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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. give them a class of something like txt then use css .txt { width: 200px; }
  2. so waht happens when they don't have outlook? why not just use phpMailer and then you will have total control over the email being sent?
  3. cookies can BE arrays..... http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.setcookie.php#id5573620 serializing an array produces a string - unserializing a string that was formed from an array will produce an array...
  4. you will need to learn some regular expression stuff... google bbcode and have a look at how that is parsed - you can adapt the very same thing for your needs.
  5. then you would need to find out how the data is stored on the router, access a suitable port and wirte directly to what ever is storing this data and in the correct format... good luck.
  6. depends what dtd you have and your css...
  7. why are you using a com app? surely a simple mailto link in a page will suffice - that way the user will be presented with their own email client - and it woudl not fall down if outlook is not on the users machine...
  8. is the config on teh router not a text file? If so you would have to access the relevant file and update it - straight forward in php providing you can get access, have read/write permissions and you know exactly what format to put the data in.
  9. use the information sent to construct your query string based on a series of if (or switch) statements and for loops. concatenate all these together and use it in the query. Apologize but the explanation is a little difficult to grasp. Perhaps some code, db structure would come in handy...
  10. what error are you getting? are all files uploaded? and are the paths correct?
  11. you could achive the very same thing with just a simple span or div - much less code.
  12. Ah that is where where our ideas part. I don't think a profile is tabular data. Tabular data is such that it can be organized in such a way that each field is not contiguous. A list of users and their email addresses is certainly within this context; you can have a column of user names and emails. The profile of an individual is not tabular data. Think that displaying all the information from each field would require one column and ONLY ONE ROW. There are no multiple instances of any sing data type so in that sense there is absolutely no justification in using a table as markup as it is NOT semantically correct. Lets look at the OP. Note the wook 'look'. This is a styling issue and as such the div and css route would provide semantic markup... That's my take at least - hope you can agree buddy (ever the evangelist)
  13. or decalre $user as global within the function function displayLogin() { global $user; .... }
  14. No no no - thats not how to crate large, scalable, portable web based applications at all. Andy - how dare you suggest such tripe...
  15. yep... you will have to utilize the imagecreatefrompng and a few othe functions in the old gd library. havea look at http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatefrompng.php and more generally... http://uk.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php
  16. ??? are we at crossed wires here? I would ALLWYS advocate placing tabular data being in a table. I still use tables very often (admittedly I style them with css - but still use them where the markup is semantically correct.) Did it come across as though I think tables shoudl be banned? If so I apolgize - they are great if used for what they are for.
  17. place the div inside the a (give the a display: block;) <a href="here">Link text<div>this link does something</div></a> the css... a { display: block; position: relative; } a div { display: none; } a:hover div { display: block; position: absolute; left: 100%; top: -1em; }
  18. http://wellstyled.com/css-nopreload-rollovers.html
  19. Hi Andy, Me and thee have a differing view on what is good web development... We've doen the standards route and all that so lets not go in circles. The one thing I will say is that for the layout depicted would require a sizeable amount html to produce in table format. Using divs and styling would (as in virtually every situation I have encountered) vastly reduce the amount of code required. The next issue is site maintenance you must surely agree that when tables go wrong it can get extremely messy. Frustration sets in as time ticks by and the 'fault' is still not fixed. Going down a tableless route for this site would significantly reduce the potential for crapness appearing on screen...
  20. A complicated series of pulley and lever systems should do the trick! Table-less layout. Use divs to organize your content into groups then use css to place them on teh screen in the manner you desire.
  21. you could use css. 'position: fixed' is the bunny but it don't work in ie 6 or less (it decides to render as position: absolute instead); The javaascript solution does exist as andy suggest... here is my effort keepVisible = function (id) { var el = document.getElementById(id); var getScrollTop = function() { return document.body.scrollTop||document.documentElement.scrollTop }; el.keepInView = function() { var target = getScrollTop(); var curY = el.offsetTop; var curY = el.offsetTop; var newY = null; newY = curY + ((target - curY)/20); newY = Math.ceil(newY); if ( newY == null ) { newY = target; } el.style.top = newY + 'px'; } setInterval('document.getElementById("' + id + '").keepInView()',10); } all you need is <script type="text/javascript"> keepVisible('yourelement'); </script> directly after the element you want to keep at the top. (should be able to call it on the body onload attribute but I encountered a couple of browsers that didn't play ball) The above will make you element 'glide' into view. If you want it to just shift immediately then simply set newY = target instead of the newY = curY + ((target - curY)/20); newY = Math.ceil(newY); lines.
  22. eeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccccchhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! tables for layout sucks backside big styleeeeeeeee... TABLES are for TABULAR DATA and nothing else!!! (oh and getting yout html e-mails to work on email clients and web based ones - but that is something the industry needs to fix - I won't bend over backwards for them so-and-so's)
  23. you will have to use the faux column method OR use positionion and give you element top: 0 ;bottom: 0; (the container will need some position too.
  24. you have to take the footer out of the parent div and place it as a first child of body. Give body and html height: 100% and all shoudl be sweet.
  25. yes i mean the href the <a> tag has to have display:block; too...
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