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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. put an '@' in front of the parameter the warning is displaying...
  2. add the quotes in the query....
  3. If you have styled a button then simply apply the same class to the file input. But remember some browers won't style buttons anyway...
  4. True but I do think it is fair to take IE6 as your absolute baseline these days - only 3% of the web has ie5.5 or less on a pc and Mac users have virtually erradicated ie5.5 for the mac.
  5. yep check teh max_upload_filesize - i reckon yo0u may be exceeding it
  6. WOW DIV overload there... Why not use a nice unordered list for teh navigation -after all it is just a LIST of links. to get this to be '100%' high the approach that will work cross browser is (been mentioned a lot lately') the faux column method.
  7. place the input tag completely within a label tag - and keep the text inside teh label too.
  8. there is a method of obfusicating the path to the image OR storing the image in a blob field in a database and using s-s-s to output the image while disableing caching of the page. That would solve all attempts bar the old screen grab which is so easy to do it makes doing anything at all to stop them pretty much pointless...
  9. in the futre you will probably be able to do this with the display model in css 3...
  10. I don't believe you can set the minimum length of an input field - you can set maxlength for text boxes but little else - even then it can be circumvented easily. This is a situation wher data validation should really be conducted in a server side script - possibly a bit of javascript to validate before submitting but even that can be hood winked or turned off so the server side validation is a must IMO.
  11. The standards won't change for any given doctype - that is why doctype switching is a tool some chose to use. Standards may change in the future (I have always wanted to see acaption attribute for an image tag that would display under the pic!!!!) but if they do change then it will only be later versions of html/xhtml that will implement them - the old ones will still behave as they do now. The best way to ensure cross browser compatability is to use a doctype that is a recognized standard - this is because the browsers are coded to standards dependant on the dtd. even if you write your own it MAY choose to do something a little different.
  12. find yourself a decent set of headers - I had some somewhere but can't find them - someone will oblige forthwith... (otherwise u'll have to wait til I get home and search them out)
  13. its not true but the use of standards will give 'better' results across browsers. You will produce a site that is much closer in look and feel on many browsers. Honestly, I have not used a hack in css for some time now (alothough I don't support ie 5.5 these days) and nor do I use any scripts to switch style sheets - one sheet and the same html served to all devices - and the results are pretty damn good even if I do say so. I promise you - switch to strict xhtml 1.0 or better still xhtml 1.1, use only valid mark up, stick ALL style in css and leave ALL doc effects to js - ensuring they degrade nicely (I use ajax alot for this as it also reduces the server load a little and improves user experience vastly) and in a few weeks you will sit back and wonder why the hell you didn't make the switch sooner... That is a promise.
  14. make sure that open_base_dir is not set in your php configuration - think you have to check safe mode too but can't remember what for
  15. if it were fixtures then you'd have to pay £10,000 to the FA but results are not copyrighted - I am sure there is a resource somewhere. Ideally the bbc would store it all in an xml doc but as yet I have not seen one...
  16. that is becase explode must have a delimiter to split the string on. You need str_split($num);
  17. the path is wrong in your include... I always start with $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] in any include or require construct.
  18. Every piece of info that traverses the web is availabel for interception. SSL uses encryption keys that should not be available to anyone else as the 2 machines talk to each other and develop a temporary key based on their chat. Any other method of encryption is open to decryrption in axactly the same manner as you would have to decrypt the info on your server to make any use of it. You have to consider who important the info is, does it really need encryption, how secure does it have to be, does it matter if anyone gets this.... SSL is pretty secure anything else isn't end of.
  19. did you use ismap or ismap="ismap"? Also have a look at this page (no ismap anywhere) http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_map.asp
  20. $query = "SELECT * FROM $table"; // ORDER BY year, month, day ASC"; That doesn't!!!! should be $query = "SELECT * FROM $table RDER BY year, month, day ASC";
  21. Just have the one array. while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($myQuery, MYSQL_BOTH)) { $arr['id'][] = $row['id']; $arr['date'][] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $row['month'], $row['day'], $row['year']); } Then use multisort to maintain the relationship bewteen indices in teh ary on sorting by dtae.
  22. ???? Preg_replace is the perfect tool for the job in this case and you don't need a loop! Just this, <?php $badword = array ('/fl(i|a)p/i' , '/t(a|o)t/i' , '/ira(q|n)/i'); $message = preg_replace( $badword, '***', $message); ?> by making an array of regular_expressions you can simplfy the job...
  23. That is down to the semantics of teh limit clause... LIMIT 0,10 says get ten rows starting from row 0 of teh result set. LIMIT 11,20 says get 20 rows starting at row 11 of the result set. FIRST NUMBER is the starting row LAST number is the actual number of rows to return.
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