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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. LOL. I always try it empty... then trash myself to within an inch of my life for not remembering for the millionth time that you can't!!!!! One think to note though is that even if a variable is NULL (or empty) isset will return true (except checkboxes and radio buttons) - so if you are looking to make sure that all these variables actually have values use thorpes firts structure replacing isset with !empty
  2. [code]<?php if (isset($_POST['apples'],$_POST['pears'],$_POST['bananas'])) { echo "All the elements are present."; } else {   echo "ERROR!"; } [/code]
  3. Hi eveyone, I need to upload some flash files via my cms. Now I don't use flash very often (last time over a year ago!) so i could also do with a bit of info on how to embed them correctly - like how are the parameter value affected/affecting the flash movie, what attributes of the embed tag are standard and which directly apply to the particular file (bar teh path ofcourse!). I would also like to know what information is available in teh $_FILES array on uploading... Just going to play now so I may answer some of this myself but I really would appreciate any knowledge imparted by those who do this regularly... Thanks guys
  4. yep give the div#rest-body a fixed width and  border-left and border-right of teh correct colour and thickness and get rid of the left and right divs.
  5. yes the thing that bothers me is that php sees mysql version 3.23.49 - but yes that is the issue
  6. Hi, Not sure if this is a mysql issue or not so - placed it here in the hope of a quick reply. I have apache 2.0.29 php 4.4.4 and mysql 4.1 installed on my local machine. phpmyadmin says it can't connect through the auth type and says upgrade my version of mysql.... NOW when I run phpinfo() it says i have mysql v3.23.29 running!!!!! - but I have installed 4.1!!!! I cannot find any other version of mysql on this machine (doesn't mean it isn't there)... could anyone be so kind as to tell me what action I could possibly take to fix this? what config settings I need to check or anything else you think could be causing this...
  7. OK I have installed v4.1 BUT phpmyadmin gives the 1251 error - no support for auth type AND phpinfo says I have v3.23.49 installed - and I can't even see that on my machine!!!! any help would be very much appreciated!
  8. Hi, Installing php 4.4.4 mysql 4 and apache 2.0.59 on my machine so its a developer environment (mimics the set up on the live server) win xp pro with all updates..... NOW I have this set up on my machine at home ands it fine so I'm just annoyed here. I set up the conf file so that I have some virtual hosts like so.... <VirtualHost>     ServerAdmin toonmariner@hotmail.com     DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/ngc"     ServerName www.ngc.dev     #ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log     #CustomLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost>     ServerAdmin toonmariner@hotmail.com     DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/phpmyadmin"     ServerName www.phpmyadmin.dev     #ErrorLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-error_log     #CustomLog logs/dummy-host.example.com-access_log common </VirtualHost> AND I have edited the hosts file in winodows/system32/driver/etc to this... localhost www.ngc.dev www.phpmyadmin.dev but the bloody think aint working AT ALL!!! never finds a page if I put localhost, www.ncg.dev or www.phpmyadmin.dev PLease help - what have I forgot?
  9. 1. Yes - it saves you teh job of creating thumbnails your self. 2. depends on the script - it may fail with a warning or may overwrite the onld thubmnail. 3. NO - thumbnails should be created when the image is initially uploaded - then teh script only runs once. 4. Yes. 5. Depneds on yoru goal but normally yes.
  10. I suspect there is some functionality that calculates distance between these points.  Being in the UK I am not familiar with zipcodes but if there is some pattern to them you could use it to generate these distances.
  11. are you sure???? perhasp you have some php code that is doing this. Don't think the browser (without javascript) is capable of changing a string to lower case before its sent to a processing script.
  12. I suspect this is more of a php time out issue.... something taking that long is NOT good for clients to stay on your site. you could always fork your scripts [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/71/0.php]http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/71/0.php[/url]
  13. this may be completely off the map - but does your godaddy server allow teh short php tags '<?' as that is the opening tag of an xml declaration - so there may be some conflict
  14. this should be what position: absolute SHOULD do. I am sure I read somewhere (a comment by some individual) that the absolute should work on the basis of the top left of the parent element being 0,0 - unfortunately I think most browsers reference the top left of the window as 0,0 - pity if that is the case as an opportunity has been lost.
  15. why is it so big???? only method that is going to really help you here is ajax... OR cache the page if its db driven and only changes on regular basis (like hourly or daily)
  16. Set the width of your div to a value that would leave the desired margin (about 90%) then give that div a margin... margin: 10px auto; This will yeild a fluid page, give you some nice whitespace eitherside until the window is reduced - the page will only go as small as the banner shoudl teh user attempt to reduce size further the dreaded bottom scrollbar will appera
  17. yes don't use the jump menu - make the user hit a submit button.
  18. There are a few things to consider - minor but FYI worth remeberign for the future... If this is a case where you want to ensure that the email address provided by a user is valid then check this out [url=http://www.zend.com/zend/spotlight/ev12apr.php#Heading11]http://www.zend.com/zend/spotlight/ev12apr.php#Heading11[/url] a brilliant method to use during the sigin up process (IMO of course). Now notwithstanding that I like the above method - its not infallable - the script that actually asks the server if an email address would be accepted does not mean to say that email address exists - they may have a catch all enabled on the domain. The other point to note is that checking the true/false status of the mail function, if the inbox may simply be full - the email is valid but it will/may be bumped back - making you think that its an invalid address.  You could delete an address that is perfectly OK.
  19. WELL SPOTTED! Looks like text to me - change them to ints!
  20. $names = $_POST['textarea']; $names = explode("\r\n",$names); THink that should do the trick...
  21. his query returned a record where the stock was greter than the number requested! acoding to his pic anyway!
  22. The method you are adopting is for generating images that are stored directly in a database table - in a BLOB field. If the images are actually stored in a directory on your server then u don't need to use the src="ascript.php" method..... I personally use a file upload class that will create a thumbnail when the file is uploaded - Ithink it is the best way to reduce the amount of prcessing the server has to do - why create a thumbnail each time it is called? just do it once. for those intersted e-mail me and I will send you my upload class and associated code - free of charge! just give me all the glory ;)
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