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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. you'll need to create some kind of regular expression similar to a html validator and extend it to add the html required to make it safe for your site.
  2. OK i did something right!!! If you go here you'll see... [url=http://waringnetts.contrastcompany.co.uk/showreel]http://waringnetts.contrastcompany.co.uk/showreel[/url] Now the mp4 works fine - opens up in quicktime etc. etc. BUT quicktime plugin doesn't even initialize in FF. I have also uploaded an mpg of the same video for those without quicktime. The irony of this is that the mpg runs fine in quick time but media player just sits there doing absolutely nothing. If someone could please give some indication as to why this is so I would be very greatful.  If neccessary I will put some extra pages up with the different combinations of files and media players. Much obliged...
  3. which images are getting the extra white space? is it space at the top and bootom or left and right? What should it look like?
  4. ToonMariner

    just wandering

  5. you need attribute enctype="multipart/form-data" in your form tag. <form method="post" action="script_1.php" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  6. you will be needing either; a, a MASSIVE javascript array populated when the age loads. or (better option) b, some ajax that will populate the select box based on the value of the other select boxes - this should be coded in such a way so that the page will work without javascript.
  7. [code]http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/43/0.php[/code]
  8. ANY javascript to get the layout effect is too much ;)
  9. ToonMariner


    Hi guys n gals - touching on an old unsolved problem. I have a LARGE mpg that the client MUST have on their site. I have created the site in xhtml 1.1 so I have to use the object tag to include this in a page but NOTHING I do is working. I initially tried to convert to an mp4 file as it was smaller but kept getting the quicktime icon with the big '?'. So I reverted to mpg to see if that would help. But no.... This is what I have (put a smaller mpg up for now) [code] <object id="MMPlayer1" width="320" height="240" classid="clsid:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" type="application/mpeg"> <param name="src" value="/userfiles/media/bgs.mpg" /> <param name="autoplay" value="false" /> <param name="controller" value="true" /> <param name="loop" value="false" /> </object> [/code] What am I doing wrong? I do apologize but a little hand holding may be needed here. I have searched many a site, stolen all manner of html and to no avail. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. PS I can't use embed as its not valid xhtml.
  10. the triviality is the issue - I aint gonna do too much work for not too much benefit.
  11. max execution time is not an issue here (unless it takes fkin ages to complete the processing of the script). The stopwatch on the execution time doesn't start until the files have been uploaded - then the parsing of teh script begins. max_input_time may be an issue. I was playing the other day and it was taking IE 4 minutes to upload a 3.8M file via http protocols - I have a fairly fat pipe too - so I was surprised! This could all be traffic on the server but FF was consistently faster for some very strange reason.
  12. hmmmmmmm I don't like the idea of using js just to get the layout - think I will just let them be as wide as they want and run into the next line when neccessary. Thank you for your response though - I will keep this for a later date as the client doesn't want any js on this site. I will use it on a different site where it can sit happily safe in teh knowledge that no-body cares if its there or not. Cheers.
  13. The site is hosted on a linux server so it should be. The script that calls the fork runs fine but obviously it has no way of checking if it was successful OR if there was an error in either of the paths entered. Now I am sending mail with the fork which doesn't arrive - is this because I can't fork on the server or because the paths are incorrect? If the paths are incorrect how do I find the correct path to php and how to make sure the path to my script is correct in relation to which directory the fork starts looking?
  14. Hi guys, I need a little help. Here is my html for a horizontal navigation bar. [code] <div id="topnav"> <ul> <li class="live" id="topnavfirst"><a href="/home" title="Home" accesskey="h">Home</a></li> </ul> </div> [/code] OK that is easy enough..... This is going through a cms so the client will be able to add/remove elements of the navigation. What I need is the list elements to fill the width avialable regardless of the number of elements. so just 1 li will be full width, 2 half the width, 3 third and so on. I hope I explained that ok. What I need is some css that will accomplish this - many thanks in advanced.
  15. it shouldn't matter too much - I just like to see semi-colons after values!
  16. looks fine here I am on IE7 and FF2
  17. give those iputs that deal with date a class 'date'. in your css put input.date {display: inline;}
  18. try having your $pro_link_row_style be either 'none;' or 'table-row;' in your database.
  19. I repeat my post - you WILL need flash to achieve this. You can leave the current menu in for those who don't have/allow flash. (you simply put the html inside the <object></object> tags - if flash is available it will ignore the html.)
  20. when you have ?foo=bar in the url that is passing a variable to a script. So in the example case www.domain.com/page.php will receive a variable called 'do' and that var is set to 'random'. Somewhere in the script will probably be a switch statement like this: [code]<?php switch ($_GET['do') { case 'random':  // do the random stuff  break; case 'this':  // do this  break; case 'that':  // do that  break; default:  // do this if all other cases unmatched } ?>[/code]
  21. Just read the forking article in thr tutorial... [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/71/0.php]http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorials/71/0.php[/url] Now I have no idea if I have the command line available (I honestly do not have a clue about the cli for php never had to use it) how can I fnd out whether I have the correct tools available AND if you look on the second page of that tutorial there are some paths - one for the executable and one for the script I want to run. How do ensure I have the correct paths here (where can I find out what they shoudl be if they are wrong) Sorry for being a bellend on this but any help much appreciated.
  22. Really? Well that is the most frustrating problem in the world! - having a problem but not knowing how to put the problem in to words.... Waht EXACTLY is not working as you expect?
  23. OR to save unneccessary html simply give the form an id or a class and use that to style instead.
  24. Flash sits within its own stage (width and hieght) - it can't allow its own content to flow outside that stage.
  25. ???? Sure I replied to a different thread with that post!!!!!!! IN the matter of this thread - use print_r($_POST); to output all your posted data and see if any is missing or check the field names match up. Then you can go through your code and see which part of the post array is hurting you.
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