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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. or place a file in each folder called index.html or .php
  2. If you say so buddy.... BUT just for your info this is what w3schools say about both strong and b... The following elements are all font style elements. They are not deprecated, but it is possible to achieve richer effects using style sheets. Now as you can do some work on aural style sheets to control the speech synthesis of words I will stand by my original post.....
  3. don't have it as world wrotable - try using chmod to alter the folder permissions on script start and change back at the end
  4. yes - to give each cell a border you must alos use td { border: 1px solid #000;}
  5. google sucker fish - you will get plenty of delicious results.
  6. The whole idea of separating presentation from content would NOT require the use of <b> as that would mean you are placing presentational tag in the content. Screen readers also react differently so to answer the original post <span class="bold"> is the better option as you can do much more with it from a style sheet - which includea altering emphasis in a style shet for speech....
  7. Sorry mods but not sure where this should (can't find a security section!!!) I have a captcha class that generates using a few fonts etc... I would simply like some comments on how readable (both for human and text-recognition apps) the attached images are (I am more intersted in the text recognition to be honest but as an ACCESSIBLE evangelist the readability is also kinda true - and yes I have an audio captcha before anyone starts!!!! ) [attachment deleted by admin]
  8. no use who ever provides your internet connection at home... they will have a mail server that you should use for outgoing messages. reply with your service provider and i will go look for the server you need
  9. return should be th last line of your function (before the closing brace)... <?php function getcf($catalogFile) { if (file_exists($catalogFile)) { $data = file($catalogFile); foreach ($data as $line) { $lineArray = explode(':', $line); $sku = trim($lineArray[0]); $CATALOG[$sku]['desc'] = trim($lineArray[1]); $CATALOG[$sku]['price'] = trim($lineArray[2]); } } else { die("Could not find catalog file"); } return $CATALOG; } ?> then call it like this... <?php include("/usr431/home/d/r/dr34521/public_html/test/getcf.php"); //invoke function getcf $cstring = 'catalog.dat'; $catalog = getcf($cstring); print_r ($catalog); ?> try to reserve UPPCASE var for constants.
  10. top of you page put print_r($_GET); see if post_read is 1 or 1#bottom...
  11. the smtp has to be set to your service providers server. I am on telewest so my php.ini files shows SMTP = smtp.blueyonder.co.uk
  12. you need a secure login - this route seems to be a little more intensive and may require more manual checks than you would like...
  13. you don't use # in the href of a named anchor. the hash simply allow the browser to know it shoudl be looking for a bookmark in the page.
  14. what browsers ahev you tried it in? can you post a link to a live page?
  15. if you use a strict dtd you shoudl be able to get away with different style sheets for different browser (on the whole). Graphically the site is nice but when you look under the bonnet thers' gaffer tape holding it all in place.... You could very quickly and easily switch to a div layout for that site and overcome the cross browser issues at the same time....
  16. there must be something a miss.... <div id="bottom"> ... </div> any link ending in #bottom should scroll to that... try it without any other url vars in the link...(get rid of the id=1 bit)
  17. using header('location: www.xxx.com'); after the insert query will help also storing their ip address and teh timestamp will allow you to check the last time they posted (and you can deny them if the time is less than a specified period).
  18. Its all about the headers snt to your browser - google a php download file script like this one http://www.phpclasses.org/browse/package/699.html
  19. Hmmm what you and I percieve as valid are perhaps a little different...
  20. well I never! You learn something new every day - no matter how useless
  21. that would be the preferred option yes.
  22. you can use error surpession with @ before the function call or ini_set('error_reporting', 0);
  23. You intial code is ok. Are you testing this on your own machine or on a live server? If its your own machine then check that you have set the SMTP setting in your php.ini file (set it to what ever your service providers smtp is)
  24. type is not a recognized attribute for anything but a form input (as far as I am aware) it will have no bearing on how teh css is parsed and displayed.
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