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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. <style type="text/css> a { font-family: "trebuchet ms", verdana; font-size: 12px; color: #b5b5b5 } a:hover { color: #ff0000; } </style> Should do the trick; I would advise using a better set of fonts though!
  2. $query = "SELECT DISTINCT client_added FROM client_information ORDER BY client_added";
  3. you need to use positioning. NOW the div you want to be at the bottom of a parent div use: div#bottom{position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0;} now normally that would put it at the bottom of the screen but in this case you need to assign position to parent element so try: div#parent{position: relative; top: 0; left: 0;} That shoudl do the trick for you.
  4. #bump# really could do with some help on this one guys - pretty please.
  5. [url=http://www.soxiam.com/Code/CSSCrossBrowserTransparency]http://www.soxiam.com/Code/CSSCrossBrowserTransparency[/url]
  6. It's working fine for me - except when I use my standalone versions of IE. Plus the people at the national glass centre are a charity so they don't have much cash!!! Hence they seem to have this problem..... The pics show the problem. PIC 1 = what some are seeing in IE6 PIC 2 = highlight text to show its there PIC 3 = what most see [attachment deleted by admin]
  7. a page I fell in love with pretty damn quick [url=http://alistapart.com/articles/cssemail]http://alistapart.com/articles/cssemail[/url]
  8. Hi people - need some help desperately... I have encountered this before but cannot remember how I fixed it.... I have a page that displays fine in IE7 FF etc. BUT IE 6 or less is NOT displaying the content. The content is there but you have to drag your mouse over it and select the text to see it. The site is here [url=http://www.nationalglasscentre.com/online_shop/]http://www.nationalglasscentre.com/online_shop/[/url] and its boring me greatly!!!! any help much appreciated. The left nav div is floated left and the anchors within are display: block. This is some kind of white space issue...
  9. give the place holder ofthe info in the html page an id and use javscript to format the contents of the csv file into a html string then use document.getElementById('placeholderid').innerHTML = thestring;
  10. have they decrypted md5 yet????? What if its a shared computer - like on a university network or internet cafe? they don't need to steal it then - its there for them to see - and use! It doesn't matter what encryption you have if the cookie is copied then when the new pc the cookie has been copied to accesses the site login will be successful.  Which is why you should make sure they HAVE to enter login details to access sensitive areas. ebay use exactly that system.
  11. its all possible - you just got to make it happen. [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/130/0.php]http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/130/0.php[/url] that shoudl show you how to generate teh emails. All you need to do is create the logic flow so that you can choose which attachment is set OR whether to send a request to site B (via curl if you want to keep them on your site or an include to the other file on server b if it allows you to.) You will need to know what data to send to server B but once you do its all straight forward.
  12. why people insist in storing sensitive data (encrypted or not) in a cookie is beyond me. I generate a random string of say 15 characters which I store in a table against the users unique id.  store that string in a cookie and just check it each time they arrive at the site. Don't give people authporized by cookies access to the account profile or anyother sensitve area - make them put their password in to get into these places. They should appreciate both the convient sigin AND the security on their sensitive info.
  13. OK I am opening a new window and some further js runs in the parent page. I want to be able to detect when the popup has been closed or set a timer and check that the popup has not closed. The former is preferable BUT I would honestly like to be able to do this both ways. Appreciate any tips - thanks people...
  14. ok html... <form> <input type='text' name='text' onkeyup="updateSpan(this.value);> <input type='text' name='text_color'> </form> <span id="text"></text> and js in the head section function updateSpan(val) { document.getElementById('text').innerHTML = val; } try that...
  15. What if js is off but the user still would like to switch styles? By all means use it but never rely on it. You could construct your link like so... <a href="script.php?mode=switchstyle&colour=red" title="Swicth to red" onclick="return switchstyle(this.href);">Swicth to red</a> use js to extract the new color and do the switch. if js is off you script will know it should switch the style..
  16. MATE! DON'T serve bitmaps over the network - they are enormous!!! thats why gifs, jpegs and pngs were invented! Back to your question... I couldn't really understand it but what ever you are doing you don't NEED tables. Tables are for displaying data NOT laying out your site. You can achieve this with a div of a specified height and width (same as the image normally) and simply putting text within that div.
  17. Never rely on js!!!!!!!!!! There is no big deal switching between style sheets via server side scripting.  So many ways to do it just take your pick and have a play.  Although I would opt for something nice and simple like a session var and use that to pick which style sheet to use. Why would preg_match come into it? Just keep it nice and simple...
  18. Hmmm. Maybe a margin on the img? I would switch to tableless layout anyway - much easier to construct and manage...
  19. you need to set a cron job.
  20. you could just let the automagic happen or force the data type with  (int) or (float) 1,000,000
  21. you were right in the first instance - put width and height on the a tag BUT remember to either float: left or display: block on the anchor otherwise it won't work.
  22. you can't absolutly position an element and float it! give these tow divs a margin on teh left and right (opposite to the side they are on). Min-width is an option but remember older versions of IE don't have a clue what it means.
  23. This requires js - IMO you should ALWAYS have a submit button with a from just to ensure everyone can use it.
  24. I think IE does that automatically - and users of browsers that don't will know that they can't hit return to submit. Other wise you will need an even on the entire document like onKeydown and check the code for return  (can't remeber what it is!) all in js.  As you should not rely on js I think it best to not even bother trying to do this. Just give them a form and a submit button - at least browsers will understand what they are supposed to do then.
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