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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. You can remove the header from that function - it will still render OK. OR use ob_start and ob_endflush OR Generate the entre page output in a string and echo it out when all other code has finished OR similar to above but using something like smarty templates.
  2. I don't believe ther is one - I would be amazed if there is. You should use an app on your machine to convert - there are loads about.
  3. Sorry didn't make it clear.  an assocciative array is simply an array that has strings as keys. In your case Car1, Car2 and so on - which may as well just be numeric indices. What you haveis a one dimensional array which (if possible) is A LOT harder to work with than the array my code would create for you.
  4. bar delimited is not an array its a string. If you are retieving form a database try this... [code]<?php $qry = "SELECT * FROM `carstable` ORDER BY `dealer_name` ASC"; $qry = mysql_query($qry); $cararr = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) { foreach($row as $key => $value) {   $cararr[$key][] = $val; } } ?> [/code] This will create an associative array of information from your database. THEN you can use functions like array_keys to pull certain things (like every red vehicle) or array_multisort to alter the order..... If you need any more help just ask...
  5. Why are you changing? Tables are what you should use to display data! Layout of a page shoudl indeed be developed with block level elements like div. and then css to style/position everything but data IS supposed to be in tables. Destruction is correct in teh float: left for your nav. But within your main div stick with tables for the data.
  6. that belongs in the js section and surely you want to submit the form not save it.
  7. you could use an image map to creat the clickable areas. Javascript would be required to display the info on mouse over. just remember js will have to be on to display teh info so perhaps make the link point to a page that will also display the info.
  8. don't know. perhaps post some code or better still echo out the query you have run to teh scren and copy and paste into into phpmyadmin see what errors are thrown back or what it actually doing instead.
  9. I don't think there is.  I can image a number of situations where you would need this to happen but you will be restricted to using javascript to show some kind of hidden div that could be positioned absolutely.
  10. If this is a fixed width site just create an image that has teh 'shadows' at each side (to the width of your desire) then set teh background image to top middle and repeat y
  11. I have kind of solved this but not in a satisfactory way... I was using the createElement and set Attribute methods to create this div. Taken that out and simply but the corresponding html into the string and that works fine. Anyone JS gurus out there who can explain please do.
  12. Hi guys 'n gals... As you might appreciate - this is driving me nuts. could you please take a look at this url [url=http://www.buildingschools.co.uk/delegate_reg.php]http://www.buildingschools.co.uk/delegate_reg.php[/url] in IE and FF. Now if you clcik the link to add a new delegate you will note that FF correctly applies teh border to the new div while IE doesn't bother. Not sure which code you need to see so I will post it on request. PS would someone be so kind as to fill a bit of the form in and look at the next page? IE displays the lists as intended while FF don't any tips on that woudl be great.
  13. hmmm screen resolution (I think) can only be detected by js so you'd be relaint on that to solve your problem. I am not that hot on absolute positiong but I will ask why you need to position something in that way.
  14. Course_users will have many entries from many users. I want to select the id of the course that user X has NOT done. so course_user will contain several records with user_id = x. I want to grab those records and then select ALL teh courses in the other table that are NOt in the course_id field of course_users. eg [tt] course_users course_id  user_id  1          1 2          1 5          1 3          2 courses course_id  course_name 1          First Aid 2          Fire Fighting 3          Manual Handling 4          Tea Making 5          Walking Straight 6          Driving [/tt] If User 1 cam along I woudl want the query to return courses 3,4 and 6 if user 2 came along I would want to return courses 1,2,4,5 and 6. Hope that makes sense...
  15. so why use $tme when NOW() is more appropriate? try putting ( ) around teh calculaion
  16. You missed out teh '-' sign too! ;)
  17. <a href="script.php?uid=<?php echo $uid; ?>">name</a> may be more useful...
  18. labels are for form elements ie. <label for="username">Username:</label><input type="text" name="username" /> good practice and helps screen readers out a boat load
  19. give your width/height 'px' PS the other post prob moved to the html help - which is what this is
  20. mysql count row blah where last_login > NOW() - INTERVAL 1O MINUTES Or something like!
  21. try "SELECT u.name FROM users AS U INNER JOIN buddlylist AS B ON b.buddy = u.uid WHERE b.received = 1 AND b.uid = 2" ; BUT YOU will need some clause in there that relates an entry in the buddylist table to the users table.
  22. God i don't know why I can't get this. Got two tables one table (courses) contains information on trainingwith an id field of 'course_id'. The other table (course_users) has just two fields 'course_id' and 'user_id'. I want to select all the records from courses that don't exist in course_users BUT only where 'user_id' is equal to a seesion var used to id them. tried all manner of left joins but to no avail. Any help appreciated.
  23. apologies for the 'extraneous' divs but they are required for the js that generates extra fields in the form.
  24. can it be done woithout paragraph tags?
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