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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. this will explain why it hapeens and how to fix it. http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModelHack
  2. you can 'limit' the file type with the 'accept' attribute of the input eg. <input type="file" name="upfile" id="upfile" accept="gif,png,jpeg,jpg" /> However this is by no means to be trusted - most modern browses ignore it. You could use some javascript to check but that relies on javascript being available... Bottom line is you should ALWAYS check any user input before doing anything with it so I would advise you check this server side.
  3. well.... You have a bit of divitius but the one thing that will help is if you place a strict doc type declaration at the top of your page. I suspect you 2 pc's have different browsers (or different versions of browsers) which is why they will render differently... these lines will help <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=iso-8859-1" />
  4. Zend is by far the most widely recognized...
  5. if you are running this on your own machine makes sure you have your SMTP setting to the server that your service provider has... If this is on a live server then check your junk folder...
  6. There are lots of options but you will probably want to use the php include() construct.
  7. Please don't post with marquee and moan about big sigs.. I can scroll past them and they bon't bother me... Lets keep replies to to the question - if anyones sig is 'too big' then I am sure admin will say something to them....
  8. You shouldn't have to. Once submit is hit he browser starts buikding the headers, another hit should either make th browser ignore the previous request or build a new... So the second hit should not make a rat's backside difference
  9. why are you adding all the fields? some news readers only display a few anyway... if you are using php 4 then DOM XML is what you need - if you are using php 5 then vastly easier but just as good for your needs SimpleXML is the order of the day. Quite a bit in both so spend a couple of hours reading the manual...
  10. all that will simply deliver the highest value of the last row of data collected from the database (providing getrow() is a valid function).
  11. you could always use the onsubmit="return confirm('Are you sure');" attribute of the form element.
  12. try this.... $xx=0; $xxx=1; $preload = NULL; while($xx < $totalslide) { $preload .= 'var image'.$xxx.'=new Image()'. "\r\n"; $preload .= 'image'.$xxx.'.src='".$slideimage[$xx].'";' . "\r\n"; $xxx++; $xx++; } echo $preload;
  13. you can (and I suggest you do it on data going IN to the database rather than on out.) $str = preg_replace('/£/','$pound;',$str);
  14. there is an excellent pagination tutorial on this site...
  15. if you have set the width of an element (and its parents) then use margin: 0 auto; in you css. so eg.. html { width: 100%; } body { width: 240px; margin: 0 auto; }
  16. I am fairly sure you can import a csv directly by phpmyadmin... Alternatively (and thios wouldn't take long to do) you could write a php script to parse the file and generate sql to be excuted. store it in a txt file and you can insert it all that way (this would also give you option of filtering out rows or columns shoudl you wish.
  17. open_basedir is a configuration setting. It simply limits the files that can be opened (and therefore modified) by a php script. So if you have open_basedir set to '/somedir/' then only files within that dir (and sub dirs) can be manipulated by php.
  18. I am not aware of any BUT there must be a way. Zend Platform is a server managment app (commercial so you have to pay for it although you can get a developers lisence for 1 year or a 30 day trial) that monitors your entire server and scripts. It tells you which scripts where called from where and LOADS of other useful tools...
  19. Divs are the best way to lay out a page. The flexibility of divs and css and doctype declarations are truely your friend. As I have said before tables are for eating dinner off or displaying tabulated data. I have also stated that a couple fo days working with divs and learning a bit of css will be the most productive in your time as a web page developer. Tables have MUCH more ability to destroy the look of your page and when nesting them the potential porblems increase exponentially. As Veridicus states, managing your content by enclosing associated elements in a div is by far the best way to manage your sites. Not to mention the fact that some users don't have the benefit of good eyesight and use other clients to view your page. Tables can make screen readers render your page completly unintelligable. To desing a good site you should start from teh premise that the person seeing you page has css off, javascript off and images disabled - if then reading your page still makes sense you are doing well. You can then add all the nice bits on and create a rich and engaging visual experience. Ask your self this - all (most) the professionals in the game endevour to follow a standards complinat route and separate content from style from document effects why? A - its the easiest way to develop/manage/update sites and produce good end result....
  20. a primary key is normally a numeric index (which allows you to use auto_increment) and as such would never need what you are trying to achive. FULLTEXT index shoudl be used on a text or varchar field....
  21. <a href="show_encounter_list.php<?php echo URL_APPEND ?>&pid=<?php echo $pid ?>" target="<?php echo $target ?>"><?php echo $LDListEncounters ?></a> this is if you are using a dtd that has target= as a valid attribute for the a tag OR (and preference) you can use a standards compliant code... <a href="show_encounter_list.php<?php echo URL_APPEND ?>&pid=<?php echo $pid ?>" onclick="window.open(this.href);" onkeypress="window.open(this.href);"><?php echo $LDListEncounters ?></a>
  22. OK I hoep to god someone can figure this.... I have a flash file that is my audio captcha. The file calls a php script to generate the mp3 to play.... It works absolutely fine EXCEPT for ie when the page is in the https: domain - firefox, opera et al. (camino and safari have a problem with some js and submit buttons but NOT this audio captcha). The php script called uses an encrypted string to generate the mp3 but for some reason IE when using the secure socket is not playing ball... Has anyone encountered similar problems when using ie and a secure socket? Any help would be very much appreciated. NB - I have tried calling the php file using a full path starting with https: but to no avail.
  23. at a complete loss - I can see no reason why it don't do as it should.
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