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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. what's a banana???? This is a regex issue and one that you can simply keep adding to. You could do something like creating an arry of words to filter and then using those in a reg ex to do the donkey work. <?php $filter = array('curse','swear','execrate'); $regex ='/'; foreach($filter as $key => $val) { $regex .='('; while($i < strlen($val)) { $regex .= '[^a-zA-Z0-9]*?'.$val{$i++}; } $regex .= '[^a-zA-Z0-9]?|'; } $regex .= substr($regex, 0, -1) . '/i'; $string = preg_replace($regex,'***',$string); Now that regex (if it even works) will do all kinds of wonderful and unexpected things probably. Have a play see how you get on.
  2. I suspect you is going to have to roll your own... there are snippets out there on things like standard deviation and other statistical techniques so get looking... and rolling!
  3. <?php require($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/../databases.inc"); ?> that should connect no matter where you put the code.
  4. yep remove the height of the header div and give it some padding.
  5. My boss has agreed to join the naked day (really should do my own site sometime soon). Anyway I am about to add a count me in message at the bottom of your naked day page....
  6. <?php function recurList($start) { global $master_array; $temp = array_keys($master_array['parent_id'],$master_array['parent_id'][$start]); if ( count($temp) > 0 ) { ?> <ul> <?php foreach($temp as $key => $val) { ?> <li><?php echo $master_array['category'][$val]; ?> <?php if ( array_keys($master_array['parent_id'],$master_array['category_id'][$val]) ) { recurList($val); } ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <?php } } $qry = " SELECT * FROM `yourtable` ORDER BY `parent_id` ASC, `category_id` ASC "; $qry = mysql_query($qry); $master_array = NULL; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($qry)) { foreach($row as $key => $val) { $master_array[$key][] = $val; } } recurList(0); ?>
  7. http://support.nusphere.com/viewtopic.php?t=636 Looks like something is not configured correctly
  8. you can set the both height and width of an iframe! (include a header) <iframe scr="https://www2.thedomain.com/blaa" width="100%" height="350"></iframe> (include a footer) I think I am correct in stating that the frame width will be relative to YOUR document not the width of the document you are loading... so if "100%" is not wide enough I would suggest either just opening the site in a new window or using a fixed pixel value for your iframe.
  9. <?php if (isset($_POST['submit']) { //process form } ?> .... <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> ... </form>
  10. have a look at WEFT http://www.microsoft.com/typography/web/embedding/weft3/ you create eot files and use css to import them - great idea- just FF won't let it happen - this may change in the not too distant though
  11. For shame!!!! The extraneous markup required to achieve your layout with a table can VASTLY increase the download time for your page. Site maintainence is also MUCH more complicated with a table based layout (especially if you have lots of nested tables). I guarantee spending a few days spent switching one of your sites from tables to table-less will be the most rewarding and beneficial few days you will ever spend in the world of site construction. I think many are put off thinking it will be hard and stick with what they know - but once you realise that not only is it actually easier to construct pages faster and more efficiently but you will find better ways to segregate content and manage your site much more easily. Rant over....
  12. http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Useful_CSS_tips:Color_and_Background
  13. Having different stylesheets for different browsers is (in my opinion) far from an acceptable solution - but hey if you have the time to update them all then its the right one for you.
  14. javascript is only a solution if the user has javascript available... You know how I feel - a page should work regardless - so in this case it would require serverside scripts.
  15. I can't really help you but suffice to say this is more than likely a javscript job - you want the line numbers to move up and down with the text in the text area so js would appear to be the solution (try a good js forum).
  16. a link would help but this sounds like the old box model problem... http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=BoxModelHack one way to free yourself from having to hack a lot is to use a strict dtd...
  17. Yep that is pretty messed up... so messy I can' even begin to start trying to fix it! its a bit tag soup in there!!! stick all your style in a separte css file, nest you html properly, get rid of the table,.....
  18. it appears you have closed the container right before you open the right div
  19. not sure firefox even lets you... bets not bothering - people will be used to the scroll bar colours that they have - and after all its only a 'nicity' at the best of times...
  20. you have input:hover add select:hover to your css. OPera not changing pointer may be that it doesn't support it (I think it uses its own and thats that - someone will correct me though)
  21. why use javascript to submit forms???? html has these wonderful things called buttons and if you use a submit button every browser that comes across it will understand. You can give each a different name and use that to decide if you are adding or editing (better to use a different method of detection though - like if a unique identifier is present or not)
  22. Only if you want to give yourself a massive headache in administering such a file structure.... Have a look at search engine frindly urls - what your doing does need to be search engine friendly BUT I think it would help you A LOT if you have just one page creating all your pages. Using apahce's modrewrite will let you direct every request to one page - you can then grab info from the url and use it to constuct your page...
  23. <?php print '<table class="thumbnails" width="998" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2"><tr>'; print 'More Layouts In This Category'; print '</tr></table>'; ?>
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