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Everything posted by Holder

  1. Well from one other forum helped, they sayd to changed it to $GET like you said, and i to add this: [color=#000000][color=#0000BB]$aQS [/color][color=#007700]= [/color][color=#0000BB]$_GET[/color][color=#007700]; unset([/color][color=#0000BB]$aQS[/color][color=#007700][[/color][color=#DD0000]'from'[/color][color=#007700]]); [/color] [color=#0000BB]$get_vars [/color][color=#007700]= [/color][color=#0000BB]http_build_query[/color][color=#007700]([/color][color=#0000BB]$aQS[/color][color=#007700]); [/color][/color] After that line make_next_previous_with_number( $from, $SQL, $this_file_name, $get_vars ,$display_nr); And i want to ask you, why it would be better to replace $HTTP_GET_VARS with $_GET ?
  2. Man i rly don't know PHP i don't undarstand the 90% of what you said. I was under the impression, that this is ready system and that it's working. I didn't know i would have to do work on it if i knew i never would have started this, but now i wasted too much time on it, and i can't fix this problem. If something is missing can you put it there and make it work i rly tried for hours i just don't know PHP and after this topic was reviewd 60 times by now i'm guessing it's not simple thing to fix, and from those 60 people that saw that topic maybe 90% of them know better the PHP then me.. and they couldn't do it, so how can i. So please make it work, i know no one owes me anything but please, someone make it work..
  3. Please somebody help me. If no one can help me even here i don't know where to look..
  4. Well this is the script, that calls for this function (the big code down), and at the bottom you will find this code that calls the function and places the page system : $get_vars = "cat_id=".$cat_id; make_next_previous_with_number( $from, $SQL, $this_file_name, $get_vars ,$display_nr); What i see is that : $this_file_name, $get_vars are not the same as in general, in general it's filename instead of "this_file_name" and vars instead of get_vars is that a mistake, and if the problem is comming from here, how to fix it ? I am not very good at php, i am good designer and i worked hard to make new design for this site but this problem i did not see comming... <? include(DIR_LNG.'jokes_category_with_jokes_form.php'); if (!$HTTP_GET_VARS['cat_id']) $post_string = TEXT_ALL_CATEGORIES; else { $select_category_name_SQL = "select * from $database_table_name1 where category_id='".$HTTP_GET_VARS['cat_id']."'"; $select_category_name_query = bx_db_query($select_category_name_SQL); SQL_CHECK(0,"SQL Error at ".__FILE__.":".(__LINE__-1)); $select_category_name_result = bx_db_fetch_array($select_category_name_query); $post_string = "'<b>".$select_category_name_result['category_name'.$slng]."</b>' ".TEXT_CATEGORY; } ?> <tr valign="top"> <td> <? if($mode != "random" && $mode != "search") { $from = $HTTP_GET_VARS['from']; $result_array = step( $HTTP_GET_VARS['from'], $item_back_from, $SQL, $display_nr); } echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"center\"><b><font size=\"3\" font-family=\"verdana\" color=\"".TOP_JOKES_PAGE_TITLE_FONTCOLOR."\">"." ".$type." ".$post_string." "."</font></td></tr></table><br></b>"; if (sizeof($result_array) == 0) { ?> <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr align="center"> <td colspan="4" align="center"> <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%" bgcolor="<?=THERE_ARE_NO_JOKES_BORDERCOLOR?>"> <tr><td> <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" bgcolor="<?=THERE_ARE_NO_JOKES_INTERNAL_BGCOLOR?>"> <tr><td align="center" style="color:<?=THERE_ARE_NO_JOKES_FONT_COLOR?>"> <br><b><?=TEXT_NO_JOKES?></b><br><br> </td></tr></table> </td></tr></table> </td> </tr> </table> <? } for( $i = 0 ; $i < sizeof($result_array) ; $i++ ) { ?> <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="90%"> <tr> <td background="images/head_bg.jpg" bgcolor="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TITLE_HEAD_BGCOLOR?>" width="5%"> <? $new_res = '<img src="'.HTTP_LANG_IMAGES.'new.gif" border="0" alt="">'; echo $new_res = (date('Y-m-d',mktime (0,0,0,date('m'),date('d')-$newperiod_for_jokes-1,date('Y'))) < $result_array[$i]['date_add'] ? $new_res : " "); ?> </td> <td background="images/head_bg.jpg" bgcolor="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TITLE_HEAD_BGCOLOR?>" align="center" width="95%"> <font size="<?=JOKE_TOPHEADER_FONT_SIZE?>" color="<?=JOKE_TOPHEADER_FONT_COLOR?>"><b><?=TEXT_JOKE_POSTED?></b> <b><?=$result_array[$i]['name'];?></b> <?=TEXT_AT?> <?=$result_array[$i]['date_add'];?></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" bgcolor="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TITLE_BORDERCOLOR?>" > <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="100%" bgcolor="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TITLE_BGCOLOR?>"> <? $get_extra= ($HTTP_POST_VARS['adv_search']=="1" || $HTTP_GET_VARS['adv_search']=="1" ? "&adv_search=1" : "").($HTTP_POST_VARS['x'] =="1" ? "&q_search=1" : ""); ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <font size="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TITLE_FONT_SIZE?>" color="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TITLE_FONTCOLOR?>"> <?=$from+$i+1?>.-</font> <a href="<?=HTTP_SERVER?>jokes.php?joke_id=<?=$result_array[$i]['joke_id']?><?=$get_extra?>&cat_id=<?=$HTTP_GET_VARS['cat_id']?>&jtype=<?=$jtype?>" style="text-decoration:none;color:<?=SHORT_JOKE_TITLE_FONTCOLOR?>;font-weight:bold"><?=$result_array[$i]['joke_title']?></a> <br> <font size="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TEXT_SIZE?>" color="<?=SHORT_JOKE_TEXT_COLOR?>"><?=short_string($result_array[$i]['joke_text'], $joke_listing_show_characters, "...");?></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right" style="font-size:9pt;color:<?=SHORT_JOKE_RATE_EMAIL_FONT_COLOR?>" colspan="2"> <b><?=TEXT_RATE?> <? if($result_array[$i]['rating_value'] > 0) { for ($star=0;$star<$result_array[$i]['rating_value'] && $result_array[$i]['rating_value'] != '0';$star++ ) { echo "<img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."star2.gif\" border=\"0\">"; } } elseif($result_array[$i]['rating_value'] == '0' || $result_array[$i]['rating_value']='NULL' || $result_array[$i]['rating_value']=='') echo "0"; ?> </b>, <b><?=TEXT_EMAILED?></b> <?=$result_array[$i]['emailed_value'];?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> <br> <? } ?> <table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <? $get_vars = "cat_id=".$cat_id; make_next_previous_with_number( $from, $SQL, $this_file_name, $get_vars ,$display_nr); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr>
  5. Yes i am using the same site, and unfortunatly, i got the same problem. This is my function it's the same as his: (edit - On my first post i added altered by me function, this function is the default) /****************************************************/ // Next prevoius using numbers /****************************************************/ function make_next_previous_with_number($from, $SQL, $filename, $vars, $display_nr) { $count = bx_db_num_rows(bx_db_query($SQL)); @$active = ($from+$display_nr) / $display_nr; @$total_pages = ceil($count/$display_nr); if ($active <= $display_nr) { if ($active>1) { echo "<a href='".$filename."?from=0&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."first.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href='".$filename."?from=".($active*$display_nr-2*$display_nr)."&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."previous.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } for ( $i = 1 ; $i <($active + $display_nr) && $total_pages >=$i ; $i++ ) { if ($active == $i) { if ($count > $display_nr) echo "<b>".$i."</b> "; } else echo "<a href='".$filename."?from=".($i*$display_nr-$display_nr)."&".$vars."'>".$i."</a> "; } if ($count > $active && $count > $active*$display_nr) { echo " <a href='".$filename."?from=".($active*$display_nr)."&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."next.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; echo " <a href='".$filename."?from=".(ceil($count/$display_nr)*$display_nr-$display_nr)."&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."last.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } } else { if ($active>1) { echo "<a href='".$filename."?from=0&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."first.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> <a href='".$filename."?from=".($active*$display_nr-2*$display_nr)."&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."previous.gif\" border=\"0\"></a> "; } for ( $i = $active - $display_nr ; $i < ($active + $display_nr) && $total_pages >= $i ; $i++ ) { if ($active == $i) echo "<b>".$i."</b> "; else echo "<a href='".$filename."?from=".($i*$display_nr-$display_nr)."&".$vars."'>".$i."</a> "; } if ($count > $active * $display_nr) { echo "<a href='".$filename."?from=".($active*$display_nr)."&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."next.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; echo " <a href='".$filename."?from=".(ceil($count/$display_nr)*$display_nr-$display_nr)."&".$vars."'><img src=\"".DIR_IMAGES."last.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"; } } }
  6. I need more detailed info from someone how to fix this. If i add cat_id= after "&" and make it like this: echo "<a href='".$filename."?from=".($i*$display_nr-$display_nr)."&"."cat_id=".$vars."'>".$i."</a> "; i get at least this as link "/jokes_category.php?from=20&cat_id=" but i still need after id= to have 1 for the current category.. So please some freak help me
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