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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. You only have to give something an id or a class if you want it to obey a set of styles. Elements can inherit styles from their parent elements also so if you plan it right you can get great results with very little work. Cutting down the html means your page will load faster and you will have a much more manageable site. PS I see you have destroyed it already or is it my fault for not putting the correct path the the style sheet in?
  2. OK here are both files... you can change the name of example.html to index and just copy style.css into you css folder... Now it may not be exactly right but it won't be far off... [attachment deleted by admin]
  3. Its better BUT still along way to go sunshine... Try to use semantic mark up and apply style to elements there - try not to add elements just for styling if you can avoid it... here is my interpretation of you page.... <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"> <title>HomePage</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/line.css"> </head> <body> <div id="header"> <h1><span>Runners Elite</span></h1> <div id="register"> Welcome <span>Guest</span> please <a href="register.php">Register</a> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <img src="http://www.runnerselite.com/images/training.jpg" alt="Runner Trainng" width="120" height="120"> Welcome to RunnersElite! All over the net many profile sites have sprung up, but our team thought the web needed a site for athletes to post their own profiles, this is when RunnersElite was formed, to enable athletes such as your selfs to get yourself known on the web. You dont have to be elite to be part of this website, you could be a fun runner, do it to keep fit or have any kind of fitness you can imagin. The best thing about RunnersElite is that its FREE, so why not join today! </div> </body> </html> I will just quick do the css and then you can upload them both and see the results...
  4. Correct - but you post the same question five times and ignore the correct answer given to you after the first one! You say it still doesn't work when and then when we finally get to see your mark - up there is no wonder why. Learning to do this kind of stuff is a wonderful thing but when others do help and you ignore it it is frustrating... We all want everybody to get the help they need and to have a bit of fun doing it - your particular issues are down to fundamental understanding of the technology involved- In my opinion your time would be better spent (and you would learn much more in a short space of time) if you used www.w3schools.com for a few days... Pay particular attention to the Learn HTML section here http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp...
  5. too many methods to mention.... just record their ip address against the current time (timestamp will do) and something that will identify the page they are on (use which ever value in the $_SERVER super global array suits your needs i.e. 'REQUEST_URI' or 'QUERY_STRING' - what ever identifies the page uniquely.)
  6. to re-inforce dustinnoe's comment - you should infact use javascript to show these images and place them over the radio buttons - that way if js is off the user will still be able to make a selection.
  7. I can't take this anymore..... Please runner go and do some learning - find a page that does something liek what you want and go and look at the source code and css...
  8. Mate your html is atrocious (even in that tiny page!) please please please go away and learn how to code the very basics of html properly; learn what a doctype is and use one... If you manage that and feel brave try leanring table-less layouts... Sorry kid but until you can produce a page that vlaidates using the w3c validator here - http://validator.w3.org/ then trying to fix your code is going to be pointless - you will only go and mess it all up again... I'm not being harsh - I promise there is no scowl on my face at all but if you want to be bale to do anything close to a good site then the fundamentals are a must. Don't try and run before you can walk...
  9. you'll be in direct competition with google earth- and that is free so I would question the commercial prospects of your plan.
  10. You'll need a bit of javascript for this. leave the radio buttons there - either hide them with display: none or place the images over them using relative positioning. Add the onclick event to the image and call a function that selects the radio button....
  11. bacground image cannot have the color AND the image path ONLY the image path is valid. Runnerjp, I have given you the solution to you rproblem in another thread, use it adn stop placing repeat posts on the same issue. You can only get smae solution once if you chose to ignore it thats your problem - not our bandwidths...
  12. you have put two values in background image!!! either us the short hand as I did or set background-color separately. If this doesn't work then your problem is more than likely else where... <style type="text/css"> <!-- html { background: #FFFFFF url(http://www.runnerselite.com/images/linedown.jpg) repeat-y 0px 155px; } body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } body { background: transparent url(http://www.runnerselite.com/images/line.jpg) repeat-x 15px 0px; } --> </style>
  13. what doc type are you using? is there a borer on this panel? FF and IE still differ in how they render background images when an element has a border; once places teh background behind or under the border the other doesn't start rendering until the border is drawn...
  14. <style type="text/css"> <!-- html { background: #FFFFFF url(http://www.runnerselite.com/images/OTHER IMAGE.jpg repeat-y;} body,td,th { font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } body { background: transparent url(http://www.runnerselite.com/images/bkground.jpg repeat-x; } --> </style>
  15. Not too sure what they mean as this only sends one email to one address... I think what they may mean is that it could be called any number of times by an automated script so that WOULD send lost of emails in a very short time. I suggest you put a check in so that one ip address cannot send more than one email every ten minutes or so. To achieve this you could either require a session cookie, a normal cookie or record each ip address into a database tabel and check that on each request...
  16. just pick out the 'Field' element from the array... <?php $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM [table name]'; $rs = mysql_query($query); $field = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { $field[] = $row['Field']; } ?> that will give you an array of all the fields.
  17. 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM [table name]' will return a result set of info about the table to see the resulst do this... <?php $query = 'SHOW COLUMNS FROM [table name]'; $rs = mysql_query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs)) { print_r($row); } ?>
  18. This appears to simply be a case of auto forwarding the emails on to to you. It not masking and email just putting an inbox inbetween you and the sender/recipient. If you are sending out bulk mail I suggest you send it to a spoof email (like maillist@mysite.com) and simply place every recipient into the BCc: field of the headers. If you want them to be able to reply then add a reply address or instaed of a spoof email something generic like reply@mysite.com that is a real account OR have a catch all set up so that any email to an inbo that deosn't exists goes to one of your accounts...
  19. you need to add a background to the html selector in css html { background-image: url(blahblah) repeat-y;
  20. Thanks for the apology!!!! You can probably do it with javascript but this is most easily achieved by creating a gradient in the image
  21. You can't - you can check the values passed though and make sure that they are what you expect - its called validation.
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