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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. its because you have it outputting data before any of your html. all you need to do is place the <?php $file = file_get_contents("http://www.xxxx.com/banners"); echo $file; ?> inside a suitable element in your site. where ever you want it to display simply put that bit of code inside the relevant td tag
  2. I have zero patience for sites that won't work everywhere....
  3. the psuedo class :hover is only available for the a tag in ie < 7. I suggest you make a link in each cell (better still a horizontal list - tables are for data not layout!) and set display: block; give it a width and height of your image and then use the css you have.
  4. what if the user doesn't have a scroll wheel? (like many mac users) how do they then view the rest fo yoru content. Its all well and good being 'able' to do things but when these things restrict the useability of your site then its pointless... Just because you know how to use it on yoru browser doesn't mean others will or that their software/hardware can actually perform what you are basically requiring them to do. I promise you its not good practice to remove the standard controls people EXPECT to have available to them inorder to view information on a page.
  5. yes - design for 800x600 from the off... You site gets 'smushed' in ie at any resolution. give your page a %width and the panels on the left and right a fixed width just let the central panel fill the void and make sure none of its content (like images) exceed the minimum width.
  6. no you have lots of id="image" in the html switch them to class="image" better still just get rid of the extraneus div and simply apply the style to an img selector in your css.
  7. a class is used when several elements take on the same attributes. an ID should be used for a unique element. There should never be two elements that share the same id on any one page.
  8. Yes you have short tags enabled in your php.ini file replace top line with this... <?php echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>'; ?>
  9. are you trying to check on the same script run? if so it won't work. Once a cookie has been set it is NOT available to use until the current script has finished running... I should however be available on the next page run.
  10. Just leave it as British time - its the best time you'll ever have!!! But if you really want to ruin everyone's day you can use this... http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php
  11. ?? Remeber php is server side so its all done and gone to bed by the time the browser sees the html. If you want to parse url's before you send out the html then use a regular expression to grab all the href's and do what you want with them. If you want to manipulate based on what the client has done then you'll need javascript or ajax to perform the same task...
  12. I have just noted its is repeating the request... So I will go and find why its going mad...
  13. Hi everyone, I am having a spot of bother with a very basic contact us form. the page can be found here http://www.wesayhowhigh.com/contact-us No any attempt to send a message results in the following errors - dependanat on the memory_limit I try to assign: default: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 11520 bytes) in 16M: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 11520 bytes) in 32M: Fatal error: out of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer() in 64M: Internal Server Error... This is a shared hosting package so I guess I am limited to what I can and can't do. How can so much memory be being used for a simple process? What can I monitor so I can identify where the prob lies? Any help would be very much apprecaited.
  14. Have a look at using the background position property. You will have ONE image which as the image AND the 'roll-over' in one (so twice the height and one image above the other) that way teh image is already loaded and you simply set the heigh of the container element to half the total image height. on hover shift the image up....
  15. set the width of the parnet container (fixed or percentage). then you div (I'll call it cont) use div#cont { margin: 0 auto; width: 80%; }
  16. sounds like your problem is html... post the code and state what shoudl happen and what does happen - a link would be nice too.
  17. it depends on what you think means 'looks right'. There is nothing technically wrong with that layout except maybe the slight overlap when the window is reduced in width. Unless you can proved a graphic of what you want this page to do then 'looks right' could mean everything spelled wrong for all I know...
  18. just use hidden inputs and some javascript to transfer the user inputted data to the relevant fields.
  19. The file has to be uploaded first... You cannot attach a file from a users pc directly to an email - otherwise you could attach any file you like and compromise their system...
  20. when I reduce the width of the page .text_declar it does reduce in size to 150 (or 160 which ever way u swing!) it is so big at normal resolution because you have max-width @ 100% so it will be as wide as it can be...
  21. If you are a little cleaver you can allow this to do more... Say you use input boxes to enter your numbers... <input type="text" name="number[]" /> Now if the form posts to your script you can do this... $ave = (array_sum($_POST['number']) / count($_POST['number'])); echo number_fomat($ave,2).'<br>'; print_f("%01.2f",$ave); Just lets you add as many numbers as you like...
  22. set the margin on the cells to 0. why nested tables?? this is a case where one table will do...
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