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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. you can' assign two backgrounds to one div but if you set a fixed width you don't need to. if you want a fluid layout then you would need 5 divs. 3 div version. <div id="top"> </div> <div id="form"> // all your text and form stuff... </div> <div id="bottom"> </div> css div#top { background: transparent url(/path/to/topimage) no-repeat top left; width: (image width)px; height: (image height)px; } div#bottom { background: transparent url(/path/to/bottomimage) no-repeat bottom left; width: (image width)px; height: (image height)px; } div#form { border-left: 1px solid #666; border-right: 1px solid #666; }
  2. you have a bit of divitis there for that layout you could get away with 3 divs 1 for the top rounded corners pne for the bottom and one for the form which you shoudl give a left and right border....
  3. if you are using tables then colspan and rowspan are what you are after but in the long run you would probably find a div layout much mroe manageable...
  4. You can't - Ie always puts the scroll bar there, some browsers don't. I personally find it annoying when in FF and my page suddenly 'jumps' left a few pixels just because there is more content on it. Hence I use this in my html ensuring every page has a scrollbar. html { height: 101%; }
  5. I dont think its possible unless you call (via exec) an pp that can do this for you. PHP certainly can't do it alone.
  6. If js is off then the page will open in the current window - just as the standards say it should... the js is to both open the window and let the user know that the link will open a new window. if js os off then the user will not be told that a new widnow is about to open nor will a new window open.
  7. nope - you should use a bonafide agent for your secure transactions and have the strongest encryption algorithm (you ssl certificate) you can afford (many server providers have one that you can use for a a few extra quid.) Agents like ProTX, WorldPay, SecPay (the list goes on...) are what you need - they take a percentage so it doesn't cost you to set up. Google secure payment gateway and you will be presented with boat load of solutions..
  8. if you are validation using a transitional dtd then why not just leave the target="_blank"? if you are developing to the standards and using someting like xhtml 1.1 (Personally I use that all the time now) then what I originally posted will do what you need. document.write is not considered acceptable though - validators don't pick it up but you should use document.getElementById('element') as the object identifier and then set it properties... e.g. document.getElementById('element').innerHTML
  9. Hence all the stuff about js being on or off in my post!!
  10. SMTP needs to be set to your mail servers address - not sure how the proxy is going to come into to play but localhost relates to the machine php is running on...
  11. well.... If you use target="_blank" browsers will still open a new window - they don't implement as strictly as they should, but in terms of standards compliance document effects should be js controlled. Browsers (IMO) should apply the standards to the recognized doctypes so in that sense xhtml 1.1 should never open a new window without js. Before others have their two penneth - remember we can CHOOSE which dtd we use - if we CHOOSE to use a strict one we should stick to it - that is what the web standards project is trying to help achieve...
  12. if you put a.menu first then the subsequent declaration of 'a' would overwrite them. a.menu will only apply to a class="menu" so all other a tags will have the original style.
  13. Becasue it is 'invalid'!!!!!! In terms of standards compliance opening a new window is considered a document effect and as such shoudl be controlled by javascript. Here is a bit of code that will help in this respect in an accessible mode. first the html... <a class="newwindow" href="/path/to/page" title="Link Title" onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" onkeypress="window.open(this.href); return false;">Link Text</a> a bit of css. // this hides the text if js is on. a.newwindow span { position: relative; left: -5000px; width: 0; height: 0; overflow: auto; /* may need display block or a float to ensure no space is taken up when rendering */ } and finally a bit of js to add the 'opens in new window text' this only appears if JS is on. function newwindowA() { var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i=0;i<as.length;i++) if (as[i].className == 'newwindow') { as[i].innerHTML += ' <span class="hidden">(new window)</span>'; as[i].style.padding = '0px 17px 0px 0px;'; as[i].style.background = background: transparent url(/global/images/new-window-icon.gif) no-repeat right center;'; } return; } If js is off then the page shoudl open in teh same window nad neither the newwidow icon of the text should show. If js is on then the opens in newwindow text is shown and if css is on the txt will be hidden and the icon shown... This is an alteration to some code I have so the style.background may require separate lines of code for each value.. [attachment deleted by admin]
  14. safest method would be to save the data in a temp table or normal table and when the visitor returns to the page simple fill the form in with what was entered previously. EASIEST method would be to use sessions and store info in there - this requires the client to have cookies enabled (which is most but still some may not!)
  15. no - unless you have some fantastic javascript to hide the scrollbar and generate one yourself.
  16. if you set a fixed height then the flash movie will be that height - if you then allow the width to scale the movie can't as it height is fixed.
  17. form elements and css (maybe the odd break tag or paragraph depending on which php class I am using or how beligerent I feel on any given day.)
  18. do you not have to let flash scale properly??? the fixed height will prevent that happening....
  19. ToonMariner


    yes - for £2,000,000;) stick the psd up somewhere and I will take a look....
  20. unless there is a space in the string it won't!!! You could use php/asp to detect the length of the string and break it up otherwise you will get one long string on one line.
  21. you can use the WEFT tool to make fonts available when clients don't have them (don't work in FF though - unfortunately). Google weft and you will get links to MS's pages....
  22. yes - leave it alone. If that is how a browser works then those using that browser will soon realise and use it all the time. You rarely (very rarely) need any javascript to actualy make a form function.
  23. you need to check all teh information passed to the script. You also need to ensure that $to has jst one address in it (check for , or AND that no other headers are added other than what you specify. There may also be an issue with register globals so check your server setting - if it is on tell your server dudes to set it to off.
  24. have a look at htmlentities();
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