmpInt = strlen($CanvasFrontChars) - 1; # set length of front string of symbols for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) { # cycle symbols of draw line if ($TmpString[$For2] == $DrawChar) { # if symbol is draw char $TmpString[$For2] = $CanvasFrontChars[rand(0, $TmpInt)]; # randomize draw char } # if ($TmpString[$For2] == $DrawChar) } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) $TmpString = str_replace(" ", " ", $TmpString); # change spaces to idents $FuncString = $FuncString . $TmpString . '<BR>'; # add draw line to canvas line } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) return '<SPAN STYLE="font-family: Lucida Console, Terminal, Courier, Monospace;' . ' font-size: ' . $FontSize . '">' . $FuncString . '</SPAN>'; # return canvas line } # function ShowCaptcha($CaptchaText) #============================================================================================== ?> 18928_.zip
  8. Unzoomable ConsoleCaptcha has font-size=1: http://cryptbb.site40.net/reg.php?v=3
  9. I've added ", Monospace" to the end of the font-family list. How now?
  10. Yes, I am on Windows 7. What console font in your operation system? I can add this font name in my forum right now.
  11. return '<SPAN STYLE="[b]font-family: Lucida Console, Terminal, Courier;[/b] font-size: ' . $FontSize . '">' . $FuncString . '</SPAN>'; # return canvas line Do you have any of those fonts?
  12. I wrote my own open source text captcha. ConsoleCaptcha © Version: 1.0 (2012-08-27) Author: VanDerSaAr License: MIT ConsoleCaptcha generates text based images with symbols, which enough easily can be read by humans, but difficulty can be read by OCR systems or other robots. It does not require any graphic library (GD, etc), any database of questions, etc. It does not use much resources and more faster. It can be used with telnet, ssh, etc. See examples: 1) standart size, small font, medium deviation: http://cryptbb.site40.net/reg.php?v=1 2) huge size, small font, large deviation: http://cryptbb.site40.net/reg.php?v=2 3) standart size, smallest font, medium deviation: http://cryptbb.site40.net/reg.php?v=3 <?php /*============================================================================================= ConsoleCaptcha (c) Version: 1.0 (2012-08-27) Author: VanDerSaAr See example: http://cryptbb.site40.net/reg.php?v=1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ License: MIT Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to use ConsoleCaptcha v1.0: <code> <?php include("console-captcha-v1.php"); echo ConsoleCaptchaV1( "EFHLN", # random captcha text = string of 1..30 symbols from EFHLNTXZ + space 4, # defined font size = 1..24 pixels 21, # defined canvas height = 13..100 symbols 120, # minimal canvas width = 0..600 symbols 12, # minimal strike line height = 12..min_canvas_width 50, # minimal strike line width = 50..100 symbols 30, # maximal add strike line height = 0..50 symbols 15, # maximal inverval between strike lines = 0..25 symbols 10, # minimal letter size = 10..canvas_height-3 100, # maximal letter size = min_letter_size..canvas_height-3 0, # minimal interval between letters = 0..100 symbols 4, # maximal interval between letters = min_interval_letter..100 10); # maximal deviation of letter from vertical line = 0..30 degrees ?> </code> To check captcha you can use hashes, sessions, etc. *///=========================================================================================== function ConsoleCaptchaV1( $CaptchaText, // = "EFHLN" # random captcha text = 1..30 symbols from EFHLNTXZ + space $FontSize, // = 4 # defined font size = 1..24 $CanvasHeight, // = 21 # defined canvas height = 13..100 $MinCanvasWidth, // = 120 # minimal canvas width = 0..600 $MinStrikeHeight, // = 12 # minimal strike line height = 12..$MinCanvasWidth $MinStrikeLength, // = 50 # minimal strike line width = 50..100 $AddStrikeLength, // = 30 # maximal add strike line height = 30..50 $MaxStrikeInterval, // = 15 # maximal inverval between strike lines = 15..25 $MinLetterSize, // = 10 # minimal symbol size = 10..$CanvasHeight-3 $MaxLetterSize, // = 100 # maximal symbol size = 100..$CanvasHeight-3 $MinLetterInterval, // = 0 # minimal interval between minimal symbol size = 0..100 $MaxLetterInterval, // = 4 # maximal interval between minimal symbol size = 4..100 $MaxLetterAngle // = 10 # maximal deviation of symbol from vertical line = 0..30 ) { #============================================================================================== function FuncAngleX($FuncX, $FuncAngle, $FuncSize) { # func (origin x, pos angle, pos length) if (($FuncAngle >= (M_PI / 2)) and ($FuncAngle < (3 * M_PI / 2))) { # if angle = PI/2 .. 3*PI/2 $FuncX = $FuncX - round($FuncSize * cos($FuncAngle)); # set position x } else { # if (($FuncAngle >= (M_PI / 2)) and ($FuncAngle < (3 * M_PI / 2))) # if angle = 0..PI/2 + 3*PI/2..2*PI if ($FuncAngle < (M_PI / 2)) { # if angle = 0 .. PI/2 $FuncX = $FuncX + round($FuncSize * cos(M_PI - $FuncAngle)); # set position x } else { # if ($FuncAngle < (M_PI / 2)) # if angle = 3*PI/2 .. 2*PI $FuncX = $FuncX + round($FuncSize * cos($FuncAngle - M_PI)); # set position x } # if ($FuncAngle < (M_PI / 2)) else } # if (($FuncAngle >= (M_PI / 2)) and ($FuncAngle < (3 * M_PI / 2))) else return $FuncX; # return position x } # function FuncAngleX ($FuncX, $FuncAngle, $FuncSize) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function FuncPointPos($FuncOriginX, $FuncOriginY, $FuncRatio, $FuncSize1, $FuncAngle1, $FuncSize2, $FuncAngle2) { # func (origin x, y; factor y; positions length, angle of degrees) $FuncA = ($FuncAngle1 / 180) * M_PI; # set position1 angle if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) { # if angle more 2*PI $FuncA = $FuncA - (2 * M_PI); # decrease angle } # if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) if ($FuncA < 0) { # if angle less 0 $FuncA = $FuncA + (2 * M_PI); # increase angle } # if ($FuncA < 0) $FuncX1 = FuncAngleX($FuncOriginX, $FuncA, $FuncSize1); # set position1 x $FuncY1 = $FuncOriginY + round(($FuncSize1 * sin($FuncA)) / $FuncRatio); # set position1 y $FuncA = ($FuncAngle2 / 180) * M_PI; # set position2 angle if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) { # if angle more 2*PI $FuncA = $FuncA - (2 * M_PI); # decrease angle } # if ($FuncA > (2 * M_PI)) if ($FuncA < 0) { # if angle less 0 $FuncA = $FuncA + (2 * M_PI); # increase angle } # if ($FuncA < 0) $FuncX2 = FuncAngleX($FuncOriginX, $FuncA, $FuncSize2); # set position2 x $FuncY2 = $FuncOriginY + round(($FuncSize2 * sin($FuncA)) / $FuncRatio); # set position2 y return array ($FuncX1, $FuncY1, $FuncX2, $FuncY2); # return positions x1, y1, x2, y2 } # function FuncPointPos() #============================================================================================== $NeedDebug = false; # if need to print tech info #$FontSize = 4; // 4 # get font size // debug if ($FontSize < 1) {$FontSize = 1;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($FontSize > 24) {$FontSize = 24;} # if value more max value then set max value #$CanvasHeight = 21; // 21 # get canvas height // debug if ($CanvasHeight < 13) {$CanvasHeight = 13;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($CanvasHeight > 100) {$CanvasHeight = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinCanvasWidth = 120; // 120 # get minimal canvas width // debug if ($MinCanvasWidth < 0) {$MinCanvasWidth = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinCanvasWidth > 600) {$MinCanvasWidth = 600;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinStrikeHeight = 12; // 12 # get minimal strike line height // debug if ($MinStrikeHeight < 12) {$MinStrikeHeight = 12;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinStrikeHeight > $CanvasHeight) {$MinStrikeHeight = $CanvasHeight;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinStrikeLength = 50; // 50 # get minimal strike line length // debug if ($MinStrikeLength < 50) {$MinStrikeLength = 50;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinStrikeLength > 100) {$MinStrikeLength = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$AddStrikeLength = 30; // 30 # get maximal add strike line height // debug if ($AddStrikeLength < 0) {$AddStrikeLength = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($AddStrikeLength > 50) {$AddStrikeLength = 50;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxStrikeInterval = 15; // 15 # get maximal inverval between strike lines // debug if ($MaxStrikeInterval < 0) {$MaxStrikeInterval = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxStrikeInterval > 25) {$MaxStrikeInterval = 25;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinLetterSize = 10; // 10 # get minimal symbol size // debug if ($MinLetterSize < 10) {$MinLetterSize = 10;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinLetterSize > $CanvasHeight - 3) {$MinLetterSize = $CanvasHeight - 3;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxLetterSize = 100; // 100 # get maximal symbol size // debug if ($MaxLetterSize < $MinLetterSize) {$MaxLetterSize = $MinLetterSize;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxLetterSize > $CanvasHeight - 3) {$MaxLetterSize = $CanvasHeight - 3;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MinLetterInterval = 0; // 0 # get minimal interval between minimal symbol size // debug if ($MinLetterInterval < 0) {$MinLetterInterval = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MinLetterInterval > 100) {$MinLetterInterval = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxLetterInterval = 4; // 4 # get maximal interval between minimal symbol size // debug if ($MaxLetterInterval < $MinLetterInterval) {$MaxLetterInterval = $MinLetterInterval;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxLetterInterval > 100) {$MaxLetterInterval = 100;} # if value more max value then set max value #$MaxLetterAngle = 10; // 10 # get maximal deviation of symbol from vertical line // debug if ($MaxLetterAngle < 0) {$MaxLetterAngle = 0;} # if value less min value then set min value if ($MaxLetterAngle > 30) {$MaxLetterAngle = 30;} # if value more max value then set max value #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($FontSize < 3) { # if letters too small $CanvasBackChars = " "; # set canvas background chars } else { # if ($FontSize < 3) $CanvasBackChars = ".,' "; # set canvas background chars } # if ($FontSize < 3) else $CanvasFrontChars = "#@&"; # set canvas front chars $DrawChar = "*"; # set temp draw char $SpaceChar = " "; # set temp space char $Ratio = "1.73"; # set ratio between width and height of symbols for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) { # cycle lines of canvas if ($NeedDebug === true) { # if need to debug $Line[$For1] = sprintf('%1$02d', $For1); # set line number } else { # if ($NeedDebug === true) # if not need to debug $Line[$For1] = $SpaceChar; # set space } # if ($NeedDebug === true) else } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) $DrawCount = 0; # clear draw lines count $OriginX = 2; # set start symbol position $PointX1 = array(); # assign array of x1 point of draw line $PointY1 = array(); # assign array of y1 point of draw line $PointX2 = array(); # assign array of x2 point of draw line $PointY2 = array(); # assign array of y2 point of draw line for ($For1 = (strlen($CaptchaText) - 1); $For1 >= 0; $For1--) { # cycle symbols of captcha text if (strpos('EFHLNTXZ ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) === false) { # if captcha symbol is unknown and not space $CaptchaText = substr_replace($CaptchaText, "", $For1, 1); # delete symbol } # if (strpos('EFHLNTXZ ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) === false) } # for ($For1 = (strlen($CaptchaText) - 1); $For1 >= 0; $For1--) if (strlen($CaptchaText) > 30) { # if length of captcha text more value $CaptchaText = substr($CaptchaText, 0, 30); # cut captcha text from right side } # if (strlen($CaptchaText) > 30) #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for ($For1 = 0; $For1 < strlen($CaptchaText); $For1++) { # cycle symbols of captcha $OriginX = $OriginX + rand($MinLetterInterval, $MaxLetterInterval); # increase origin x plus random interval $MainSize = rand($MinLetterSize, $MaxLetterSize); # randomize letter size #$MainSize = 7; # debug $DeltaA = rand(0, $MaxLetterAngle * 2) - $MaxLetterAngle; # randomize angle delta #$DeltaA = 0; # debug $OriginY = rand(ceil($MainSize / 2) + 2, $CanvasHeight - ceil($MainSize / 2) - 1); # randomize origin y = 08..14 $OriginX = $OriginX + ceil($MainSize / 2) + 1; # increase origin x plus half letter size #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (strpos('EFHLN', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # left column begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 300 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 60 + $DeltaA); } # left column end if (strpos('EFTZ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # top row begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 300 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 240 + $DeltaA); } # top row end if (strpos('EFH', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # middle row begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize / 2.1, 0 + $DeltaA, $MainSize / 2.1, 180 + $DeltaA); } # middle row end if (strpos('ELZ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # bottom row begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 60 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 120 + $DeltaA); } # # bottom row end if (strpos('HN', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # right column begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 240 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 120 + $DeltaA); } # right column end if (strpos('T', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # middle column begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize / 1.2, 270 + $DeltaA, $MainSize / 1.2, 90 + $DeltaA); } # middle column end if (strpos('NX', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # diagonal \ begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 300 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 120 + $DeltaA); } # diagonal \ end if (strpos('XZ', $CaptchaText[$For1]) !== false) { # diagonal / begin $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase line count list ($PointX1[$DrawCount], $PointY1[$DrawCount], $PointX2[$DrawCount], $PointY2[$DrawCount]) = FuncPointPos($OriginX, $OriginY, $Ratio, $MainSize, 240 + $DeltaA, $MainSize, 60 + $DeltaA); } # diagonal / begin #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $OriginX = $OriginX + ceil($MainSize / 2) + 1; # increase origin x plus half letter size } # for ($For1 = 0; $For1 < strlen($CaptchaText); $For1++) #============================================================================================== $OriginX = $OriginX + 2; # increase origin x $MarginX = 0; # clear margin x if ($OriginX < $MinCanvasWidth) { # if origin x less minimal canvas width $MarginX = rand(0, $MinCanvasWidth - $OriginX); # randomize margin x $OriginX = $MinCanvasWidth; # set margin x } # if ($OriginX < $MinCanvasWidth) for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) { # cycle draw lines $PointX1[$For1] = $PointX1[$For1] + $MarginX; # shift position x1 of draw line point $PointX2[$For1] = $PointX2[$For1] + $MarginX; # shift position x2 of draw line point } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $DotX1 = 1; # clear dot x1 while ($DotX1 < $OriginX) { # while dot x1 less right side of canvas $DotX2 = $DotX1 + $MinStrikeLength + rand(0, $AddStrikeLength); # set dot x2 if ($DotX2 >= ($OriginX - $MinStrikeLength)) { # if dot x2 near right side $DotX2 = $OriginX; # set origin x to dot x2 } # if ($DotX2 >= ($OriginX - $MinStrikeLength)) if ($DotX1 != 1) { # if it is not left side if (($DotX2 - $DotX1) > ($MinStrikeLength + $AddStrikeLength)) { # if x1 x2 delta more strike line length $DotX1 = $DotX2 - ($MinStrikeLength + $AddStrikeLength); # set dot x1 } # if (($DotX2 - $DotX1) > ($MinStrikeLength + $AddStrikeLength)) } # if ($DotX1 != 1) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (($MinStrikeHeight * 2) > $CanvasHeight) { # if canvas height less doubled minimal strike line height if (rand(0, 1) == 1) { # if 50%/50% $DotY1 = rand(1, $CanvasHeight - $MinStrikeHeight + 1); # randomize left position of strike line } else { # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) $DotY1 = rand($MinStrikeHeight, $CanvasHeight); # randomize left position of strike line } # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) else } else { # if (($MinStrikeHeight * 2) > $CanvasHeight) $DotY1 = rand(1, $CanvasHeight); # randomize left position of strike line } # if (($MinStrikeHeight * 2) > $CanvasHeight) else if (($DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1) < 1) { # if left position of strike line near top of canvas $DotY2 = rand($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1, $CanvasHeight); # randomize right position of strike line } else { # if (($DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1) < 1) if (($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1) > $CanvasHeight) { # if left position of strike line near bottom of canvas $DotY2 = rand(1, $DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1); # randomize right position of strike line } else { # if (($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1) > $CanvasHeight) if (rand(0, 1) == 1) { # if 50%/50% $DotY2 = rand($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1, $CanvasHeight); # randomize right position of strike line } else { # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) $DotY2 = rand(1, $DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1); # randomize right position of strike line } # if (rand(0, 1) == 1) else } # if (($DotY1 + $MinStrikeHeight - 1) > $CanvasHeight) else } # if (($DotY1 - $MinStrikeHeight + 1) < 1) else #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $DrawCount = $DrawCount + 1; # increase draw line count $PointX1[$DrawCount] = $DotX1; # set point x1 $PointY1[$DrawCount] = $DotY1; # set point y1 $PointX2[$DrawCount] = $DotX2; # set point x2 $PointY2[$DrawCount] = $DotY2; # set point y2 $DotX1 = $DotX2 + rand(0, $MaxStrikeInterval); # increase dot x1 } # while ($DotX1 < $OriginX) #============================================================================================== // draw lines on canvas for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) { # cycle draw lines $DotX1 = $PointX1[$For1]; # get dot x1 $DotY1 = $PointY1[$For1]; # get dot y1 $DotX2 = $PointX2[$For1]; # get dot x2 $DotY2 = $PointY2[$For1]; # get dot y2 if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'DotX1=' . $DotX1 . ', DotY1=' . $DotY1 . ';' . ' DotX2=' . $DotX2 . ', DotY2=' . $DotY2 . ': '; # print coordinates } # if ($NeedDebug == true) if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) { # if need to debug $FromX = $DotX1; # set left position x } else { # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) $FromX = $DotX2; # set right position x } # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) else if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) { # if need to debug $FromY = $DotY1; # set top position y } else { # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) $FromY = $DotY2; # set bottom position y } # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) else if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'FromX=' . $FromX . ', FromY=' . $FromY . '; '; # print coordinates } # if ($NeedDebug == true) $DeltaX = abs($DotX1 - $DotX2); # set delta x $DeltaY = abs($DotY1 - $DotY2); # set delta y if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug then print coordinates echo 'DeltaX=' . $DeltaX . ', DeltaY=' . $DeltaY . '.<BR>'; # print coodinates } # if ($NeedDebug == true) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($DeltaX > $DeltaY) { # if width of letter more height for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaX; $For2++) { # cycle points of width if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) { # if position x1 more or equal position x2 if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) { # if position y1 less position y2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * (($DeltaX - $For2) / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } else { # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * ($For2 / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } # if ($DotY1 < $DotY2) else } else { # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) { # if position y1 more position y2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * (($DeltaX - $For2) / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } else { # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaY * ($For2 / $DeltaX)); # set y coodinate } # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) else } # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) else if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'Y' . $For2 . '=' . $TmpInt . ', '; # print y coodinate } # if ($NeedDebug == true) $Line[$FromY + $TmpInt][$FromX + $For2 - 1] = $DrawChar; # draw char on canvas } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaX; $For2++) } else { # if ($DeltaX > $DeltaY) for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaY; $For2++) { # cycle points of height if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) { # if position y1 more or equal position y2 if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) { # if position x1 less position x2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * (($DeltaY - $For2) / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } else { # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * ($For2 / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } # if ($DotX1 < $DotX2) else } else { # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) { # if position x1 more or equal position x2 $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * (($DeltaY - $For2) / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } else { # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) $TmpInt = round($DeltaX * ($For2 / $DeltaY)); # set x coodinate } # if ($DotX1 >= $DotX2) else } # if ($DotY1 >= $DotY2) else if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo 'X' . $For2 . '=' . $TmpInt . ', '; # print x coodinate } # if ($NeedDebug == true) $Line[$FromY + $For2][$FromX + $TmpInt - 1] = $DrawChar; # draw char on canvas } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 <= $DeltaY; $For2++) } # if ($DeltaX > $DeltaY) else #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($NeedDebug == true) { # if need to debug echo '<BR>'; # print line break } # if ($NeedDebug == true) } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $DrawCount; $For1++) #============================================================================================== $FuncString = ""; # clear canvas line for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) { # cycle draw lines $TmpString = $Line[$For1]; # set draw line $TmpInt = strlen($TmpString); # set length of draw line if ($TmpInt < $OriginX) { # if length of draw line less right side of canvas for ($For2 = $TmpInt; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) { # cycle symbols of draw line $TmpString = $TmpString . $SpaceChar; # add space to draw line } # for ($For2 = $TmpInt; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) } # if ($TmpInt < $OriginX) $TmpInt = strlen($CanvasBackChars) - 1; # set length of background string of symbols for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) { # cycle symbols of draw line if ($TmpString[$For2] == $SpaceChar) { # if symbol is space char $TmpString[$For2] = $CanvasBackChars[rand(0, $TmpInt)]; # randomize space char } # if ($TmpString[$For2] == $SpaceChar) } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) $TmpInt = strlen($CanvasFrontChars) - 1; # set length of front string of symbols for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) { # cycle symbols of draw line if ($TmpString[$For2] == $DrawChar) { # if symbol is draw char $TmpString[$For2] = $CanvasFrontChars[rand(0, $TmpInt)]; # randomize draw char } # if ($TmpString[$For2] == $DrawChar) } # for ($For2 = 0; $For2 < $OriginX; $For2++) $TmpString = str_replace(" ", " ", $TmpString); # change spaces to idents $FuncString = $FuncString . $TmpString . '<BR>'; # add draw line to canvas line } # for ($For1 = 1; $For1 <= $CanvasHeight; $For1++) return '<SPAN STYLE="font-family: Lucida Console, Terminal, Courier; font-size: ' . $FontSize . '">' . $FuncString . '</SPAN>'; # return canvas line } # function ShowCaptcha($CaptchaText) #============================================================================================== ?> If ConsoleCaptcha was usefull for you, please comment here. 18909_.zip
  13. I will not surrender. I will try to write my own open source text captcha.
  14. Google's ReCaptcha is remote. I want local captcha.
  15. <?php $captchas = Array(); # Create a single entry $captchas[] = array( "question" => "What color is the sky?", "answer" => "blue", "options" => array("blue", "red", "orange")); # Create as many as desired by copy-and-paste... ?> Yes, it can be temporary solution of problem, but those variants of answers will be bruteforced by spamer, and captcha will be ovecame.
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