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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. this is a php question... you enter a search term into a text box and then use that term to query the database on which ever tables and fields you want. simply report the results returned... You will find the LIKE'%$_POST['searchterm']%' and MATCH (`field1`, `field2`) AGAINST ('$_POST['searchterm']', IN BOOLEAN MODE) useful in this task...
  2. You could use a background [code]#area { width: 250px; height: 300px; border: 2px solid #627c10; padding: 10px; background: transparent url(../image.gif) no-repeat bottom; } OR use some positioning #area { width: 250px; height: 300px; border: 2px solid #627c10; padding: 10px; position: relative; } #area img { position: absolute; bottom: 0; } Note you will have to use a dtd (like xhtml 1.1 or html 4.01 strict) that makes IE work in standards compliance mode for the positioning method. [/code]
  3. maybe try adding the border to the image rather than the background. you use a table for the layout - IMO a floated list would be betterbut thats just my opinion of course
  4. Or you could set a fixed width and use display:inline or clear:none - which ever fits the bill best.
  5. LOL Cheers Dan! Don't be dis-heartened Charlie - there are a billion and 1 things to learn in web development. Stick around and you'll get some pretty good tips - especially from me
  6. you could style both the text input and select input to have width: 100% of container element.
  7. OK I will admit I am stumped by this one... Could you please take a look at http://www.getholding.com/create.php (very much still in development so don't be surprised when it goes boobies up on you!) there are two problems I am having with IE (f****** w****** at M********). 1. the text inputs are not all aligning left. as you scroll down there are a couple of fieldsets with more than one text input and these are behaving badly. If I float all my text inputs left (with or without clear: left/both) they all render far out to the left. 2. I have styled some submit buttons at the bottom of the page (the 1 2 3 4 buttons) which shoudl all be in line (they are floated left) FF safari camino cope beautifully but IE is putting them in some kind of css3 display model shananigan. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks guys n gals.
  8. Trying to keep it accessible - so want this to show up if css is off and don't want javascript to really have anything to do with it. I may have to retreat on the js though...
  9. Yeah and ist crap in safari/camino on the MAC - they just display a MAC glass button (no matter what image you use) with no text on it!
  10. Hi all, Just a quickie. Wondering if anyone knew of anyway to hide the text of a submit button. I have a background image for this button. For design purposes I need to ensure the value attribute of the button is not dsiplayed but when css is turned off (or not available) the text should be visible on screen. Any help would be very much appreciated.
  11. IE doesn't do pure css drop downs very well. Google 'suckerfish' and you will get a boat load of solutions (a list apart has the original). Bottom line - you'll need some javascript to get IE to play ball so make sure what ever you do - make sure it degrades well.
  12. no opacity is in herited - the only thing you can do is use a png image (with the desired level of transparency) as the background (and you will need to use this http://bjorkoy.com/past/2007/4/8/the_easiest_way_to_png/ to get it to work in older versions of IE)
  13. well friendly urls are clear of ? = and & (and if you are strict - any non-alphanumeric bar '/') so what you want to achieve is something like http://www.yoursite.com/books/foreign that way you can use Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule !\.(gif|jpg|png|css)$ index.php [NC, L] then in your index.php $url = strip_tags($REQUEST_URI); $url_array = explode("/",$url); array_shift($url_array); $url[0] will be 'books' and $url[1] will be 'foreign'. use the resulting values of the array to control the flow of your scripts. so you can use something like switch($url[0]) { case 'films': // do film stuff. break; case 'plays': // do play stuff. break; case 'books': // do book stuff. break; default: // show home page. }
  14. can you give an example of what you are trying to do? I personally use this method (with a few mods)... http://www.alistapart.com/articles/succeed/
  15. position the two images absolutely (or relatively) and give them a z-index. the following code will position image 2 on top of image 1. [code[<div style="position: relative"> <img src="1.png" width="100" height="100" style="position: absolute; top 0; left: 0; z-index: 1;"> <img src="2.png" width="100" height="100" style="position: absolute; top 0; left: 0; z-index: 2;"> </div> You must give the parent element of the images a position other than static (static is the default)
  16. All looks fine to me! The trick here is to design your site so that it doesn't matter what resolution clients have. with a fluid layout (% widths etc) you can provide for everyone (make sure you work on the basis that min width is about 760px - once you have done that you've won! )
  17. HTML E-mails are the (recent) bane of by life. To get things working consistently you have to resort to 'old skool' html (tables and such forth) to get the look/feel across clients and web based apps something like similar. Just construct your normal (old) html with the form and the inputs in and send that out to your list.
  18. to do that you must place the entire array into each html page using the hidden input. You would require one hidden input for EACH element in the array (so even 2-d array could be mean lots of markup). Your alternatives are to use a temporary mysql table or cookies/sessions.
  19. Hmmm. My eyes don't cope very well in either... try using a strict doctype for starters and go from there.
  20. div#header {position: relative; top: 0; left: 0;} div#hnav {position: absolute; bottom 0} #hnav li {float: left;} NOTE you will have to alter the widths to keep this on one line. h1.header {text-align: centre;} PS your markup doesn't validate! you have a script tag inside a style tag in your head section.
  21. yes but older versions of ie only support :hover on the a tag so if the cell only has teh link in and nothing else set the link to be as high and wide as the table cell then use hover on the link. if you are talking about a cell with text in and a tags in amongst the text then ie6 and below will not do what you want without javascript (I personally would not worry - it seems ie7 uptake is pretty good) so in that case do this td { background: transparent; color: #333; } td:hover { background: #ffc; color: #069; } td:hover a { background: transparent; color: #f00; } td:hover a:hover { background: transparent; color: #999; }
  22. try this td a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; backgorund: transparent; color: #f00; text-decoration: none; } td a:hover { backgorund: transparent; color: #069; text-decoration: underline; }
  23. that divitis you have is killing me - there is far too much html in there than what the job calls for. Have a go at cleaning it up a bit and then post back.
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