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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. Hope you go tpermission form Jose to use that music
  2. OK elegant way of doing this.... Place all these numbers into arrays... $numbs = array (5,11,12,24,33); // numbers user picked $result = array (6,11,24,29,33); // the numbers drawn. $check = array_intersect($numbs, $result); // whih ones matched $matched = count($check); // how many matched swicth ($matched) // decide what to do based on number of matches. { case 5: echo "You matched all 5 - JACKPOT"; break; case 4: echo "You matched 4 - here's 20p"; break; case 3: echo "You matched 3 - 1p"; break; default: echo "Sorry you did not win a bean." }
  3. Yeah its in the firts reply - I simply made an adjustment to the onblur but deleted the other - sorry Here it is in all its glory <input name="emusearch" type="text" value="e.g. Stella or Atari 2600" onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue) this.value='' onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='e.g. Stella or Atari 2600';">
  4. I don't know where you will find it but when you do it will be in an if statement like... if ($something == COUNT_REFERALS) or it may be if ($something != COUNT_REFERALS)
  5. NO sorry hvle its more the actual string in the file.. I need to place tabs and line returns etc. You know how you can view the html source - well if people get to see my rss source I want it all nested nicely... Does that make sense?
  6. COUNT_REFERALS needs to be replaced by an array and the number of referals for each plromotion should be entered in teh same order as in the ipods array; $count_referals = array( 5, // 80g ipod 12, // Xobx 9, //Wii ); $ipods = array( '80gb Video iPod', 'Xbox 360 Premium', 'Nintendo Wii', ); You will then have to search your code for COUNT_REFERALS and replace it with $count_referal[$ipodkey] ($ipodkey) is the index of the promotion from the array $ipods which you can grab using array_keys(); Feel free to send me Nintendo Wii for solving this.....
  7. can we have a link to the page please? I find it easier solving these kind of things using the ff plugins Thank you....
  8. <input name="emusearch" type="text" value="e.g. Stella or Atari 2600" onblur="if(this.value=='') this.value='e.g. Stella or Atari 2600';"> I search 'stella' and it returned a result the result of your search will be an issue with the search script - this js for controlling the default value won't affetc it...
  9. Hi people... I hope this relatively simple... I am usign DOMXML to manage an rss feed. The feed started off as a nice neat handcoded rss feed with all the tags nested and easily readable. The feed is now managed by php and the xml file is opened and updated via teh DOMXML. The 'problem' is that the out put does not maintain the nested structure of the file; there appears to be no method of using tabs and linefeeds in the DOMXML. If anyone knows of a method that I could use to achieve this then please please let me know. Many thanks.
  10. <style type="text/css"> <!-- .Music { width: 350px; height: 130px; margin: auto; background: #989898; } --> </style> I believe you will have to set the width and height of the parent container also.
  11. if you aren't sending any data collected in the form why are using a button when aimple a link is what is caled for? <form action="qmodpage.php" method="post"> // other inputs for data.... <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Finished"> </form> if you just want a link that looks like a button (and don't care about js being enabled or not) then <input type="button" value="Finished" onclick="window.location='qmodpage.php';">
  12. Reach for the prozak...... There is probably just something wrong with your configuaration. It is sometimes best to install each app on its own - then you know how they work along side each other. Check that your apache configuartion file has the correct settings for php and that the paths are correct.
  13. check the post to see if it contains a url - if so don't allow it to be processed. You will need a regular expression for this something like <?php $string = $_POST['message']; if (preg_match('/(a href)|(www\.(.*)?\.)/',$string) { // url detected - don't process. // maybe record ip address and ban it from entering site again. } else { // message ok write to database so it is included.. } ?> Something like that - someone will be able to come up with a far more elegant and sopisticated regular expression for your needs though. CAPTCHA is an option but perhaps a little overkill for your needs.
  14. you need to use javascript to change the background colour - you can't just put style porperties in there...
  15. the first will style ANY a tag that is a decendant of div.container ie <div class="container"> <a .... <div class="subcontainer"> <a .... </div> </div> the second should only work on an anchor tag that is a first child of div.container i.e. <div class="container"> <a .... </div> But not any anchor that is a child of a child of div.container.
  16. Yes but as opening a new window is considered a document it should be controlled by js. Standards state that you xhtml/html should be the page content, the design be done in css and the doc effects in js. xhtml should NOT control any documenst effects - thats why the target attribute was no included in the xhtml1.1 standard (nor xhtml1.0 if my memory serves me right.)
  17. have a look at my last effort http://www.waring-netts.co.uk/ The site has friendly urls so I use this to ensure that the text size has some persistence on teh site but without the need for sessions.
  18. Frames DON'T have a target in xhtml1.1. Target is NOT a valid attribute for a frame (and never has been). A frame has a name or id that in html can be referenced to using the target attribute of a anchor. Standards however consider any content not loading into the current window a document effect; and if you are clicking a link in one frame to do something in another then that is classed as a document effect - hence javascript should control that.
  19. Maybe you could help me! I am looking for a script to manage my rss feed. Simply need ability to add/remove item noeds from the parent channel node (need to delete the last item and insert the item above the first item.) Using php 4.4.4 so have to DOCXML
  20. you can set that in you php script. use ini_set('error_reporting', #VALUE); Where value is corresponds to the setting you want from this table http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/ref.errorfunc.php#errorfunc.constants REMEMBER to take note of version notes in teh NOTE coulmn - particularly on 'E_ALL'
  21. you can't change that setting in your php code if the version of php you are running is 4.2.3 or greater (prior to this version you could.) You need access to either of the following: php.ini file apache http.conf file OR .htaccess file WITH the server settings allowing you to set various php_flags.
  22. Does Flash have movie controls? I have never sen them - if the plugin does please post a page that has it so I can see...
  23. without delving too far into your problem if you look at the fist 3 declarations of the width variable you will note that the witdh assigned to a child element is actually higher than that assigned to the container...
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