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Everything posted by Scott_S

  1. FYI: http://updates.html5rocks.com/2012/09/Stacking-Changes-Coming-to-position-fixed-elements
  2. There use to be a ORM for CI called Doctrine, you might want to check into that. ORM conversations, whether to use one or not, can get crazy. Like discussing what is the best editor/IDE is between coders. I will never understand those heated editor flame wars, when everybody knows vim is the best ... i guess they are arguing over 2nd place.
  3. I agree model/table relationship. However I occasionally have models that don't have tables. So how I would do this or actually how I do do this would be like this: quest controller: $this->load->model('quest'); $options = array('quest_id' =>$this->uri->segment(3)->, 'limit' => '1'); $quest = $this->quest->retrieve($options); quest model: this is where all the heavy lifting is done, the idea here is FAT models and SKINNY controllers Lots of code in the model, this is where having a solid MY_Model comes in to play. I have a more detailed answer but I am running late and have to go, I will post some more later.
  4. I see. FYI docs come with your download/clone, unless you blew them away. The CI docs are very well organized and I find them absolutely a delight to work with. Well if this is your first rodeo with CI here are some tips: 1) your My_Controller and MY_Model classes are absolutely priceless. I use the same in every project I create. 2) file structure is rather important, for organization and security. I wouldn't use the suggested structure. Here is mine: / /application /system /public_html (doc_root) This keeps all MVC's outside of doc_root. The only thing sitting in public_html is essentially a single index.php file, css, img and js dirs. 3. htaccess is your friend! 4. turn off all debugging and error reporting for php and db stuff when going live
  5. Ah, now I see what you are asking. I always extend CI_Controller and CI_Model with my own new base classes and everything else extends off those. Does Tank give you acl support or something? Why did defer auth to this lib?
  6. What is taking care of the relationship, your code or the db?
  7. A quick cursory response: it would appear that scale is honoring your absolute positioning.
  8. to understand why that is happening read up on box model http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp and to control it with box-sizing http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css3_pr_box-sizing.asp
  9. Stumbled across this today ... http://www.grocerycrud.com/
  10. Alright that is closer. How about: $sql = "SELECT id FROM productcategory WHERE name = '". $pc_name . "'";
  11. I am about to embark on my first web app and am curious what framework people are using and your opinions about them. These are the ones I am aware of: Backbone Ember Angular Knockout I intend to continue using jQuery for DOM but if anybody has experience with another, say Zepto or other that may be "better" suited for web apps, I would like to get your opinion on that as well. For UI stuff I like Twitter's Bootstrap and will continue to use that, I tried Foundation but I prefer Bootstrap. I am open to other suggestions. Lastly, I do not care to use a full stack solution such as jQuery Mobile, Dojo or Sencha.
  12. If I understand this properly, you are having trouble here: //Define the query to grab the product category id where pc_name equals the product category name $sql = "SELECT id FROM productcategory WHERE name = '$pc_name'"; //submit the query and capture the result $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); echo $result; You can use the sting literal "Augustine" and everything works. If that is the case try changing $sql = "SELECT id FROM productcategory WHERE name = '$pc_name'"; to $sql = "SELECT id FROM productcategory WHERE name = " . $pc_name;
  13. Geez, nice, brain dump ... oops. Never the less point driven home.
  14. That is. Oh, I see, maybe the ^ char. So that would be: return a = pow(a, 2);
  15. are there any values in $width or $height right after calling getimagesize()?
  16. interesting, never seen this before. The site does crash my default browser also. I disabled JS and your page loads fine, however, JS is off.
  17. the error is " failed to open stream: Connection refused", your web host has security measures in place. The easiest way around this is to take Jessica's suggestion. There is a configuration to add your host/domain as trusted but that varies from host to host. You could use curl().
  18. Permissions possibly but I suspect your inclusion is outside of your sub domains root directory (not DOCUMENT ROOT). Have a look at your file structure.
  19. Good point. A return statement "will" end the execution of a function, however you can have multiple return statements in a function. The execution of a function is terminated either by a return statement that has been called or its closing brace. For example: public function myFunction(a) { if (a > 10) return false; if(a < 0) return false; return a^2; }
  20. One of the easiest ways to "To Convert Explode Result Into Php Variables" is to use list().
  21. This part looks wrong ’)" or die (mysql_error())); The " should be inside and you might have too many ) You should also read this: http://www.phpfreaks.com/blog/or-die-must-die
  22. a) php isn't installed on that server B) web server is configured to only run php scripts with some other file extension c) you code has errors and error reporting is turned off on the web server you can try phpinfo() check your web hosts documentation
  23. Good question, so you understand the importance of functions however you are not seeing the value of "return". I guess first, not all functions do/will return a value (in other languages you would return "void"), php doesn't use this. Depending on the function you written you would potentially want to know the result of running that function. For example you were running a conditional test and wanted to know if the result is true or false, so you would return that. Maybe you are doing some math you would return the sum/difference/product/etc. Maybe you were doing some string manipulation you would return your newly formatted string. Imagine if the functions built into php didn't return anything, almost all of them would be useless. For example, strtolower (string to lower). Imagine if this didn't return your string in lower case, it would be rendered useless. Same goes for a whole bunch of built in functions. Now whether or not your homemade functions need to return something is another story, like I said not all functions need to return a value. However, you wrote the function in the first place for a reason, most likely trying to stay DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself). HTH
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